I want to get into PAPI. I have Version on Debian GNU/Linux. papi_avail just tells me that no hardware events are available: $ papi_avail Available events and hardware information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPI Version : Vendor string and code : GenuineIntel (1) Model string and code : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5010U [...] read more
Windows With Raku/Perl6, how do I use NativeCall to read the value of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ "EnableLUA"] with RegQueryValueExW? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winreg/nf-winreg-regqueryvalueexw Many thanks, -T edit 12-27-2019 #1: removing bad code and inserting new code This is how far I have gotten. Test run string: K:\Windows\NtUtil>perl6 -I. -e "use WinMount :GetLUA; say GetLUA();" RegOpenKeyExW [...] read more
When I execute gradlew appengineRun, I consistently get: Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster) Mar 26, 2018 5:47:48 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. 2018-03-26 17:47:51.665:INFO::main: Logging initialized @3872ms 2018-03-26 17:47:53.727:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.3.18.v20170406 2018-03-26 [...] read more
I am trying to get MIDI audio to play, but when ever I do this it keeps returning the error ` May 18, 2014 10:23:29 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. I have gone into regedit [...] read more
I am trying to split my audio recording with android mediarecorder into multiple files, but whenever I set the next output file, I got an illegalstate exception. Here's the code: private void getMediaRecorderReady(String filePath, FileDescriptor nextFile) { bufferSize = 88200; recorder = new MediaRecorder(); recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); recorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.AAC_ADTS); recorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AAC); recorder.setAudioEncodingBitRate(64000); recorder.setAudioSamplingRate(44100); recorder.setAudioChannels(1); [...] read more
In Windows X86, the CPU brand can be queried with cpuid intrinsic function. Here is a sample of the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <intrin.h> int main(void) { int cpubrand[4 * 3]; __cpuid(&cpubrand[0], 0x80000002); __cpuid(&cpubrand[4], 0x80000003); __cpuid(&cpubrand[8], 0x80000004); char str[48]; memset(str, 0, sizeof str); memcpy(str, cpubrand, sizeof cpubrand); printf("%s\n", str); } [...] read more
I am printing some information about CPU in my OS using CPUID instruction. Reading and printing vendor string(GenuineIntel) works well, but reading brand string gives me little strange string. ok cpu-info <= Run command CPU Vendor name: GenuineIntel <= Vendor string is good CPU Brand: D: l(R) Core(TMD: CPU MD: [...] read more
Im trying to run some WMI queries using JACOB, and so far i've been successfull in getting the services and processes however i need to query the registry to see if a certain key is there i've stummbled across this link but i dont understand how to implement it in [...] read more
Basically I've followed the instructions here http://sig9.com/bochs-grub to create a bare image file which does nothing but lets the BIOS start GRUB. The problems are: * The kernel I am writing will be 32-bit, using http://www.jamesmolloy.co.uk/tutorial_html/index.html for a start, but my host (physical) machine is x86_64 with bochs configured like [...] read more
I've been trying to get started using GWT however I didn't want to switch over to Eclipse from my students IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate License, which is the IDE used in the gwtproject.org tutorial. In this tutorial they first want you to create a Sample Web App using webAppCreator, which I [...] read more
I just installed codenameone on my eclipse IDE and I get this error whenever I launch the simulator. Version:Eclipse Oxygen Release (4.7.3) Build: 20180308-1800 . WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. java.io.IOException: /theme.res not found at com.codename1.ui.util.Resources.open(Resources.java:740) at com.codename1.ui.util.Resources.openLayered(Resources.java:704) [...] read more
I am following brokenthorn OS development series, until now I am able sucessfully run bootloader stage1 but there is some issue with loading second stage bootloader from FAT12 floppy in bochs emulator on linux machine(ubuntu 16.04) (It works fine in virtual box though). Here is my stage1 boot loader: bits [...] read more
Here is the WinRegistry class I am using to readStringValues for a Key and am getting NullPointerException: public class WinRegistry { public static final int HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001; public static final int HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002; public static final int REG_SUCCESS = 0; public static final int REG_NOTFOUND = 2; public [...] read more
While compiling vaadin widgetset on my eclipse, i get this error. i see some posts that say we can change heap space size in vaadin plugin but there is no settings like this on my eclipse. (My plugin settings)(Related Post) while compiling widgetset, vaadin plugin runs a command and it [...] read more
