Operation aborted Exception in WIN10 when using SHDocVw Navigate2 for navigatng ie


I have a C# project that open urls in an IE Browser using Interop.SHDocVw.

The code is using a single instance of a InternetExplorerClass object and navigates to different urls. These urls are all in the Intranet zone.

The code works fine on WIN7 but on WIN10 there is a problem. The IE browser opens the url correctly in the first time but when I try to use it in the second time using the navigate or navigate2 methods I get the following error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004004): Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)) at SHDocVw.InternetExplorerClass.Navigate(String URL, Object& Flags, Object& TargetFrameName, Object& PostData, Object& Headers)

I tried to run the host application "as administrator" and then it worked fine. Also when I navigate manually in the IE window to a url in internet zone there is no problem, but when navigating manually to a different intranet url and trying to run the code in the second time, the error is being thrown again.

The code:

public static void IEOpenOnURL(string url) { object o = null; bool newBrowser =false;

        //check if window is already opened 
            newBrowser = true;
                //Cannot navigate in browser with an open modal dialog
                    MessageBox.Show("הדפדפן תפוס - סגור את החלונות הקופצים מתוך הדפדפן הפתוח");
            //an error is thrown when the browser was closed by user
                newBrowser = true;

            //create new instance of the browser
            InternetExplorer explorer = new InternetExplorerClass(); 
            webBrowser = (IWebBrowser2)explorer;  

        webBrowser.Visible = true; 
        //webBrowser.Navigate(url, ref o, ref o, ref o, ref o);
        webBrowser.Navigate2(url, ref o, ref o, ref o, ref o);

        //Set focus 
        //If browser is minimized - show it
asked on Stack Overflow Jun 15, 2016 by Yosi Maurer

1 Answer


I am not going to say I know the exact answer offhand. But I would say you normally are supposed to initialize Internet Explorer via the interface instead of the class. I have run into errors when I have tried to initialize the class directly.

Try this :

  SHDocVw.InternetExplorer IE = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer();
  IE.Visible = true;

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