I want to use send emails via Outlook as described here. It works fine as long as I have already opened Outlook. So for example if Outlook is minimized and I execute my code, then I can send an email just fine. But if Outlook is closed, then I get [...] read more
I was perfectly running an ASP.NET Core project in a docker container, but then I created another project in the same solution, which was referenced by the first one. When building, VS 2017 didn't complain. When debugging, VS says: "Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))" Then I tried creating [...] read more
In summary: * I had a working offline root CA and an AD integrated CA working fine * I renewed the certificate with the same private key and all was good * I then renewed the certificate with a new private key and and I can no longer publish the [...] read more
Trying to run a demo for the webautn spec (https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/) available (https://github.com/molekilla/webauthn-demo-fork) under Firefox Nightly. getMakeCredentialsChallenge({ username, name }) .then((response) => { console.log(response); let publicKey = preformatMakeCredReq(response); console.log(publicKey); console.log(publicKey.challenge) return navigator.credentials.create({publicKey}) }) Whenever the execution reaches the return statement, the Promise will stay pending for a few seconds and eventually [...] read more
We've developed a C# Office VSTO add-in, that communicates with a running Outlook instance (or starts a new one), and it is showing signs of having permission issues on some customers PCs while trying to create Outlook tasks or appointments... The exception message is the following: > Operation aborted (Exception [...] read more
I need to create a C# COM server, and a C# COM Client, and communicate between the two using CoCreateInstance. This is so that the client can be 64 bit, and the server 32 bit, using the 'DllSurrogate' method described in Hosting a .NET DLL as an Out-Of-Process COM Server [...] read more
Failed to acquire the VirtualBox COM object. The application will now terminate. Callee RC: NS_ERROR_ABORT (0x80004004) I tried from 5.1.10 to 5.1.22, but got the same error above. read more
I am working through a number of tutorials on using SQL and R. But when I am trying to Run the R Script to obtain the 'ggplot' library I am getting the following error Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 1 A 'R' script error occurred during execution of [...] read more
I kindly ask you help in order to fix it. From windows 7 I am trying to send email using Outlook 2010 with Xampp control panel version 3.2.2. Php.ini: [COM_DOT_NET] extension=php_com_dotnet.dll I also checked my registry for EnableDCOM, it is set to 'Y' My php code is: if (!defined("olMailItem")) {define("olMailItem",0);} [...] read more
The problem is that when i try to update the service reference i get the following error. The checkout was cancelled by the user.(0x80004004) I can't seem to do anything that will solve it since if i do try to do something then i have problem with pending changes. read more
Some days ago, VirtualBox started to fail when I'm connected to a VPN. If my computer isn't connected to the VPN, everything works fine. I can start VMs, stop them, and so on. But if my computer is connected to the VPN, I get these messages: $ VBoxManage controlvm myvm [...] read more
I got a message saying "A new version of MSN Live Messenger is available", but the installer failed with error "aborted:0x80004004". I googled it a bit and found this suggestion to run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. That website looks dubious, but the tool is from Microsoft so I figured [...] read more
I am working on a development server with a bare-bones installation of SharePoint (WSS 3.0 RTM). Knowing very little about SharePoint development, we installed the environment atop a SQL Server Express 2005 database. Now I am running into that 4GB limit. The site is just a simple installation that [...] read more
I am just trying to write codes in R-Script in SQL but I am getting this error. Can anyone please help execute sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @script = N' install.packages("rvest") library(rvest) authorshtml <- read_html("https://www.mssqltips.com/sql-server-mssqltips-authors/") authors <- authorshtml %>% html_nodes("div .large-7") %>% html_nodes("a") %>% html_text() OutputDataSet <- data.frame(authors) ' with result [...] read more
I have some older code connecting to Outlook through OLE that no longer works running on Win10 where Outlook is set up to connect to Exchange online: It raises an exception with message (Dutch) "De bewerking is afgebroken", probably translated as "The operation was aborted" *, when I try to [...] read more
I have installed SQL Machine Learning 2019 and I have enabled R and Python. I tested the installation and it works fine. So when I try to connect to remote database SQL I had a lot of errors. Here my code: EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R' , @script = N' [...] read more