I'm trying to get information about the programs installed on remote devices. At the moment, I found a way to output all installed programs. Is there a way to get the version and date of installation? List<string> programs = new List<string>(); ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions(); connectionOptions.Username = "USERNAME"; connectionOptions.Password [...] read more
I am using maven 3.5.2 and the following configuration of findbugs maven plugin: <!-- Findbugs checks --> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${findbugs.maven.version}</version> <configuration> <effort>Max</effort> <excludeFilterFile>findbugs-filter.xml</excludeFilterFile> </configuration> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>check</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> Where findbugs-filter.xml contains: <FindBugsFilter> <Match> <Bug code="" category="EXPERIMENTAL" /> </Match> </FindBugsFilter> and I am getting the following [...] read more
I am relatively new to vaadin and started out with a spring boot application and the vaadin spring boot plugin. Everything worked fine until I got to the point where I tried to create my own components/widgets. Unfortunately I didn't find any "official" example/documentation how to set up custom components [...] read more
I am trying to deploy my project to Google appengine. I get error message as shown below. Project name: u3eproject Project ID : uthreee3 Here is my Appengine-web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <appengine-web-app xmlns="http://appengine.google.com/ns/1.0"> <application>uthreee3</application> <version>1</version> <!-- Allows App Engine to send multiple requests to one instance in parallel: --> <threadsafe>true</threadsafe> [...] read more
I did exactly as described in this document to connect android app with firebase and app engine, till the connection of app module with the firebase everything is okay but the servlet part connection with firebase is not working and after calling the servlet from the browser I am getting [...] read more
I have been following this Udacity tutorial on how to deploy to Appspot from Eclipse EE. https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud859/lessons/1215898636/concepts/14551185740923# here are the instructions written out... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EO3pQ53DQP3SW4LCnOLiUtgAKCWbqXVprBWj0TOlRUM/pub I believe I have followed it to the letter, but when I try to update the application it insists that the project does not exist and [...] read more
I have been building a backend for my Android App using GAE and I am using Endpoints API. I have been able to deploy the backend successfully until now on the dev server. Today, out of the blue I am getting this exception while deploying the backend. I haven't changed [...] read more
I am using the following code that I have put together reading other questions here: ConnectionOptions oConn = new ConnectionOptions(); System.Management.ManagementScope scope = new System.Management.ManagementScope(@"\\" + "compname" + @"\root\cimv2", oConn); scope.Connect(); MessageBox.Show(""); ManagementClass registry = new ManagementClass(scope, new ManagementPath("StdRegProv"), null); ManagementBaseObject inParams = registry.GetMethodParameters("GetStringValue"); inParams["hDefKey"] = 0x80000002;// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; inParams["sSubKeyName"] = [...] read more
I am running the JMeter script through cmd[non-gui mode] but unfortunately, I am unable to run the same. can you please help me ? D:\Jmeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1\bin>jmeter -n -t Regular_Expression_Practice.jmx Nov 13, 2019 5:19:42 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error [...] read more
I have to work on an app. This app uses regedit to save preferences. This application must read a file and if it does not exist must write it to the Regedit. Everything has already worked, it is an already existing project. I'm just getting back to work to do [...] read more
I'm getting physical and virtual address bits size with C by using CPUID command in windows. I can get the processor information this way, but I'm confused by getting the address bits. Looks like I should you the 80000008 instruction but I do this way, only 7-8 digits change continuously [...] read more
I'm building a small operating system and was using Qemu before which was working properly. Now I'm stuck on a Windows 10 machine and Qemu doesn't work well with GDB on this machine. I thought I'd try Bochs or Virtual box instead. The problem is that with both of these [...] read more
When trying to retrieve the value of a registry key from a remote machine for a key that has spaces using WMI in C# (Reason for using WMI: Authentication and Impersonation needed), the GetStringValue returns null but when the key doesn't have spaces, it works perfectly. Using either the @ [...] read more
I'm working on a Maven TestNG Selenium Java project and trying to run my tests by calling my testng.xml from my pom.xml. the project itself works correctly in the non-maven version of it, but when I run it trough the pom.xml file, it just runs all tests in parallel, opens [...] read more
AFAIK if I use WebServlet annotation I should not need web.xml. I'm trying Google App Engine Standard local server with gradle but it fails trying to find web.xml. > C:\Projects\x\x\Research\testeng>gradle appengineRun > Mar 28, 2018 1:17:18 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences > WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root > [...] read more
