Periodically I am getting the following exception: Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) I am using version, installing it with nuget in VS2010, OS Win7 64. Once exception starts to appear, it appears constantly - in debug and release [...] read more
I have a dll library with unmanaged C++ API code I need to use in my .NET 4.0 application. But every method I try to load my dll I get an error: > Unable to load DLL 'MyOwn.dll': The specified module could not be found. > (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) [...] read more
i'm trying to debug my program, using emgu and HaarCascade in c#. i'm getting an exception like so : > Unable to load DLL 'cvextern': The specified module could not be found. > (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) i've added the file cvextern.dll to my project and tried both "copy always" [...] read more
In my project, I use SQL CE 3.5 database with entity framework and followed this article but i have this exception : > Unable to load the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to > the ADO.NET provider of version 8080. Install the correct version of SQL > Server [...] read more
We have a thumbnail generator lambda function which I'm trying to update to .NET Core 2.0, but I've encountered the following error when using Microsoft's System.Drawing.Common NuGet package: > TypeInitializationException > > The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. at > System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(Int32 width, > Int32 height, Int32 stride, Int32 [...] read more
I've been using TuesPechkin for some time now and today I went to update the nuget package to the new version 2.0.0+ and noticed that Factory.Create() no longer resolved, so I went to read on the GitHub the changes made and noticed it now expects the path to the dll? [...] read more
I am currently trying to create with Visual Studio a C# application working with SQLite. I installed SQLite for my program with NuGet and three references appeared in the Solution Explorer (System.Data.SQLite, System.Data.SQLite.EF6, System.Data.SQLite.Linq). When I execute my app in VS, everything works fine. However, whenever I publish it (with [...] read more
I am really struggling to get this installed. I have tried the suggestions here in an attempt to rectify any possible corruption. I mounted the disk image to 'G' to do an offline install. I also attempted an online install with similar results. Output as follows: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200] [...] read more
I have a Xamarin Forms solution. I added sqlite-net-pcl as reference to all projects. It works fine on Android but crashes on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1. I have an IOS project but I don't have OSX at the moment to try it. I use this in the Windows [...] read more
I'm trying to use .NET Firebird Provider to connect to the embedded FB 3.0.1 server. As far as I know, (also written here (page 6)), there is no more fbclient.dll\fbembed.dll but a single client fbclient.dll used for remote and embedded access. But when I call the FBConnection.Open() I get a [...] read more
I have a .NET Core 3 app for image classification, using Microsoft's ML.NET framework. On my development machine, I can run the code and it all works fine. However, when I deploy it to my staging server, I get this error at runtime: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the [...] read more
how to load a dll in a c# project error: > Unable to load DLL 'Reader.dll': The specified module could not be found. > (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) code sample: [DllImport("Reader.dll")] public static extern byte OpenReader(ref IntPtr hCom, byte LinkType, string com_port); image: exception screenshot [] read more
I have installed abcPDF version on my local machine and everything works perfectly. but I deploy code to windows server 2008 R2 machine i get this error. any one guide me what could be the issue. I have already explored following articles and this is not working for me. [...] read more
I have a managed dll file which imports functions from a C++ dll to the managed environment. I'm using some of its functions in my program but the problem is, I get this error when I use it: Unable to load DLL 'Libraries\lib.dll': The specified module could not be found. [...] read more
I installed Service Fabric by using the Install the Service Fabric runtime, SDK, and tools for Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 link from Prepare your development environment. Trying to publish a Service Fabric Application fails with: > 2>Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : Argument 'Connect-ServiceFabricCluster' is > not recognized as a cmdlet: Unable to [...] read more
I am try to generate PDF from html sql server database using DinkToPdf library. In the Startup file I have added var context = new CustomAssemblyLoadContext(); context.LoadUnmanagedLibrary(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "libwkhtmltox.dll")); The line gives me error on launching the web app > DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'C:\Program Files\IIS > Express\libwkhtmltox.dll' or one [...] read more
How do I resolve this issue with requests to msmdpump.dll for connections to SQL Server Analysis Services? I am receiving a 500 Error from the IsapiModule. On a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine, with IIS 8.5, I have setup the OLAP data pump (msmdpump.dll), using the following instructions: * [...] read more
