I'm working with windows CE on VS 2008 coding with C# on a windows form application. When I try to send my parameters to the electronic device through my serial connection suddenly it appears a strange popup on my windows CE device with:
exception code: 0x80000002 address code: 0x40caff30 module that causes the error: mscoree3_5.dll offset: 0x0004ff30 in ArrayList.GetEnumerator() in Application2.RunMessageLoop(Boolean showform) in Application2.Run(Form mainForm, Boolean runAsSingletonApp, Boolean displayMainForm) in Application2.Run(Form mainForm) in Program.Main()
It appears randomly everytime i open a form or send data through my serial.
I solved the problem. The origin of the exception was due to the lack of size in my array of the buffer managed by the firmware. I solved it by simply expand the buffer's size in my firmware.
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