I'm trying to run a program that looks for Java preferences in Windows 10 using JDK 10.0.2. If it finds them under the system node, it tries to copy them to the user's own node and then the user can change them to their liking. I'm not having any luck [...] read more
I have recently picked up a former employee's unfinished java appengine project. I have been trying to launch the app since this morning but i don't seem to be able to figure out what the problem is. I'm using java 8. I did an mvn clean package through terminal and [...] read more
I have been routinely running a python script using Windows PowerShell. I have recently made changes to the code and now it doesn't seem to work. To elaborate, there is an issue with the variable 'root_dir_path' being passed from powershell to python. In powershell I run the following which should [...] read more
we are just starting with selenide frontend tests. I wrote tests for our first workflow using the defaults and everything works just fine (in Chrome). Now i would like to run the test in the 3 major browser: IE, chrome and firefox. Again, everything works fine for chrome and firefox. [...] read more
I am facing this error when I run the appengineStart task. print of the error The error says: “com.google.cloud.tools.appengine.cloudsdk.internal.process.ProcessRunnerException: Process exited before success message” I searched on Google, but wasn’t able to find a solution. Here is the full error log: 10:33:08: Executing task 'appengineStart'... Executing tasks: [appengineStart] Configuration on [...] read more
I read the book CS:APP(Third Edition) and in Section 3.6.1 Condition Code. It says: > CF: Carry flag. The most recent operation generated a carry out of the most > significant bit. Used to detect overflow for unsigned operations. > > OF: Overflow flag. The most recent operation caused a [...] read more
While trying to open a file on Samba from a Win32 application running on Windows Server the function CreateFiles returns an invalid handle and the error code is 0x522 (ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD) is there a way to inquiry the system on which provilege is missing for that particular file? I've enabled some [...] read more
I am a beginner in Java and I am trying to run a GWT app, which was not written by me, but I know the code should be working. When starting development server with gwt:run, everything seems to work but there is no DB connection and I am getting JDBC [...] read more
In the JMeter GUI it is easy to add a listener such as 'View Results Tree' or 'View Results in Table' and add a file name enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/l04RF.png] I have a method that creates and runs a test plan that looks like this //JMeter Engine StandardJMeterEngine jmeter [...] read more
I've added component in onTop side menu with a button which is lead component of the container. But clicking either button or other component has no effect. How can I make it work? Moreover I've gone through a blog for south component in onTop side menu. I've updated the cn1 [...] read more
I am trying to migrate to JDO 3.0 in a cloud endpoint Framework 2.0 and Guice environment. I am using the datanucleus Eclipse plugin. I checked the following documentation: Using JDO 3.0 with App Engine There is only a Ant or Maven docu. In my Gradle env, when starting the [...] read more
I am currently migrating GWT to higher version (from 2.6.1 to 2.7). My app is a mutlimodule maven build on top of stack like: hibernate, spring, gwt. I've done already a lot of stuff to make it work. Now I struggle with asm library, base on error: [INFO] [ERROR] Unexpected [...] read more
I'm working with windows CE on VS 2008 coding with C# on a windows form application. When I try to send my parameters to the electronic device through my serial connection suddenly it appears a strange popup on my windows CE device with: > exception code: 0x80000002 address code: 0x40caff30 [...] read more
I try looking online for solution, but couldn't find one. It my first time using codenameone , why does import java.util.Scanner doesn't work with codenameone project in eclipse? I know the JAVA_HOME path is good and everything is updated. WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. [...] read more
When i try to compile GWT i receive an error that com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.util.impl.DOMUtilImpl cannot be abstract. How to solve this error? I am using GWT 2.6. Nov 24, 2014 3:29:42 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. Compiling [...] read more
1st I have created a dynamic web application which has pom.xml, rest, soap, hibernate, servlets and a html file. Now I am trying to deploy it to a Google App Engine (GAE). What I have done so far is that I created a new Google > Web Application Project. Then [...] read more
I'm trying to set up PIT for Guava (http://pitest.org/) to do mutation adequecy testing, but I am getting the following error when trying to run it. This is the error that I get : 12:19:47 PM PIT >> INFO : Sending 32 test classes to minion 12:19:47 PM PIT >> [...] read more