Sometimes my excel Addin gets disabled if it ends up being in the disabled COM Addins I can enable it with the following code. However if it ends up in disabled items I can't enable it using this code. Is there a way I can enable a disabled item. Not [...] read more
I am faced with this error while running Tensorflow on SQL Server. It seems like it is some memory issue. Any advice? Main Error: ImportError: DLL load failed: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 1 A 'Python' script [...] read more
I ve created a model In R server , the tutorial example on the microsoft site. I have read simila texts /problems and the resolution was to wrap the model in as.raw befpore unserialize ..this does not help!!. Note I am new to this and have not seen a resolution. [...] read more
I'm working on Microsoft SQL Management Studio 2016, using the feature that make me to add an R script into the SQL code. My goals is to achieve an aPriori algorithm procedure, that puts the data in a manner that I like, i.e. a table with x, first object, y, [...] read more
I am having big trouble using the ncdf4-package in an R-script on SQL server 2016. I have a long script, but everything boils down to these lines: EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language =N'R', @script=N'library(ncdf4)' GO Which give me the error: > Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 10 A 'R' script [...] read more
I run some R code after querying 100M records and get the following error after the process runs for over 6 hours: Msg 39004, Level 16, State 19, Line 300 A 'R' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x80004005. HRESULT 0x80004005 appears to be associated in Windows [...] read more
I'm dealing with Credit Card Fraud data which resides in my SQL Server 2016 RTM Virtual Machine after working through the DeepDive Data Science tutorial on MSDN. I now want to replicate this tutorial using the T-SQL integrated R and stored procedures. I'm able to run the linear and logistic [...] read more
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 with tools for Apache Cordova version 9. I have an existing project that was working OK but all of a sudden I get > Unable to get Ripple session info for port 9222. Please close all instances of > Chrome and try again. An error [...] read more
This is my code to get the location in Windows Phone SDK. Geolocator geolocator = new Geolocator(); geolocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 50; try { Geoposition geoposition = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(maximumAge: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); LatitudeTextBlock.Text = geoposition.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString("0.00"); LongitudeTextBlock.Text = geoposition.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString("0.00"); } catch (Exception ex) { if ((uint)ex.HResult == 0x80004004) { // the application does not [...] read more
I was trying to resize (expand from 20GB to 40GB) a VHD containing a Ubuntu instance using VirtualBox's vboxmanage tool: ./vboxmanage modifyhd path-to-my.vhd --resize 40000 However, it seemed like stuck on 0% (I previously expanded from 10GB to 20GB and it completed instantly) so I force quitted the process. Now, [...] read more
I want to delete mails from non-default folders of outlook which was archive and copy is present in enterprise vault.It is deleting the first mail and after that I am getting the below error. > An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' > occurred in DeleteOutlookMails.exe > > Additional information: Operation [...] read more
SQL Server 2017 using sp_execute_external_script (SQL Server Machine Learning) to run a python script in the context of the database. python script needs to load a file from filesystem. Everything (the database and the filesystem) is local on my PC. Error trace: Msg 39004, Niveau 16, État 20, Ligne 1 [...] read more
I have Anaconda installed on one of our servers, and some code which successfully opens a connection to SQL (2016) on another server: import pyodbc conn_string = 'DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};SERVER=wpic-smir;Trusted_Connection=yes' conn = pyodbc.connect(conn_string) cursor=conn.cursor() qstring = 'select UserID from Diler_BW.Beckwith.V_Thermovals' cursor.execute(qstring) row=cursor.fetchone() print row[0] del cursor del conn [...] read more
I am using R Services on SQL Server. Following is an example of my code where I am computing Max of a column using R : EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R' , @script = N' r = order(InputDataSet$Id) InputDataSet = InputDataSet[r,] library(dplyr) OutputDataSet <- InputDataSet %>% group_by(Id) %>% mutate( Max_Col1 [...] read more
I am actively developing a Python module that I would like to deploy in SQL Server 2017 installed locally, so I deploy the module in c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance Name>\PYTHON_SERVICES\Lib\site-packagesusing setuptoolslike so: "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance_Name>\PYTHON_SERVICES\python" setup.py develop This produces an .egg-info directory in my project root, and a .egg-link [...] read more
