This code was defined by a third party software company,
and may mean different things for different software.
Contact the software author for more information about this error.
I'm trying to change the color on a white marker image by code. I have read that the code below should change the color, but my marker remains white. Drawable.setColorFilter( 0xffff0000, Mode.MULTIPLY ) Did I miss something? Is there any other way to change colors on my drawables located in [...] read more
I'm trying to make a general framework function that makes any Drawable become highlighted when pressed/focused/selected/etc. My function takes a Drawable and returns a StateListDrawable, where the default state is the Drawable itself, and the state for android.R.attr.state_pressed is the same drawable, just with a filter applied using setColorFilter. My [...] read more
I updated my project api target to 27 and all notifications were disabled. What's the difference between notification in api 26 and 27? Notification notif = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this) .setContentTitle(getString(R.string.app_name)) .setContentText(message) .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher) .setContentIntent(pIntent) .setSound(alarmSound) .setAutoCancel(true).build(); notif.ledARGB = 0xFFff0000; notif.flags = Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS; notif.ledOnMS = 100; notif.ledOffMS = 100; NotificationManager notificationCompatManager = (NotificationManager) [...] read more
BACKGROUND It's possible to snap a RecyclerView to its center using : LinearSnapHelper().attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView) Example: MainActivity.kt class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(this) recyclerView.adapter = object : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() { override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { val textView = holder.itemView as TextView [...] read more
I am currently stuck with this problem: Google Maps seems not to be loading at all. Please see the image below: enter image description here [] This is really driving me crazy. I already have done the following: 1. Added my package name + SHA1 (debug keystore) + SHA1 (release [...] read more
For my first and most awesomest Android project, I want to create a home screen widget which displays one of those Arc Clocks that all the kids are raving about these days. Based on the limitations of RemoteViews, it looks to me that the appropriate way to get it actually [...] read more
I've tried using Google GCM but when the app is closed (Swipe or clear from the task manager), it wont receive any push notifications. And when i open the app again, the notification is already gone and lost. GCM is working for: - App is open - App is minimized [...] read more
This question is inspired by a problem many have encountered over the years, especially in x86 operating system development. Recently a related NASM question was bumped up by an edit. In that case the person was using NASM and was getting the assemble time error: > shift operator may only [...] read more
I am using TunnelBlick to connect to an VPN (OpenVPN) with OS X 10.9.2. I can authenticate and pass traffic but the DNS entries injected from the VPN do not work. Here is the output of scutil --dns (resolver #1 is the correct DNS server injected by Tunnelblick) resolver #1 [...] read more
BACKGROUND I'm trying to have a RecyclerView that has different view types, and yet has the ability for drag&drop, together with single click and long click operations. It's similar to what you have on Phone app, where you can change the order of your favorites items. On the Phone app, [...] read more
I am trying to color the image with different colors. I am taking two images one is in PNG format and another one is in SVG format. I am taking a list of color and when the user taps on the color from the color list, the color of an [...] read more
i'm getting a network interface error when building for the 4.4 ti staging kernel. All layers are in the morty branch. The image is a core-image-minimal. Configuring network interfaces... ifup: unknown address type "inet" With the following config: IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " automake " IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " binutils " IMAGE_INSTALL_append = [...] read more
I'm trying to create a continous speech recognition in Android 4.4, simple displaying the spoken words in a TextView, like a dictate. I followed multiple tutorials, like, or Is there a way to use the SpeechRecognizer API directly for speech input? and implemented the following version: import java.util.ArrayList; import [...] read more
$ raku -v This is Rakudo version 2019.07.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.07.1 The following was done on Raku REPL. What am I doing wrong here? How do I assign values to CArray[WCHAR]? I want $lpData[0] to be 0xABCD and $lpData[1] to be 0xEF12. > use NativeCall; Nil > constant [...] read more
I have a borderless winForm which I needed to resize, and I managed to do it this way: protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { const int wmNcHitTest = 0x84; const int htLeft = 10; const int htRight = 11; const int htTop = 12; const int htTopLeft = 13; [...] read more
I am currently trying to create an x86-64 Kernel from scratch (using GRUB Multiboot2 as a bootloader). I set up my GDT just fine, but when setting up my IDT, there seems to be a problem. I isolated the issue to be my call of lidt by hlting before and [...] read more
I'm trying to understand how this following code works and I am not able to understand what happens here: uint32_t mask[5] = { 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xF0, 0b1100, 0b10 }; uint32_t shift[5] = { 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; char first_bit_left_dichotomy(uint32_t M) { char pos = 0; char i; for [...] read more
For example, I have the integer a = 10; and it's binary representation (for a 32 bit integer) is 00000000000000000000000000001010 and reversed, it becomes 01010000000000000000000000000000 Now I've seen this code, from this topcoder article that can accomplish this x = ((x & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((x & 0x55555555) << [...] read more