PC Specs: * Ryzen 5 5600x * 16gb Trident Z Neo @ 3600mhz * B550 Aorus Pro AC Wireless (Bios Version 13h) * EVGA - SUPER XC ULTRA GAMING NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super 8GB GDDR6 * 700w EVGA PSU I've been trying to get DX12 games to run for [...] read more
basic network [https://i.stack.imgur.com/ibFOc.gif] I receive a default route via iBGP from R1. On both R2 and R3 I have default-information originate configured. On R4 I only see one default route in the OSPF database; either to R2 or R3. When I shutdown one of the links from R2 / R3 [...] read more
I have a Windows 2008 R2 server managing XP SP3 and Windows 7 SP1 clients. There are no issues with the Windows 7 clients. However, on the Windows XP clients, I get errors for power options, scheduled tasks, and shortcuts policies in the "Computer configuration" section of group policy. The [...] read more
Note: This question was originally titled "How can I reset the path of FFMPEG in Java?" but, as it has been pointed out in the comments and the answer, the issue is not with Java, so I've changed the title to make it easier to find for others with the [...] read more
I am trying to use the RegGetValueA() from the Windows API , but so far I've been unable to get any results from it. At best, I get a "file not found" error, and at worst it crashes hard without any error messages at all. Below is the current code [...] read more
The various Windows API for searching the network such as WNetEnumResource is dog slow and unreliable. With IPv4 the suggestion is you can loop through the subnet and send an ARP or PING request to find live systems (without firewall blocking) and from there query them for Windows specific resources. [...] read more
I'm making a Xj3D test file in java and I have a file that works with one X3D and X3DV file called test.x3d and test.x3dv which is the same file just in two different formats and it's a red square. However, when I try and put my own X3D files [...] read more
I have an issue with starting my project after the upgrade of IDEA. Current error is the following: CONFIGURE SUCCESSFUL in 2s |Running application... > Task :compileJava NO-SOURCE startup failed: General error during semantic analysis: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding.PasswordEncoder at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.convertUncaughtExceptionToCompilationError(CompilationUnit.java:1118) at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToPrimaryClassNodes(CompilationUnit.java:1098) at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(CompilationUnit.java:645) 1 error FAILURE: Build [...] read more
I tried to set input file path as below. But getting error as "WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.". Can some one help me. This is how I've configured: cd D:\Automation\Jmeter_Param\apache-jmeter-4.0\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\ set my_dataset=D:\Automation\Jmeter_Param\apache-jmeter-4.0\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\Deactivate.csv set my_txnset=D:\Automation\Jmeter_Param\apache-jmeter-4.0\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\Deactivate\credentials_prod.csv jmeter -n -t D:\Automation\Jmeter_Param\apache-jmeter-4.0\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\Deactivate\Deactivate.jmx [...] read more
Google is failing me. I need a list of the values that go with these predefined keys: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sysinfo/predefined-keys I got this one: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => 0x80000002; But don't know the rest :'( -T read more
I develop web app via IntelliJ Idea. Web App base on Google App Engine, Ktor, Kotlin. App starts, but when I go to localhost:8080, then get: > This localhost page can’t be found > No webpage was found for the web address: http://localhost:8080/ > HTTP ERROR 404 In console not [...] read more
I'm trying to run PAPI on an Odroid-XU4, I've installed PAPI and when I run papi_avail -a I can see 16 events available. I've set perf_event_paranoidto -1. When I try to call PAPI using C, it always says: > Event doesn't exist even though I know the hardware has 16 [...] read more
i need a Java class to submit tickets to BMC Remedy's but i was getting error could anyone please help me how to resolve that error. Find the below code: public class RemedyCreateTicket { public static void main(String args[]) { ARServerUser arsServer = new ARServerUser(); Entry args1 = new Entry(); [...] read more
I have a python script that I'm trying to convert from python 2.7 to python 3.7. The script includes windows API to read the system registry. In python 2.7 it works correctly. In python 3.7 it does not return the correct result. I try to run the script python 3 [...] read more
I'm using an enum class in my GWT class.I'm using enum.values() in order to iterate through the enum class. this throws error during complilation. the GXT version i'm using is 2.2.5. gwt-dev jar version is 2.4.0 Tried using EnumSet.allOf(DaysOfWeekEnum.class) still getting same error This article -> https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues/7065 says that it [...] read more
I'm using the example from https://www.vogella.com/tutorials/JavaPreferences/article.html with the following code: import java.util.prefs.Preferences; public class PreferenceTest { private Preferences prefs; public void setPreference() { // This will define a node in which the preferences can be stored prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(this.getClass().getName()); String ID1 = "Test1"; String ID2 = "Test2"; String ID3 = [...] read more