Using the following Microsoft SQL Server R Machine Learning link, I am able to execute till step 2 and everything goes fine: https://microsoft.github.io/sql-ml-tutorials/R/customerclustering/step/3.html But when I try to deploy the ML model in SQL SERVER 2017, I will always see the following issues: > Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, [...] read more
I am trying to get some data from a website in SQL using Python(SQL2017 - machine learning services). I have setup SQL2017, and ML services for python and it is working fine,for an example, following code is working exec sp_execute_external_script @language =N'Python', @script = N' import pandas as pd print(" [...] read more
I am working on VSTO Outlook AddIn Project using c# and trying to add DocumentItem in outlook using following method - protected void CreateWordDocument(string strPhysicalFilePath, Outlook.Folder ParentFolder) { Outlook.DocumentItem objDocItem = null; Outlook.Attachment objAtt = null; try { objDocItem = ParentFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Document"); objAtt = objDocItem.Attachments.Add(strPhysicalFilePath, ); objDocItem.Subject = objAtt.FileName; string strFileType [...] read more
We have an application which uses directshow with two filtergraphs to implement seamless video playback. each "panel" is initialized with a filtergraph using new QuartzTypeLib.FilgraphManager()and later assigned to WndProc using MediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow to the same window but with a different LParam (panel ID 0 or 1) Documentation states that WM_GRAPHNOTIFY is [...] read more
enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/Q60i0.png] While debugging C/C++ files with Visual Studio Code, the program flow enters to crtexe.c when press 'step over' or 'step into' key from the line with '}' of main function. enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/fRAXt.png] However, when continue debugging in crtexe.c, the flow just stops [...] read more
I am trying to send an automated email using a C# console app. I am using the Outlook Interop to do this. Outlook is open when I run the code below. The code actually produces the email, which is sitting open when the code stops on mailItem.Send(). I suspect the [...] read more
OVERVIEW I would like to use SQL R Services to make a call to an API and pull data directly into SQL Server. I've been trying to use jsonlite and curl within R and it's successful from the R GUI, but fails when making the call through SQL Server T-SQL. [...] read more
I was trying to learn the new feature -- R in SQL Server 2016 and I was following this link as example. I set up SQLRUserGroup as a new login and was able to run some R scripts, but the data_preprocess_score.sql gives me the following error message and it looked [...] read more
R-Integration to SQL Server 2016 (CTP3): I am using the new sp_execute_external_script to create a linear regression model. Is there a way to send the coefficients data about the trained model to output_data_1_name ? For example, in the body of the R-Script, if you issue: print(myModel); It prints this in [...] read more
I want to set up a WiFiDirect connect between 2 windows 10 in a console application not in a universal app. 1. I set the target platform version to 10 <TargetPlatformVersion>10.0</TargetPlatformVersion> 2. I add the Reference to Windows.Foundation, Windows.Networking.Proximity, Windows.Networking.Sockets, Windows.Storage.Streams In my application i check if WiFiDirect is suppartet. [...] read more
I need to do an app on Windows phone 8.1 that update my location every 15 minutes in a background task. The task have to work even if the user is present or not. How can I do this ? I have just created a BackgroundTask and I register it [...] read more
Im working with windows phone 8.1 geolocation. The problem that I currently have is that my code only shows the first numbers of my coordinate. Example: If the coordinate is "41.233" the app only shows "41.00" . I need it to be as accurate as possible. In case it matters, [...] read more
I work for a company that develops a CRM tool and offers integration with MS Office(2003 & 2007) from windows XP to 7. (I'm working using Win7) My task is to call an Outlook instance (using C#) from this CRM tool when the user wants to send an email and [...] read more
I want to change the DesiredAccuracy and ReportInterval in PositionChanged Event Handler, so that I can dynamically change the position update frequency at different locations. I did something like this, void geolocator_PositionChanged(Geolocator sender, PositionChangedEventArgs args) { geolocator.StatusChanged -= geolocator_StatusChanged; geolocator.PositionChanged -= geolocator_PositionChanged; geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High; geolocator.ReportInterval = 5 * 1000; [...] read more
