Follow the MS tutorial, but see the error [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection not open ODBC Error in SQLDisconnect


Using the following Microsoft SQL Server R Machine Learning link, I am able to execute till step 2 and everything goes fine:

But when I try to deploy the ML model in SQL SERVER 2017, I will always see the following issues:

Msg 39004, Level 16, State 20, Line 122 A 'R' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x80004004. Msg 39019, Level 16, State 2, Line 122 An external script error occurred:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'ASUS\MSSQLSERVER01'.

Could not open data source. Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : Could not open data source. Calls: source ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> doTryCatch -> .Call

Error in execution. Check the output for more information. Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Error in execution. Check the output for more information. Calls: source -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> .Call Execution halted

STDOUT message(s) from external script:

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection not open

ODBC Error in SQLDisconnect

My codes are shown below:

USE [tpcxbb_1gb]
DROP PROC IF EXISTS generate_customer_return_clusters;
CREATE procedure [dbo].[generate_customer_return_clusters]
  This procedure uses R to classify customers into different groups based on their
  purchase & return history.

    DECLARE @duration FLOAT
    , @instance_name NVARCHAR(100) = @@SERVERNAME
    , @database_name NVARCHAR(128) = db_name()
-- Input query to generate the purchase history & return metrics
    , @input_query NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'
  ss_customer_sk AS customer,
  round(CASE WHEN ((orders_count = 0) OR (returns_count IS NULL) OR (orders_count IS NULL) OR ((returns_count / orders_count) IS NULL) ) THEN 0.0 ELSE (cast(returns_count as nchar(10)) / orders_count) END, 7) AS orderRatio,
  round(CASE WHEN ((orders_items = 0) OR(returns_items IS NULL) OR (orders_items IS NULL) OR ((returns_items / orders_items) IS NULL) ) THEN 0.0 ELSE (cast(returns_items as nchar(10)) / orders_items) END, 7) AS itemsRatio,
  round(CASE WHEN ((orders_money = 0) OR (returns_money IS NULL) OR (orders_money IS NULL) OR ((returns_money / orders_money) IS NULL) ) THEN 0.0 ELSE (cast(returns_money as nchar(10)) / orders_money) END, 7) AS monetaryRatio,
  round(CASE WHEN ( returns_count IS NULL                                                                        ) THEN 0.0 ELSE  returns_count                 END, 0) AS frequency

      -- return order ratio
      COUNT(distinct(ss_ticket_number)) AS orders_count,
      -- return ss_item_sk ratio
      COUNT(ss_item_sk) AS orders_items,
      -- return monetary amount ratio
      SUM( ss_net_paid ) AS orders_money
    FROM store_sales s
    GROUP BY ss_customer_sk
  ) orders
      -- return order ratio
      count(distinct(sr_ticket_number)) as returns_count,
      -- return ss_item_sk ratio
      COUNT(sr_item_sk) as returns_items,
      -- return monetary amount ratio
      SUM( sr_return_amt ) AS returns_money
    FROM store_returns
    GROUP BY sr_customer_sk
  ) returned ON ss_customer_sk=sr_customer_sk
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
      @language = N'R'
    , @script = N'
# Define the connection string
connStr <- paste("Driver=SQL Server;Server=", instance_name, ";Database=", database_name, ";Trusted_Connection=true;" , sep="" );

# Input customer data that needs to be classified. This is the result we get from our query
customer_returns <- RxSqlServerData(sqlQuery = input_query,
                                    colClasses = c(customer = "numeric", orderRatio = "numeric", itemsRatio = "numeric", monetaryRatio = "numeric", frequency = "numeric"),
                                    connectionString = connStr);

# Output table to hold the customer cluster mappings
return_cluster = RxSqlServerData(table = "customer_return_clusters", connectionString = connStr);

# set.seed for random number generator for predicatability

# generate clusters using rxKmeans and output clusters to a table called "customer_return_clusters".
clust <- rxKmeans( ~ orderRatio + itemsRatio + monetaryRatio + frequency, customer_returns, numClusters = 4
                    , outFile = return_cluster, outColName = "cluster", writeModelVars = TRUE , extraVarsToWrite = c("customer"), overwrite = TRUE);
    , @input_data_1 = N''
    , @params = N'@instance_name nvarchar(100), @database_name nvarchar(128), @input_query nvarchar(max), @duration float OUTPUT'
    , @instance_name = @instance_name
    , @database_name = @database_name
    , @input_query = @input_query
    , @duration = @duration OUTPUT;


-- Perform clustering in SQL Server
-- We are now going to execute the stored procedure in SQL Server to perform the clustering
-- Empty table of the results before running the stored procedure
TRUNCATE TABLE customer_return_clusters;
--Execute the clustering. This will load the table customer_return_clusters with cluster mappings
EXEC [dbo].[generate_customer_return_clusters];

The error will occur at the last line.

I suspect the issue is with the connection constr line which is:

connStr <- paste("Driver=SQL Server;Server=", instance_name, ";Database=", database_name, ";Trusted_Connection=true;" , sep="" );

I checked and remove the unnecessary space, but it does not work.

Can any one help me to solve the issue ?

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 5, 2018 by sy.zhang • edited Jan 8, 2018 by Parfait

3 Answers


sp_execute_external_script runs R script under a worker account and to get Windows Authentication to work in this scenario, you would need to Enable implied authentication for the Launchpad account group

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 8, 2018 by Arun Gurunathan

Try using Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}.

For me it was throwing this error:

error for Driver={SQL Server}

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 24, 2018 by Achal Velani • edited Apr 24, 2018 by Brandon Minnick

For me solution was to add SQLRUserGroup as db_owner for the database in question, you can follow: Go to the last section

Hope it helps, I was about to give up on this last step


answered on Stack Overflow May 10, 2019 by Renaud

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