I tried obtaining the reply to the mail by using RDOMail.Reply method. However, after inspecting the returned object, I've noticed that the signature is not part of the HTMLBody property, as it is when using method MailItem.Reply (which I'm not using because it throws 0x80004004 (E_ABORT) exception). Also, attachments that would be needed for the signature if it contains images are not preserved as they are with MailItem.Reply. I've tried applying the signature separately, using Signature object. This adds signature to the HTMLBody, but doesn't use the _MailAutoSig attribute to mark the signature part therefore if I select "Change signature" from Outlook Ribbon, signature doesn't get replaced because Outlook has no way of knowing it is a signature.
Is there a way to obtain reply from RDOMail that would contain signature Outlook knows how to replace?
var rdoMail = session.GetMessageFromID(entryid);
var reply = rdoMail.Reply();
reply.HTMLBody = "";
var Account = session.Accounts.GetOrder(rdoAccountCategory.acMail).Item(1);
var signature = Account.ReplySignature;
signature.ApplyTo(reply, false);
This is a known issue/case when dealing with Extended MAPI code and it is not related to Redemption only. See Messages that are created outside Outlook do not include the default Outlook email signature for more information.
Your choices are:
attribute to the message body.GetRDOObjectFromOutlookObject
method. But as far as I can tell, looking at the exception you get, it is not possible because the code is used from a secondary thread, right?0x0016001F
property, reply signature is in 0x0017001F
You can also use the RDOAccount.ReplySignature
and NewSignature
method that takes a pointer to the RDOMail object and inserts the signature at the specified location correctly merging the images and the styles: set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set Drafts = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDrafts)
set Msg = Drafts.Items.Add
Msg.To = "user@domain.demo"
Msg.Subject = "testing signatures"
Msg.HTMLBody = "<html><body>some <b>bold</b> message text</body></html>"
set Account = Session.Accounts.GetOrder(2).Item(1) 'first mail account
if Not (Account Is Nothing) Then
set Signature = Account.NewMessageSignature
if Not (Signature Is Nothing) Then
Signature.ApplyTo Msg, false 'apply at the bottom
End If
End If
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