I'm trying to install the remote desktop web access role in server 2012, a simple task you might think, however whenever I try to do this, I get this error: add-windowsfeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed. Installation of one or more roles, [...] read more
I'm trying to convert capture a .VHDX as a .WIM file. The file in question is a syspreped Windows 7 generalized image. - I'm working on Windows 8.1 and I have the Windows ADK installed. - In powershell I issue the command. New-WindowsImafe -capturepath e:\ -name Windows7Image -ImagePath d:\wim\windows7.wim -description [...] read more
Using ADK for Windows 8.1, and the DISM cmdlets that come with them. I have WMF 4.0 installed. My machine is Windows 7 x64 SP1, and I'm trying to mount the wim using PS C:\Users\BigHomie> Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\ en-us\winpe.wim' -Path C:\WinPE_x86 -index [...] read more
When I launch Ubuntu, I receive the following error: The WSL optional component is not enabled. Please enable it and try again. See for details. Error: 0x8007007e Press any key to continue... However, when I check features in PowerShell using Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online, I see the following: FeatureName : Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux [...] read more
I am working creating a hololens application using a native code dll based on c ++. The problem comes when I add it in the unity project (plugins / WSA / x86). When generating the UWP solution in Visual Studio I get a failure of DllNotFound. From what I have [...] read more
Getting error when trying to generate PDF from HTML template. I have a different class library for generating PDF and I'm calling that from another controller. > System.DllNotFoundException: 'Unable to load DLL 'libwkhtmltox': The specified > module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)' read more
I had a user control with Sqlite. After Compiled and Added to the Tool Box, by dragging it into a new Form,an Error Message as described Below: "Failed to Create Component 'UserControl1'. The Error Message follows 'System.DllNotFoundException: 'Unable to Load Dll 'Sqlite.Interop.dll' : The Specified Module could not be found. [...] read more
I have installed the latest OpenCVSharp 2 ( with the NuGet manager in my project. Everything concerning OpenCVSharp.CvMat is working OK (loading, manipulation etc) so I am sure the installation is correct. However I cannot use OpenCVSharp.CPlusPlus at all! The problem is that it doesn't load OpenCvSharpExtern.dll. Error shown from [...] read more
I'm using the following command on cmd with Administrator priviliges: ILMerge.exe /wildcards /log:ILMerge.log /allowdup /targetplatform:"v4,C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" /lib:"C:\SDK2016\SDK2016\Bin" /lib:"packages\Microsoft.CrmSdk.Extensions.\lib\net45" /lib:"packages\log4net.2.0.5\lib\net45-full" /keyfile:"Tools\Snk\XXX.snk" /out:"c:\XXXALLMERGED.dll" "c:\proj\alldlls\*.dll" And I'm getting the following error at the end of the log file: An exception occurred during merging: Unable to load DLL 'mscorsn.dll': The specified module could not be [...] read more
I'm trying to write a timer-triggered Azure Function that downloads a bunch of data and processes it into a SQLite database. I've written code that does this and runs fine on my own machine. But, the same code in Azure yields a DllNotFoundException, complaining that the system can't load "e_sqlite3." [...] read more
I see a warning in my Win7 Events Log: The time service has not synchronized the system time for 86400 seconds because none of the time service providers provided a usable time stamp. The message suggests that I run: w32tm /resync When I try to run that command, I get [...] read more
I'm trying to enable Hyper-V on my machine in order to use Docker. I've tried letting Docker enable it, using Windows Features to enable it, and using Powershell (as administrator). My system is running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit and has all of the Hyper-V options enabled (VM Monitor Mode Extensions, [...] read more
I am attempting to connect to a DB2 server (on prem) from a Windows based Docker container. It is currently using the IMB.Data.DB2.Core nuget package (latest). The docker file is just the auto-generated file that Visual Studio 2019 creates with no changes. The project is set to 64-bit and there [...] read more
When I run the website locally using my VS, everything works. I am calling a function inside a dll using P/Invoke. DLL is in C++ and it works. When I deploy the website on IIS, I get the error message Unable to load DLL 'SolvingProbelm.dll': The specified module could not [...] read more
I have been able to run an example version of the scheduling program from GitHub. However, as soon as I run it in Windows forms, I get the following error: > System.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for > 'Google.OrTools.Util.operations_research_utilPINVOKE' threw an exception.' > DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'google-ortools-native': The > [...] read more