I am trying to compile my libgdx project with the gwt plugin inside of eclipse. The compiler gives the following message: Apr 11, 2019 10:42:09 AM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. Public resources found in... Unexpected [...] read more
I am using below code and for SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Bluetooth\\Metrics and Version I'm NOT getting data. What's the reason? enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/pRA9s.png] ConnectionOptions oConn = new ConnectionOptions(); ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\.\\root\\default", oConn); scope.Connect(); ManagementClass registry = new ManagementClass(scope, new ManagementPath("StdRegProv"), null); ManagementBaseObject inParams = registry.GetMethodParameters("GetStringValue"); inParams["sSubKeyName"] = "SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Bluetooth\\Metrics"; inParams["hDefKey"] [...] read more
I started to get error, ServiceConfigException, after I've tried to add Api Management to my project just as explained here. Commenting out ServiceManagementConfigFilter lines from web.xml lines as told here solves my problem but leaves my project without API support. I'd love to get some help. Thanks in advance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] read more
I'm using selenium with the chromedriver (gotten via webdrivermanager in maven), the cli arguments I pass via ChromeOptions aren't applied when on windows. However on MacOS it works fine, and on linux it partly works (as in it loads, but some debugs show) whilst on windows everything shows. I've tried [...] read more
I have a question regarding PAPI (Performance Application Programming Interface). I downloaded and installed PAPI library. Still not sure how to use it correctly and what additional things I need, to make it work. I am trying to use it in C. I have this simple program: int retval; retval [...] read more
I am following the instruction on https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud859/lessons/1215898636/concepts/14522086170923 Since I am in learning phase now and already google for solution but nothing worked . appengine:devserver work fine But it shows error message when I run appengine:update . [INFO] Scanning for projects... [WARNING] The project com.example.helloendpoints:helloendpoints:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended [...] read more
I am generating JMeter HTML report through command prompt. I want to save the report with Timestamp, so that in future i can compare these reports. Without clearing the report folder if i am trying to execute i am getting below error message, WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node [...] read more
Home activity fail to launch in device after successful login and app would crash. I am able to launch other activities perfectly well. So I believe the problem here lies with my Home activity (and all other activities that contains BottomNavigation). Can someone point out my mistake? Thanks! Home.java public [...] read more
I followed this C# example and am able to query some registry values, but not all of them: How to obtain a registry value from a remote machine if I don't know its type? (C#) I can reliably get registry keys such as the CurrentVersion, the ProductName, etc. But when [...] read more
I need to delete a registry key value under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist, "3". I need to delete key value. I found a code on http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0630.html but when i'm trying to run it it's showing me Exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: rc=5 key=SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist value=3 at Forcast_DataFetch.WinRegistry.deleteValue(WinRegistry.java:253) at Forcast_DataFetch.WinRegistryTest.main(WinRegistryTest.java:12) Code for reference: import [...] read more
Bug Description Unable to open JMeter in non GUI mode. Steps to reproduce: 1.open cmd . 2.To open JMeter in server mode, run the bat file bin\jmeter-server.bat. Expected result: JMeter Starts in cmd. Actualresult: Problem URL: ... Trying JMETER_HOME=.. Found ApacheJMeter_core.jar Sep 12, 2018 1:33:34 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could [...] read more
I've got a feeling the answer to this is to bit shift, but I can't quite get my brain to grasp it. I've got some integer values being read, always different, and I need to check if some flags are set by looking at their bit pattern, for example. Flags: [...] read more
While running the below command I am getting the log4j error. I need to save the aggregate report output in CSV format PS C:\JMeter\bin> java -jar "C:\JMeter\lib\cmdrunner-2.0.jar" --tool Reporter --generate-csv "D:\Automation\Aggt_rpt.csv" --input-jtl "D:\Automation\output.jtl" --plugin-type AggregateReport ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the [...] read more
Using Sprint 4.2.2.RELEASE+Hibernate+Maven 3.1.0+Eclipse Kepler. I found multiple blogs related to this issues and tried all the different solutions, but that didn't help me. Tried with * Removing all the versions from all the xsd paths. * Adding the 4.2 version to all the xsds * Adding the 4.2, 3.0, [...] read more