I am getting error as Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)) in outlook. I have debugged the code and found exception in Outlook.Items.Add() method. The code is like this, Outlook.NameSpace nSpace = null; Outlook.MAPIFolder InBoxFolder = null; Outlook._Application OutlookApp = new Outlook.Application(); nSpace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); InBoxFolder = nSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox); Outlook.Items [...] read more
I am working on a wp8 project and need to find the location . I've used windows.device.geoloaction name space to find the lattitude and longitude now I need to find the address(country state and zip). I found this example but I am confused how to pass the coordinates that I [...] read more
if (!defined(‘olMailItem’)) define(“olMailItem”,0); $objApp = new COM(“Outlook.Application”); $myItem = $objApp->CreateItem(olMailItem); $myItem->To=’xxxx@xxx.com’; $myItem->SentOnBehalfOfName = ‘yyy@xxyyx.com’; $myItem->Subject=”This is a test”; $myItem->Body=”This is a Body Section now…..!”; $myItem->Send(); i get this error > Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘com_exception’ with message ‘ in > D:\NotEncrypted\xampp\htdocs\copper\system\modules\projects\index.php on line > 11251 ( ! ) com_exception: Error [...] read more
I try activate a progressbar, while the app is searching for the location (after pressing a button) how can i solve it the best way? the best would somehow to get an if else in there, wheater i got (the rigth) data from the geolocator and check that. private async [...] read more
PC Specs: * Ryzen 5 5600x * 16gb Trident Z Neo @ 3600mhz * B550 Aorus Pro AC Wireless (Bios Version 13h) * EVGA - SUPER XC ULTRA GAMING NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super 8GB GDDR6 * 700w EVGA PSU I've been trying to get DX12 games to run for [...] read more
I have a server using Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, it has been good working some years, but recently there was a problem, other computers can not connect to its remote desktop, the prompt messagebox content is as follows: > 1. Remote access to the server is not enabled > [...] read more
The following request reached the server and the server returned the response back to client. response = ServiceInterfaceClient.OperationName(request); But the client side always throws this problem. "One or more errors occurred. (The read operation failed, see inner exception.)System.IO.IOException: The read operation failed, see inner exception.\r\n ---> System.Net.Http.WinHttpException (0x80004004): Operation aborted\r\n [...] read more
I am trying to convert python dataframe data types so that they can be returned through sql server using the sp_execute_external_scripts procedure. Some columns in particular are giving me issues. Sample data: >>> df.column1 0 NaN 1 1403 2 NaN 3 NaN 4 NaN Using the method found in another [...] read more
I tried obtaining the reply to the mail by using RDOMail.Reply method. However, after inspecting the returned object, I've noticed that the signature is not part of the HTMLBody property, as it is when using method MailItem.Reply (which I'm not using because it throws 0x80004004 (E_ABORT) exception). Also, attachments that [...] read more
I'm at a loss therefore posting here. I'm getting the error in the title when trying to make an http/https web request through python from t-sql from a server (vm) on windows core. I have read here in other threads that could be a number of things like firewall related, [...] read more
I am trying to automate some replies to email that I get on my outlook. I have tried sending mail from my outlook (normal mail) using powershell and it worked successfully. Now I am trying to reply on mail using powershell. This is my current code as of now: $o [...] read more
I am trying to access the Body property of my MailItem object. When I try, I get this error: > Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)) After searching for this error, it seems people have this problem when trying to send the email, but not when accessing it's properties. [...] read more
I'm developing an Outlook (2010) add-in using Visual Studio 2013 (Targeting .NET 4). Certain Outlook properties/methods seem to be unavailable. The following code works from Outlook VBA. Public Sub OutlookTest() 'Dim oApp As New Outlook.Application (NOT NEEDED FOR OUTLOOK VBA) Dim oExp As Outlook.Explorer Dim oSel As Outlook.Selection ' You [...] read more
I have a bunch of local Python scripts that I need to execute from a local MS SQL Server. There is no problem if I try to import standard Python libraries (for example, pandas). I get an error, when I try to import a Python file, called Simulator.py located in [...] read more
This is my first post on stackoverflow, so please bear with me if I doing something wrong. I'm currently trying to achieve a Python script which reads data from a CSV file, transforms it into a JSON Object and stores it in an SQL Server table. Everything is working fine [...] read more