Using the tutorial from the developers at Microsoft, I followed the tutorial created at I made sure to install CUDA V10.1.243 and cuDNN 7.6.5 from Nvidia's site. Yet somehow, even after copying the entire contents of C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\bin to my project binary's directory at machinelearning-samples\samples\csharp\end-to-end-apps\ObjectDetection-Onnx\OnnxObjectDetectionApp\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0, I [...] read more
I would like to add to this issue. This was working previously when I was running our old DC Server running an older installation of Windows 2016 Server DC. Once we lost that DC, and then a hard drive failure took out the backup DC, along with the entire Web [...] read more
Okay so I've tried stopping/registering the win32tm service on this Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Computer. C:\Users\Administrator>net stop w32time The Windows Time service is stopping. The Windows Time service was stopped successfully. C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /unregister The following error occurred: Access is denied. (0x80070005) C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /unregister W32Time successfully unregistered. C:\Users\Administrator>w32tm /register W32Time successfully [...] read more
currently I have the following running: Name: Windows(R), ServerStandardEval edition Description: Windows(R) Operating System, TIMEBASED_EVAL channel Product Key Channel: Retail:TB:Eval and bought a Windows Server 2016 Essentials key. However, changing the product key via System fails with: screenshot [] Executing Cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk <***KEY***> returns Error: 0xC004F069 On a computer [...] read more
Trying to uninstall this update as it breaks one of our .net applications but it will not remove. Tried in Installed Updates which fails, also tried removing via DISM which fails with the log below (I had to remove timestamps and a little inconsequential data to make it all fit [...] read more
I'm having trouble configuring the MSQC adapter for BizTalk Server 2006. At the moment I'm getting the following error when setting up a receive location or send port: The adapter "MQSC" raised an error message. Details "The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) A dependency could [...] read more
I am migrating some web apps from a windows 2003 server with IIS6 server to a Windows server 2008 R2 server with IIS7. One of the apps, which runs on v2.0 using forms authentication will not load. It gives me the following error... > The specified module could not [...] read more
I'm trying to install ImageMagick-6.5.9-10-Q16-windows-dll.exe on windows server 2008 x86, the installation went good but in my application I can get it to work. I'm doing exactly the same steps on my local windows 7 machine and it's works fine there. I'm going now to do the last try and [...] read more
I am trying to install RSAT tools on Windows 10 1809 through Features on Demand since that is where they put them now instead of downloading a package installed. (Because why make it easy). I have imported cab file: So when I do /Get-Capabilities it shows I have the [...] read more
There are several posts along this line, but the fixes that answered other questions did not solve my problem. * Windows 10 Pro * Upgraded from W7 Pro, then did a "Reset", as I was having some problems with a screen saver and wanted to get a cleaner install without [...] read more
Right now I my computer crashes with errors like SystemService exception. It does this quite frequently. Especially if I run a GPU intensive application like a game. I've executed a DISM command for RestoreHealth after sfc /scannow revealed corrupted files. However, it seems that the files needed for that are [...] read more
My PC was upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. This was done using formatting the hard disk and then re-installing all software. I used to have a Developers ribbon in which I could disable/enable the COM-addin of Invantive. The Developers in Excel is now missing. Neither can I find [...] read more
I've tried to install Hyper-v platform component on my Windows 8 Pro. I got no message about anything going wrong. Just after "need restart" i got 30% progress done, then sudden restart again and "canceling unsuccessful install" message. No log messages, or rather say i don't know where to look [...] read more
The main project is DotNet Core Web API and ModelView project that is used by the main project. The ModelView project uses a C++ DLL file. When I run the main project in VS and local IIS, it works. When I push the project to Azure Web App or VM, [...] read more
I've looked at other programs such as here but when I tried to reduce the code by deleting username and password, the code didn't have anything of substance. My problem is in a Visual Studio 11 C++ program, I have coded the name of another program such as n49.exe. Outside [...] read more
I have migrated my project to core 3.1 but when I deploy to azure web app its failing to start. Displaying an error > HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies Common solutions > to this issue: The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore.App or > Microsoft.AspNetCore.App was [...] read more
TLDR: How do I run pythonnet in a Microsoft Service Fabric Application? I want to use Keras.Net to run Python-trained ML models in C#, but I have problems doing this in a Service Fabric application. I am running a Service Fabric Local Cluster on my host machine. I have also [...] read more