I have a chunk of code which is called at my application startup to find the ProgramData folder of the users PC and to create the application.log file for my app. Problem is that in one of the users PC having windows 7, its throwing nullpoint error in the Java [...] read more
I am a new JxBrowser user who is experimenting with replacing the UI in a portion of an existing Swing application with modern web-based UI technology. I am able to get a basic "Hello World" message display in a window within this application. All looks fine, except that I notice [...] read more
I am trying to use DES encryption/decryption on Google chrome. In my folder I have three files. 1. tripledes.js 2. mode-ecb.js 3. CryptoJS-DES.html The scripts in my html file is defined as follows :- <script type="text/javascript" src="tripledes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="mode-ecb.js"></script> and another script file which is :- function encryptByDES(message, key) [...] read more
I'm switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ. But I can't start my project with IntelliJ. I have no problems with Eclipse. Is it a configuration error? String path = "/fxml/scene.fxml"; InputStream fxmlStream = AppController.getInstance().getClass().getResourceAsStream(path); FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(); loader.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory()); loader.setLocation(AppController.getInstance().getClass().getResource(path)); loader.setController(AppController.getInstance()); Parent pane = (Parent) loader.load(fxmlStream); // this is [...] read more
Trying to compile my GWT code using Gradle using the link: Changes incorporated in the build.gradle file to work for gwt. apply plugin: 'gwt' gwt { gwtVersion='2.8.0' modules 'com.idc.facade.IdcFacade' maxHeapSize = "1024M" superDev { noPrecompile=true } } buildscript { repositories { maven { url 'http://artifactory.wellsfargo.com/artifactory/idc_maven_deploy_virtual' credentials { username = "${artifactory_user}" [...] read more
I have a simplified program that produces the following output, in which the lines starting with ^ are generated by my code. Note that I deliberately deleted the Prefs key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft. ^ A preferences file was found Aug 09, 2013 2:45:23 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs [...] read more
I upgraded my gwt from 2.5 to 2.8 after the upgrade am getting the below error gwt-maven-plugin:2.8.0:compile (default) @ SeviS4Web [ERROR] Jun 22, 2017 1:16:06 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> [ERROR] WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. [INFO] Loading inherited module [...] read more
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. In my C++ applications I use the PAPI library, so I installed it from http://icl.utk.edu/papi/. However for some reason I can not run my applications anymore without having to type sudo in the beginning. Even just typing papi_avail on the terminal to see [...] read more
How to get the list of all ODBC data sources available in my windows pc using PHP. I have tried using the below code. But getting empty. Could you please help. define('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 0x80000002); $computer = '.'; $reg = new COM("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\\\" . $computer . "\\root\\default:StdRegProv"); $key_path = 'SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers'; $sub_keys = [...] read more
I have a Windows CE application that uses WinForms and has worked fine until now. It suddenly, while I was testing, stopped working, and I can't get it to work any more, I get one of those two errors. I have not changed anything that I can see causing them. [...] read more
I'm writing a utility to try and retrieve the computer name of a device when booted in WinPE and can't seem to find a native way in C# to read an offline hive. I have the following code to retrieve it and I get an ERROR_BADDB error: ERROR_BADDB 1009 (0x3F1) [...] read more
For the most part, the function below works but in rare cases returns a null value: DWORD WinVerMinor() { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&osvi); return osvi.dwMinorVersion; } Also cpustr below sometimes ends up being null. For example, from an executable app cpustr stores the correct string while [...] read more
I want to create a JDBC Connection Pool in glassfish 4. I run my application server in eclipse Mars, and I access to the administration page of glassfish. Then, I go to JDBC -> JDBC CONNECTION POOL -> NEW... In the form, I informs following information: enter image description here [...] read more
I am getting the below error while launching Jmeter java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5. Server failed to start: java.rmi.server.ExportException: Listen failed on port: 0; nested exception is: java.io.FileNotFoundException: rmi_keystore.jks (The system cannot find the file specified) An [...] read more
My workflow: * check if server is pingable * find if they are domain connected or not and perform a task accordingly. if Operating system 2012 and/or R2 ,2016 or 2019 newer OSes then I will run Get-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet. if machine is not a part of default domain then else [...] read more