Fast and Reliable Search of Windows network for all systems IPv4 and IPv6?


The various Windows API for searching the network such as WNetEnumResource is dog slow and unreliable.

With IPv4 the suggestion is you can loop through the subnet and send an ARP or PING request to find live systems (without firewall blocking) and from there query them for Windows specific resources. Kind of a crummy way to have to do it but with most IPv4 subnets being relatively small, feasible. However, with IPv6 with so many devices available, trying to ARP or PING a range seems unreasonable.

I guess you also have WINS or Active Directory which may have computers in them, but in AD they may no longer exist and only contain systems that have joined a domain.

While I know this general question has been asked, I've not found that a good answer has ever been given. Has this been addressed and is there a reliable fast way today, in 2021, to get a list of all active systems on the network using C/C++ especially with IPv6 growing? If so, what is it and is there sample code?


Here's the sample requested with names changed:

NETRESOURCE[0] Scope: all resources
NETRESOURCE[0] Type: any
NETRESOURCE[0] DisplayType: network
NETRESOURCE[0] Usage: 0x80000002 = container
NETRESOURCE[0] Localname: (null)
NETRESOURCE[0] Remotename: Microsoft Terminal Services
NETRESOURCE[0] Comment: (null)
NETRESOURCE[0] Provider: Microsoft Terminal Services

NETRESOURCE[1] Scope: all resources
NETRESOURCE[1] Type: any
NETRESOURCE[1] DisplayType: network
NETRESOURCE[1] Usage: 0x80000002 = container
NETRESOURCE[1] Localname: (null)
NETRESOURCE[1] Remotename: Microsoft Windows Network
NETRESOURCE[1] Comment: (null)
NETRESOURCE[1] Provider: Microsoft Windows Network

NETRESOURCE[0] Scope: all resources
NETRESOURCE[0] Type: any
NETRESOURCE[0] DisplayType: domain
NETRESOURCE[0] Usage: 0x2 = container
NETRESOURCE[0] Localname: (null)
NETRESOURCE[0] Comment: (null)
NETRESOURCE[0] Provider: Microsoft Windows Network

NETRESOURCE[0] Scope: all resources
NETRESOURCE[0] Type: any
NETRESOURCE[0] DisplayType: server
NETRESOURCE[0] Usage: 0x2 = container
NETRESOURCE[0] Localname: (null)
NETRESOURCE[0] Remotename: \\XXX03
NETRESOURCE[0] Provider: Microsoft Windows Network

NETRESOURCE[0] Scope: all resources
NETRESOURCE[0] Type: disk
NETRESOURCE[0] DisplayType: share
NETRESOURCE[0] Usage: 0x1 = connectable
NETRESOURCE[0] Localname: (null)
NETRESOURCE[0] Remotename: \\XXX03\vmshare
NETRESOURCE[0] Comment: VM Share for VirtualBox running VirtualPC machines.
NETRESOURCE[0] Provider: Microsoft Windows Network

NETRESOURCE[2] Scope: all resources
NETRESOURCE[2] Type: any
NETRESOURCE[2] DisplayType: network
NETRESOURCE[2] Usage: 0x80000002 = container
NETRESOURCE[2] Localname: (null)
NETRESOURCE[2] Remotename: Web Client Network
NETRESOURCE[2] Comment: (null)
NETRESOURCE[2] Provider: Web Client Network

WnetOpenEnum failed with error 1222
EnumerateFunc returned FALSE

Pic of browse and one of actually entering the \server on the quick access bar Network Browse UNC Entered

Note there are a couple of other servers too.

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 19, 2021 by user3161924 • edited Jan 28, 2021 by user3161924

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