Description: When attempting to package project for the HoloLens, I am greeted with an error claiming that the packager was unable to generate a PRI (package resource index) and that the Appx manifest could not be found or is invalid. This issue happens when attempting to package the Microsoft/Unreal chess [...] read more
I build and publish my project with oracle client 12.1.0 and deploy it to server which has 11.1.0 client but I got this error. How could I solve this? Please help me ? My Error - > Unable to load DLL 'OraOps12.dll > > The specified module could not be [...] read more
How to fix librfc32.dll cannot be loaded error when calling from Microsoft Access 365? I've tried the common troubleshooting steps found on the net as listed below and need help. Note: This is a 25 year old complex large application and I cannot upgrade to a newer version than SAP [...] read more
i tried to containerize a simple Service Fabric Project into a Service Fabric Container Project. enter image description here [] I used the Create your first Service Fabric container application on Windows manual ( So at the first step i defined my docker image from VotingData service. I just made [...] read more
To start,this is not another blind Emgu CV DLL Issue among the ones asked in SO and around the web.I have researched this issue and cannot find a solution. I have updated the EmguCV version which i use in one of my projects to the latest version(3.4.3).Eveything works fine on [...] read more
I'm calling a Fortran DLL from C# code. All works fines for the code shown below and I well receive the correct return value at my C# side. However, as soon as I uncomment the line open(31, file='output.txt', status='new'), I get the following exception: > System.DllNotFoundException: 'Unable to load DLL [...] read more
My c++ function is given below, # define MyFunction _declspec(dllexport) extern "C" { MyFunction int AddNumbers(int a, int b) { return a + b; } MyFunction int SubtractNumbers(int a, int b) { return a - b; } } Calling c++ function from windows application is given below private void btnNumber_Click(object [...] read more
I'm looking for a way to adjust the brightness of a display, which is connected via HDMI to a Dragonboard 410c with Windows IoT Core installed. I read that DCC/CI can control the brightness over HDMI, tested that already with an OpenSource tool called "Monitorian" on my Windows 10 machine, [...] read more
I am getting this exception DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'e_sqlite3': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E on this line: SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath) So, I have simple CRUD app with local database. Everything work on Debug and Even release build mode with AnyCPU, [...] read more
I'm trying to put a .NET Core 3.1 application listing users in an AD group into a .NET Core Runtime Docker container. Accessing the AD is being done with the help of a DirectorySearcher from the System.DirectoryServices namespace. Out of the box, .NET Core doesn't support this namespace, but by [...] read more
I am trying to use the PS3 Eye camera in C# and get the error "Unable to load DLL 'CLEyeMulticam.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)" when running the sample WinForms application. That DLL file is not located anywhere on my system. There is a [...] read more
My application keeps crashing // domain connection PrincipalContext LDAPDomain = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, LDAP_DOMAIN); // checking existance of user UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(LDAPDomain, username); The error message says DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'activeds.dll' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007E) The code works fine [...] read more
Despite trying several times since last night, the recovery of a volume from an Azure Data Recovery Vault to a new location on the original source computer fails after approximately (but not exactly) the same amount of data transfer (~3.7GB of ~7.5GB). If the recovery is attempted over the previously [...] read more
I am following this tutorial about capturing a Windows 10 IoT Enterprise image. After properly preparing a USB drive, I inserted it into my IoT device. Upon booting, I selected the correct USB drive and I'm currently in my administrative command prompt (X:\windows\system32\cmd.exe). The command dism /capture-image /imagefile:C:\IoTOS.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:"Windows [...] read more
Background: Windows Color System Calibration Loader is used to automatically load Windows color profiles for your display once Windows is loaded. I'm planning to disable this so I can get Nvidia control panel to allow me to properly use Nvidia desktop color settings. Reason for that is so I can [...] read more
I created a TFTP boot server (Tiny PXE Server on Windows Server 2019). I create 3 different boot situation: Legacy mode, EFI 32, EFI 64 When using Legacy mode, I'm able to boot WinPEx32 or WinPEx64 to install Windows x86 or x64. When usgin EFI 32, I'm able to install [...] read more
So, I've been trying a lot of things to get my computer to run a few programs that depend on C++ and the .NET framework. I tried to reinstall the .NET framework, but it failed, with the error message > catastrophic failure (0x8000FFFF) Soon after, I realized that Windows was [...] read more