I have a .NET application that interacts with Outlook like this: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem item = app.CreateItem((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)); item.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty(PsInternetHeaders + Foobar, 1031); item.BodyFormat = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; item.To = "a@test.com;b@test.com;c@test.com"; item.BCC = "cc@test.com"; item.Body = "Hello There!"; item.Display(); Be aware that I need to access the "PropertyAccessor" property. In a [...] read more
I have this Python code that works fine when I run it from PyCharm. But when I run the same code from SQL Server using sp_execute_external_script, I get an error. Any idea what is going on here? The Python code: import pyodbc from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv import glob def [...] read more
I'm following the instructions from https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/5490/load-data-from-pdf-file-into-sql-server-2017-with-r/ to read a PDF document into SQL Server. The problem I'm facing is when I run the code, I get the following error: Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 5 A 'R' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x80004004. Msg [...] read more
I have a custom add-in which gets the body on clicking a button when it got installed. so I am getting this error on a customer machine. code is working fine on my side and for other customers but one customer is facing this problem. this is my code private [...] read more
I have strange problem and don't know what to check further. Summary of the situation: * Working on the Windows Server 2019 as administrator, so should not have any access problems * Developed a Python Script that gets data from Google Adwords API and returns as a pandas dataframe * [...] read more
I can compile the following EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language =N'R', @script=N' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5) y <- c("a","b","c","d","e") df <- data.frame(x,y) OutputDataSet = df ' However when I try to import data from csv as below, @script=N' df <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\LENOVO\\Desktop\\data\\loan.csv") OutputDataSet = df ' WITH RESULT SETS (( id INT ,loan_amnt INT [...] read more
In my UWP project, heavily using string resources more than 20 languages and each have 50k+ key values. Also it has lot of screens and controls. Until certain limit, not getting any build issue. But once I added 3k more keys getting unspecified build error with MSBuild. Strangely if I [...] read more
I'm trying to 'import datefinder' in my SQL Server Python script, but for some reason it doesn't work. Other libraries (for example Pandas) seem to work just fine. I've tried following script in Python; import sqlmlutils connection = sqlmlutils.ConnectionInfo(server="xxx", database="xxx") sqlmlutils.SQLPackageManager(connection).install("datefinder") And receive following error message; > MSSQLDatabaseException: (20009, b'DB-Lib [...] read more
I am trying to create a plot in SQL Server R using the sp_execute_external_script command, but it fails to create the plot png image: DECLARE @stateName nvarchar(50) = 'Michigan' EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @script = N' covidWeeklyDataSet <- InputDataSet # set up report file for chart reportfile <- "C:\\temp\\Covid19-Weekly.png" [...] read more
I am writing a class to send out emails through Outlook 2013 (15.0.4859). I have Outlook open in the background. I tried the widely used code: // Create the Outlook application. Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application(); // Create a new mail item. Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); // Set HTMLBody. //add [...] read more
I created a small test application to get the Longitude and Latitude and to convert it to the actual address: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Device.Location; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Navigation; using Microsoft.Phone.Controls; using Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Services; using Microsoft.Phone.Shell; [...] read more
I try to run the example in https://docs.microsoft.com/vi-vn/sql/advanced-analytics/tutorials/sqldev-py3-explore-and-visualize-the-data?view=sql-server-2017 EXEC [dbo].[PyPlotMatplotlib] GO I got error, I don't know how to fix it. Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 4 A 'Python' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x80004004. Msg 39019, Level 16, State 2, Line 4 An [...] read more
I've created a model in R, published into SQL Server table and validated the model by calling it into SQL Server. However, I'm failing in an attempt to use the model for prediction over new data. Here's my script: DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS predict_risk_new_data; GO CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE predict_risk_new_data [...] read more
I wrote a python script that takes data from sql via "import pyodbc" The data this scrip pulls is parsed into a text message gateway API to send text messages to customers accordingly. This works fine in python. However, now I want to write a sql stored procedure that will [...] read more
