I can run an azure function app with libvips library from localhost for this function app - manipulation for images output correctly. I setup my local environment by saving libvips win64 in a folder in my windows 10 PC, added libvips bin folder to environment PATH and in Visual studio I installed nuget NetVips, NetVips.Native.win-64.
This is the method I run :
var rgbThumbnail = NetVips.Image.ThumbnailBuffer(thisRGBImgBytes, 256);
I'm trying to run the .Net Core 3.1 V3 function app from azure. When I run from cloud I get "Error:Unable to load DLL \ 'libvips-42.dll\ ' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found . (0x8007007E)"
I had expected for the nuget packages in VS to suffice when uploading to the function app in azure. I've looked on the internet how to install libvips in Azure but I can't find any reference. Can someone please help?
thank you
Had similar problems. Libvips is using more then one dll.
Download from https://libvips.github.io/libvips/
Add all dll's then remove one by one. Or directly identify the missing dll.
In Visual Studio, right-click your Azure Functions project, then click on Manage NuGet Packages, and install the following packages:
That should solve the issue related to missing DLLs.
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