When I run tasklist, I get this error. >tasklist ERROR: Not found >where tasklist C:\Windows\System32\tasklist.exe >tasklist /? TASKLIST [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] [/M [module] | /SVC | /V] [/FI filter] [/FO format] [/NH] ... >taskkill ERROR: Invalid syntax. Neither /FI nor /PID nor /IM were specified. Type "TASKKILL [...] read more
I recently downloaded a packaged application, accidentally installing a dozen unwanted programs. They are literally causing pop ups to randomly happen and it seems that over half of the unwanted programs are actually downloading and installing their own software packages without even asking me. These are eating up my CPU, [...] read more
I'm trying to update to Windows 10 on my 15-f014wm laptop. I'm using the "Windows10Upgrader9194.exe" (which updated itself, so the presumably version number at the end may be wrong) thing to update, but after trying to update, it restarts, shows me a window saying that Windows 10 couldn't be installed, [...] read more
rem These commands copy the selected image file to rem predefined hard disk partitions on a UEFI-based computer. rem Usage: ApplyImage WimFileName rem Example: ApplyImage E:\Images\ThinImage.wim rem === Copy the image to the recovery image partition ======================= copy %1 F:\sources\install.wim rem === Apply the image to the Windows partition ============================= [...] read more
-=-=-=-= Latest update In my catch block, I brought up the exception variable in Quick Watch, and drilling down the inner exceptions showed me this error: Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.x86.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) Problem is, in my bin\debug directory, that file [...] read more
I added Nuget packages System.Data.SQLite and Linq2DB.SQLite to my project and I can compile and run a simple console application executing some test sql on a sqlite3 db file without any problems. However, when I try to use the T4 template to generate the .cs code for my tables, I [...] read more
We are trying to copy data from on-premise SQL Server to Azure Blob storage. But we are facing below error : > Activity Copy_741 failed: Failure happened on 'Sink' side. > ErrorCode=UserErrorJreNotFound,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Java > Runtime Environment could not be > found.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common,''Type=System.DllNotFoundException,Message=Unable > to load DLL 'jvm.dll': The specified module could not [...] read more
My system is win10(update today) I have installed VS on my computer in the past, but I plan to reinstall it this year but it cannot be installed. I downloaded the installer and it crashed after opening it. templog in dd_vs_BuildTools_decompression_log: [5/4/2021, 2:38:29] === Logging started: 2021/05/04 02:38:29 === [5/4/2021, [...] read more
First time when I installed MS SQL server one of the frameworks was missing that is why after installing that framework I want to uninstall MS SQL server so I can install it properly this time but it is giving me this message continuously . PLEASE HELP ME IN FIXING [...] read more
I have a .Net Framework "4.6.2" web application and I have created ml model and want to use it in the web app, but when I try to load the model like this: ITransformer mlModel = mlContext.Model.Load(_modelPath, out var modelInputSchema); I get the following error: > DllNotFoundException: Unable to load [...] read more
I'm trying to run my project in a Windows Container in Docker but I kept having this kind of error when loading the necessary dll for DinkToPDF: > System.DllNotFoundException: 'Unable to load DLL 'C:\app\libwkhtmltox' or one > of its dependencies: The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007E)' Already tried [...] read more
I want to display thumbnails of the uploaded pdf files on my website(ASP.NET). So far I have done following things. 1. From this link i got the idea to use ghostscript How to generate thumbnail for some pages of a PDF file? > You could probably use one of the [...] read more
I installed ZKtecoFingerprint SDK and I'm trying to run the demo of this SDK but I got this exception! System.DllNotFoundException: 'Unable to load DLL 'libzkfp.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)' Exception References How can I use the Zketco demo application?? Code : private void [...] read more
I'm french and not very easy to write in english so i apologize for this. I need to use emguCV for my projet but i have many problem. I have 2 PC, one is a windows 7 professional 64 bits and other is a windows 10 x64. On the first [...] read more
I try to use the slp-sharp.dll and have the following code: var slp = new SlpClient(String.Empty); Console.WriteLine("SLP Opened"); slp.Find("inbtest:inb.http", new string[0], delegate (string url, UInt16 lifetime) { // found a service Console.WriteLine("found {0}, lifetime = {1}", url, lifetime); }); Console.WriteLine("SLP Closed"); I always get an exception in the following line: [...] read more
I am developing a .net5.0 web api and i am getting the following error while using DinkToPdf: > DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'libwkhtmltox' or one of its > dependencies: The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007E) I have followed this tutorial, with a few exceptions: * added the [...] read more