Here i am using the following R external script to write sql database tableas csv file. I know how to export the data using export and import wizard. but i have to export data using scripts. declare @file_path varchar(300) select @file_path = 'C:/NB/DATA/DB/arima.csv' EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R' ,@script = [...] read more
I'm trying to do some web scraping with Machine Learning Services using the RCurl package for R on SQL 2017. Here's a sample of the sp_execute_external_script code I've tried: EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @script = N'library(RCurl) library(XML) url <- "http://www.anywebsite.com/" tables = getURL(url) tables <- readHTMLTable(tables, header = TRUE, [...] read more
In my project I want to extract the attachment that attached in a msg file. It works when I do testing on the development project, but once i put in the server I am getting this error "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004004): Operation aborted". Below is my code to extract the msg file. [...] read more
I can't have any printed values in the watch and variables windows as I try to run the code in debug mode. I only get the message -var-create: unable to create variable object in the watch window for the seekg and peek functions. I have installed the C++, Intellisense C++, [...] read more
I have an SSIS 2015 package that calls a Stored Proc in SQL Server 2016. When I run the SSIS package I get these two messages: > Error: A 'R' script error occurred during execution of > 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x80004004. > > Error: STDERR message(s) from external script: Error [...] read more
I'm using dplyr in my stored procedure. I'm passing in a dataset that's returned by querying responses based on a provided input parameter, StudyID. The goal is to return the results of dplyr from the R script back to the stored procedure. However, I receive the error in my question [...] read more
I have created a stored procedure with R in RTVS Visual Studio 2017 and after publishing it to my database, I get this error when I try to execute it: > Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 4 > A 'R' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' > [...] read more
The following code works when I run it in Visual Studio 2012, but not in Visial Studio 2015: Dim strconn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" strconn += "Data Source=" & FileNameAndPath & ";" If Has_Headers Then strconn += "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;""" Else strconn += "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1;""" End If Dim Conn [...] read more
I tried to write a procedure to compute Cronbach alpha if there are more than one parameter and return 0 othwerwise. It works for correct input but fails if number of field alpha calls is 0 or 1. How can I check if the input is suitable for alpha? I [...] read more
I tried to run R code created from database given in How to make R-code from SQL Server database? but I was unable to execute it. Here is what I tried. declare @t table(f1 int, f2 int) insert into @t values (1,2),(3,4),(5,6) declare @rcode nvarchar(max) = concat( 'f1=c(', STUFF( (SELECT [...] read more
I have below code to process association rules inside R Server. This Works totally fine outside R Server, but when I adapt the codes to run inside SQL Server 2016 I get error. "Target" in this case is what the PartID I want to filter. SELECT BK_PARTID, CorpOrderID INTO #TEMP [...] read more
I use this class (found from CodeProject, some methods and properties removed to reduce code) to play video file by DirectShow, it works fine. but if subtitle file exist on same folder that the file is playing, subtitle shows automatically. I want to know which part of code is concerning [...] read more
Recently when I run this code I get the following error Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)). I have only recently started getting this issue. Basically when I run this code it checks if an addin is disabled if so then enable it. I'm not sure why I'm getting [...] read more
I am trying to save the current e-mail in Outlook. The code is accessed with a ribbon button. When I do the SaveAs method on the MailItem I always get the 0x80004004 (E_ABORT) exception. This is my code: Outlook._Application outlook = new Outlook.Application(); if (outlook.ActiveExplorer().Selection.Count > 0) { Object selectedObject [...] read more
I can create an email and display it with my script, but for some reason it doesn't send and I receive the following error. Am I missing something, maybe there's a permissions issue? Exception calling "Send" with "0" argument(s): "Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))"At C:\TEMP\Scripts\PowerShell\Outlook EMail Creation\TestEMailSend.ps1:27 char:5 [...] read more
I am trying to port some of my working R scripts to SQL Server. I have the following R code: titanic <- read.csv(titanicUri, header = TRUE) titanic <- titanic[complete.cases(titanic),] titanic$AgeGroup <- cut(titanic$Age, c(0,13,100), labels=c("Young","Old")) I created a table in SQL Server and imported the data. When I attempt to implement [...] read more