I have a fresh new Windows Server 2012r2 box. I have a tiny console .NET app that includes the native Oracle client dlls and tries to connect to an Oracle db and just execute a simple query. I have 4 other servers that can complete this test. This new machine [...] read more
I'm on Win10+PS 7.1. I used the PSSQLITE module v1.1.0 for one or two months, it worked perfectly. I used it even yesterday. But today it suddenly didn't work. $db = Get-DefaultSourceDB $sql = "select * from users" $result = Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $db -Query $sql Line | 429 | … [...] read more
I am trying to run this example with VS2019 on GPU (with CPU it works) with NVidia RTX 3060 with these packages And I get this error Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'MxNet.Operator' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'libmxnet': The [...] read more
On a specific installation I get the following exception on DbContext.SaveChanges. What I don't understand is why this dll is used, as we're not using MSSQL EF, but a different provider (Sybase EF). > The type initializer for 'ExtentPlaceholderCreator' threw an exception. > System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for > 'ExtentPlaceholderCreator' [...] read more
I can work with a dotnet-DLL with python2.7 and python3.7/64Bit and 32Bit. But I stuck with python3.9. pip3 install dotnet results in ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dotnet ERROR: No matching distribution found for dotnet I downloaded a .whl from but: ERROR: dotnet-1.3.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl is [...] read more
I am working on a project to make a client program to connect CNC FANUC machine with a personal computer and collect several data using FOCAS library. After downloading FOCAS library with several dll files and a focas library C# file, I tried to create a program to get the [...] read more
This question relates to Stackoverflow Question: Unable to load DLL (Module could not be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E) But I am not good enough to post comments there! In VS2017, I have this VB.NET code which successfully calls a C DLL: ' MY_DLL: the simple [no path] DLL name ' *_STR: [...] read more
I put a question as an answer to this post : How to install numpy and scipy for Ironpython27? Old method doesn't work in order to centralize all thing related, but I get reminded it wasn't the good way to do it, and I needed to start a new "ask [...] read more
I'm trying to run a SELECT query from my sql server through an Azure Function App so I can later work on the data pulled from it. I'm fairly new to Azure so I might be missing something. My Runtime version is ~3. It's a C# HTTP Trigger Function. My [...] read more
> Requirement: Load a C# DLL(which uses Emgu.CV.World.dll for image comparison) > into python project and call function inside DLL with some parameters. I tried to export a DLL usig Emgu.CV.World.dll for image comparison. While compiling for "Any CPU" target, the DLL export was not working. After changed to x86 [...] read more
I have an ASP.NET application that uses Emgu.CV for image processing. All worked fine until today morning... Till then I am getting the error > {"Unable to load DLL 'opencv_core249': Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht > gefunden. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"} That means something like "Couldn't find the specified module" [...] read more
I am trying to add Gmaps to my dotnet framework application. I am following this tutorial, and yet I always get the following error: > Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll': The specified module could not be > found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) My code is as follows: MapControl.cs using GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation; [...] read more
LocalServers - new functionality - the on prem. development on the fully armored dev. machine works as expected. But when I xcopy the folder with MDrServer and MDrTurnkey folders to the clean server 2019 core (no GUI) and run AppCompleteGenericCore.exe under non-admin user the Kestrel starts but curl to the [...] read more
I get this onnx from Python but I received error in context.Transforms.ApplyOnnxModel() - "Unable to load DLL 'onnxruntime' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007E) where is a problem? What should I change? enter image description here [] error 'context.Transforms.ApplyOnnxModel(modelPath)' threw an exception of [...] read more
Could someone help in regards to the error below? How should I determine the module missing or how to resolve the issue with the message below. Any hints for what should I look first at? enter image description here [] System.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for 'MW5.Api.Static.MapConfig' threw an exception.' FileNotFoundException: [...] read more
I have a .NET core application that uses the library of PortSip. So far everything worked fine both locally in my Windows 10 laptop and in an EC2 AWS instance with Windows Server 2019 installed, and now I would like to make this work in a Docker container. So I [...] read more
I'm trying to write a program that changes and prints an existing label "label.lbx" from a p-Touch Brother printer. But my program stops at: bpac.Document doc = new bpac.Document(); The error message: **System.IO.FileNotFoundException:** "The COM class directory for the component with CLSID {B940C105-7F01-46FE-BF41-E040B9BDA83D} could not be retrieved due to the [...] read more
Trying to run this Azure Function in Azure portal but fails with above title error: using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Data.SqlClient; public static string Run(HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { string name="dbconn"; string conStr = [...] read more
I need to compress a data folder in SSIS. For that, I use a Script task which runs this script : public void Main() { // TODO: Add your code here try { string zipPath = (string)Dts.Variables["User::sFolderCompressed"].Value; string startPath = (string)Dts.Variables["User::sFolderSource"].Value; ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(startPath, zipPath); } catch (Exception objException) { Dts.TaskResult = [...] read more
Error #1: Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E). What is causing this problem? And how to fix this issue please let me know the details. We are trying to use the SQLite database in C# Application, to develop a C# [...] read more
I created a code in c++ to do some calculations with PCL and CGAL. I now wanted to add a UI. To do this I plan on creating a UI in a C# .Netframework app which will then call my C++ DLL, by following this tutorial ( Most parts of [...] read more
We have a couple of CI/CD pipelines in which we create images from Windows VMS (Server 2016 DC). These images are then used to deploy new vms in azure. Before creating the image, we run sysprep.exe in /quiet mode to generalize the machine. This has worked for a very long [...] read more
I am working on a Windows 7 64 bit computer with VS 2019 ver 16.7.5 and Net.Framwork ver 4.8.03761 I am getting this error System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_config_none(SQLiteConfigOpsEnum op) at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.StaticIsInitialized() at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLog.Initialize(String className) at [...] read more
I run into an issue calling a c++ function from a c# program. It works fine until I add the line "pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII("test_pcd.pcd", cloud);". Then I get the error: Exception thrown: 'System.DllNotFoundException' in MIxed_Mode_Calling_App.exe An unhandled exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in MIxed_Mode_Calling_App.exe Unable to load DLL 'C:\Users\d\Box\Daniel\RE\Surface Project\PCL_Project\MixedMode\build\Debug\MixedMode.dll': The specified [...] read more
I can run an azure function app with libvips library from localhost for this function app - manipulation for images output correctly. I setup my local environment by saving libvips win64 in a folder in my windows 10 PC, added libvips bin folder to environment PATH and in Visual studio [...] read more
I'm developing a dotnet core 3.1 console app using C# on windows which should generate a dll to be used on a Ubuntu machine. From a third-party I've got 3 DLLs (ext.dll, ext64.dll, extNet.dll) which are needed for communicating with another device in the same network. To program the app [...] read more
I have installed and used Simba odbc drivers to connect to dat bricks from .Net core API . If I use IIS express I'm getting the response . But If I use the Docker container I'm getting the following exception. Can any one help me? System.DllNotFoundException: 'Unable to load DLL [...] read more
I am trying to create a library of fftool so that the uwp app doesn't have to launch a process to run FFmpeg exe out of the environment and yet able to run all command of fftool. so, for that first, I created a static lib compiling fftool c code [...] read more
I am trying to integrate CLIPS with C#,I have tried adding a reference to CLIPSNet.dll in my project.But when I copy the CLIPSLib.dll to the bin folder and try to bulid the solution I get this error message, Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'CLIPSLib' or one of its [...] read more
I am creating a desktop application by using c# and sqlite. Now the problem is that when I publish and install that project on someone else's computer, I get this error. The application runs in the client's computer but the database does not load. I'm new to c # ,I [...] read more
I have an unmanaged library that i am loading from C# and i have recently recompiled it after cleaning some debug code. After i tried to run the C# code, however i got this error: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'mylib.dll' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could [...] read more
I am trying to integrate CLIPS with C#,I have tried adding a reference to CLIPSNet.dll in my project.But when I copy the CLIPSLib.dll to the bin folder and try to bulid the solution I get this error message, Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'CLIPSLib' or one of its [...] read more
(First things first, I'm kind of new on this type of programming) I'm trying to make a windows form application where i request data from a PLC so it can be stored in a access database. This application is going to be running on a different computer. On the solution [...] read more
I've compiled openssl source before in 32 bit and used it in my c++ project. But for reasons, I want to make my program 64 bit and get error when referencing my created dll when program start. My c++ program A.dll uses openssl library. Before used it in x86 without [...] read more