I have a C# project that open urls in an IE Browser using Interop.SHDocVw. The code is using a single instance of a InternetExplorerClass object and navigates to different urls. These urls are all in the Intranet zone. The code works fine on WIN7 but on WIN10 there is a [...] read more
I performed the following steps: Right-click the start button, select "Command prompt (Admin)" and type powershell. Then in console: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"} But I get the error message 'Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D02, The package could not be installed because resources [...] read more
I'm trying to test out various performance aspects of Azure Service Fabric to understand how it all works and have hit against some problems when cancelling a service. In one particular test, I create 101 tasks, 50 reading a queue, 50 writing a queue and 1 showing progress and reporting [...] read more
I'm using Visual Studio and Outlook 2010. I am able to connect to my local Outlook default profile and list the messages in the Inbox, but I can only get the SentOn, Subject, and EntryID properties. As soon as I try to access the SenderName or Body (and a few [...] read more
I have a vb.net script that sends automatic emails from Outlook. It currently works in the Office 2010 Suite. I upgraded my environments to 2013 and now it is not working. What I'm doing isn't complicated. All I want to do is grab a .pdf and attache it to an [...] read more
I use a very simple code to generate emails using outlook in my c# application. It works fine when Outlook is already opened.(Even though it asks for permission to open the email.But after I grant access a new Outlook message window opens with the generated email). But the real problem [...] read more
I`m trying to create outlook mails from templates, slightly edit them and then show to user so he can send that mail. There is no problem in creation of the mail and displaying it. But when I`m trying to read (or edit) HTMLBody of the mail there is a error: [...] read more
Is it posible to create outlook meeting on Sharepoint page behalf on current sharepoint user? I try to create meeting by button click with next code Application oApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); AppointmentItem appointment = (AppointmentItem)oApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olAppointmentItem); appointment.Start = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1); appointment.End = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2); appointment.Subject = "Some subject"; appointment.Body = "Some body"; appointment.Recipients.Add("user1@somemail.com"); [...] read more
I need create a outlook .msg file by IIS, it is ok when I run it in "IIS Express", but can not run in IIS even set applicationpool to LocalSystem. Error message:Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)) at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Attachments.Add(Object Source, Object Type, Object Position, Object DisplayName) Environment: Win7 32bit, [...] read more
I spent several hours researching and trying various things to solve apparently a common issue in the 8.1 SDK where the GeoLocator.GetGeoPositionAsync call never returns or falls threw to an exception it often throws (per Google search) ex.HResult == 0x80004004. After doing some digging, I noticed that this error was [...] read more
I created a google apps script to display some charts and data from various spreadsheets, thinking I could then share that link and people could view the data. Works like a charm in chrome. When viewed in IE, however... The page itself shows "Invalid Json" and I get a Network [...] read more
I have been facing one issue while sending mail using outlook 2010 in my application. When I click button to execute mail functionality, one dialog box appears which is asking user to allow or deny application to send mail using outlook account. If I allow then email will be sent [...] read more
I'm having a problem with my Windows Phone 8 weather app's background agent. Whenever the background agent is run, a new http weather request is made when certain conditions (that are not relevant to the problem I'm having) are met. When these conditions are unmet, cached weather data is used [...] read more
When my app launches, it calls a method to show a progress indicator. This method sets the opacity of the content area to 0, and the opacity of the progress bar to 1 (it's a Popup control). Progress indicator's popup xaml: <Popup x:Name="loadingOverlay" IsOpen="{Binding IsProgressBarOpen}" Margin="10,-100,0,0" Opacity="{Binding OpacityProgressBar}" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> [...] read more
I have a page and when it´s going opened, I want to retrieve the GeoLocation of the phone. Here is my code: public partial class splash : PhoneApplicationPage { public splash() { InitializeComponent(); } protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { StatusTextBlock.Text = "Ermittle Position ..."; Geolocator geolocator = new [...] read more