We are creating appxbundle on VSTS for UWP apps. The builds are successful, however at runtime we are getting exception while accessing the following method: public static Task<DeviceManagementClient> CreateAsync(IDeviceTwin deviceTwin, IDeviceManagementRequestHandler hostAppHandler); Exception: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.GetWinRTFactoryObject(IntPtr pCPCMD) at SystemConfiguratorProxyClient.SCProxyClient..ctor() at [...] read more
We have core application running inside a Docker container hosted on Service Fabric cluster. We are getting below error while creating actor which is hosted in the same cluster from core application. Unable to load DLL 'FabricCommon.dll' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could not be [...] read more
I am trying do this in custom action wix: string sqlConnectionString = @"Server=MyInstanceName;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"; string script = "..."; Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString); Server server = new Server(new ServerConnection(conn)); server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteNonQuery(script); It work in console app but when I run msi it throw: > Failed to connect to server MyInstanceName. Could not [...] read more
Following the instruction of CreateVirtualSmartCardWithPinPolicy (Opnum 5) I tried to create smartcard with method CreateVirtualSmartCardWithPinPolicy via interface ITpmVirtualSmartCardManager2 and getting an error at TPMVSCMGR_ERROR_GENERATE_FILESYSTEM. Here is the callback statuses that i received: TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_VTPMSMARTCARD_INITIALIZING, TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_VTPMSMARTCARD_CREATING, TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_VGIDSSIMULATOR_INITIALIZING, TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_VGIDSSIMULATOR_CREATING, TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_VREADER_INITIALIZING, TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_VREADER_CREATING, TPMVSCMGR_STATUS_GENERATE_WAITING, TPMVSCMGR_ERROR_GENERATE_FILESYSTEM => error from here. Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module [...] read more
I have a UWP c# app which calls a native C++ DLL named DLL2.dll and DLL2.dll calls another native C++ DLL named DLL1.dll. I put these two dll into a folder named library and the UWP project included this folder, selecting "copy always" in "Copy to output directory" and "content" [...] read more
I'm trying to connect with Visual Studio 2019 and C# to Oracle without OracleClient. I downloaded the ODAC xcopy 32 bit and copied to the debug folder. After that, I referenced the Oracle.DataAccess.dll. When I tried to run the Application at another PC, I got following error: > System.DllNotFoundException: DLL [...] read more
I am developing Windows biometric Driver using using windows biometric framework. My driver is successfully installed,But when i checked in Event viewer i found below error: "Windows biometric Service failed to configure a biometric unit for sensor : (My Device info) "The operation failed with error : 0x8007007E" If someone [...] read more
I have an issue I struggle with since days. I nearly tried everything i am able to try but had no success. Not to hide, I am not an C# expert but I use to learn. I use TidyHTML in a project to correct some corrupt html from an editor. [...] read more
I'm trying to use Magick.NET library to do image processing on Azure Functions. I have tried the same code in a Console App (.NET Core 3.1) which works without any issues. However when running the same code in an Azure Functions Project, I get the following error. Code: var image [...] read more
Hi i am creating a EXE that will access Quickbook database network folder and read data. For he same i am using QBXMLRP2Lib; XmlDocument inputXMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null)); inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateProcessingInstruction("qbxml", "version=\"13.0\"")); XmlElement qbXML = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXML"); inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(qbXML); XmlElement qbXMLMsgsRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXMLMsgsRq"); qbXML.AppendChild(qbXMLMsgsRq); qbXMLMsgsRq.SetAttribute("onError", "stopOnError"); XmlElement custAddRq = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("SalesOrderQueryRq"); qbXMLMsgsRq.AppendChild(custAddRq); [...] read more
I want to use a C++ dll IN a c# code example (using the c++ dll): class Program { [DllImport(@"netcoreapp3.1\savedecrypter.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern string decryptSave(string o); static void Main(string[] args) { string ja = "dhsabdasji"; string show = decryptSave(ja); Console.WriteLine(show); Console.ReadLine(); } } **and this is the [...] read more
I am getting error while debugging the Unit test cased in Visual Studio 2017 Professional edition. > Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.WITDataStore32.dll':The specified module could > not be found.(Exception from HRESULT:0x8007007E) The below Nuget reference is missing in the existing code: > package > id="nuget-bot.Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.DataStoreLoader" > version="15.0.31101" targetFramework="net452" /> As [...] read more