I am experiencing a problem where the tcp checksum generated by the sample program (copied below) doesn't match with the checksum calculated by wireshark. Can some one please point me where I am going wrong. Here I tried two ways 1. tcp_checksum 2. get_ipv6_udptcp_checksum. with both these, getting two different [...] read more
I have to setup, no matter what, a cluster of 3 active OpenBSD 5.5 with CARP on 3 separate ESXi 5.5 hosts. I think I'm close to the end but I have this message in /var/log/messages : carp0: replay or network loop detected Here is my configuration : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON [...] read more
Juniper Network stopped working for me out of the blue, i made no upgrades recently. i see the following log, what else can i investigate? Process: ncproxyd [5322] Path: /usr/local/juniper/nc/7.1.0/ncproxyd Identifier: ncproxyd Version: ??? (???) Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: Network Connect [5319] Date/Time: 2012-11-20 10:00:28.254 +0100 OS [...] read more
Used architecture: Xtensa-LX6 I have a following definition: volatile typedef struct{ union{ struct{ uint32_t FIELD1:16; uint32_t FIELD2:12; uint32_t FIELD3:4; }; uint32_t _; }REGISTER_1; //0x00 offset, 4bytes width }registers_t; static registers_t* HARDWARE = (registers_t *)0x3FF43000; Then I have a line somewhere in the code: HARDWARE->REGISTER_1.FIELD1 = 0b10101u; This line gets compiled [...] read more
I am using Flutter and flame (0.29.3) to build a simple mobile game. I am trying to detect taps on PositionComponent/SpriteComponent. However, I fail to do so. References/tutorials are using addGestureRecognizer but it is deprecated. I define my PositionComponent is as follows; class Enemy extends PositionComponent with Tapable { Rect [...] read more
I'm working on a real time protocol that adding the timestamp for each transmitted packet and I don't understand what the lines of code mean. Thanks for help. // ts for timestamp unsigned int ts; if(ts & 0xffff0000){ // do something } read more
BACKGROUND I want to show a bitmap on the left side of the title of the activity, in the actionbar (toolbar, to be exact), so I used this: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); getSupportActionBar().setLogo(R.mipmap.ic_launcher); ... THE PROBLEM Thing is, the logo [...] read more
I am coding a program that uses interrupt handling to play an ascii-based game in MIPS. I am told to "Long call" my main function from my handler. My handler takes place under .ktext 0x80000180 and looks like this: .ktext 0x80000180 move $k1, $at beq $13, 0, keyboard li $v0, [...] read more
There is the code in the Quake 2 main game loop implementation: if (!initialized) { // let base retain 16 bits of effectively random data base = timeGetTime() & 0xffff0000; initialized = true; } curtime = timeGetTime() - base; I'm wondering about the line base = timeGetTime() & 0xffff0000. Why [...] read more
I've been reading a ton of tutorials about OS development on x86, and so far all has gone well - until now. I can't figure out what the solution is for the life of me. My goal is to write the simplest possible keyboard driver for x86. Things work well [...] read more
I am trying to implement unique number generation based on latitude and longitude such that for same latitude and longitude pair the number generated should be same. Other than that generated number should not exceed the maximum value of Integer in Java, which is 2147483647 Following python function is working [...] read more
I have difficulty handling SDL events inside a Win32 window. I made a small program to display magenta background. Basically when the user presses 'q' key, the background color should toggle from magenta to red and vice versa. sdlwin.c #include <windows.h> #include <SDL2/SDL.h> const int win_width = 500; const int [...] read more
The code below gives me a clang-tidy error: > [clang-tidy] hicpp bitwise operations on signed integers // File 1: Clang - Tidy not enabled typedef struct A { struct { uint32_t b; } c; } A; // File 2: Clang-Tidy enabled A *ptr; // Some code that assigns values at [...] read more
I would highly appreciate an input on whats going wrong here: Running Magento on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 + Nginx + Mysql + Php5-FPM Please double check my steps so maybe you could help me point what's messy: * Installed Varnish * Installed Magento Tupertine (an extension that makes Varnish work [...] read more
Yesterday I found (the hard way) that my APC battery had failed; After a power loss at home I had to power up my computer and NAS (raid 5 XFS on Debian). The computer was fine however the I was unable to mount my raid (md127) with the message "mount: [...] read more
I am trying to open port 3389 on OS X El Capitan. $ sw_vers ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.11.6 BuildVersion: 15G31 $ ifconfig ..snip.. utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet 10.X.X.XX --> 10.X.X.XX netmask 0xffff0000 How can I achieve this with pfctl? I found the man page rather difficult to [...] read more
I'm not sure how it's happened but for some reason when using a shared internet connection on my iMac (OS X Lion) all internet traffic is now blocked from being sent to my other devices. However things like streaming radio do work. How can I figure out what's blocking the [...] read more
Please note my comments, the question is still unanswered. I have the following which I can't change: unsigned long addr=142; u16 offset_low, offset_middle; u32 offset_high; I want to set offset_low for low 16 bits, offset_middle for mid 16 bits and offset_high for higher 32 bits of addr. So I wrote: [...] read more
I'm reversing a simple binary in Ghidra and have run across the following decompiled C-code: original_key._0_4_ = original_key._0_4_ & 0xffff0000 | (uint)CONCAT11(original_key[0],(char)(original_key._0_4_ >> 8)); and here is the associated disassembly: LAB_00101558 XREF[1]: 00101558 0f b6 45 f1 MOVZX __buf,byte ptr [RBP + original_key[0]] 0010155c 88 45 e4 MOV byte ptr [...] read more
I want to filter with canbus. I found certain things for the filter, but what I want is not working. I created a filter like the one below. Some messages cannot pass through this filter. What kind of change should I make in the filter to be included in the [...] read more
I've been trying to follow the only good example with support that I could find, but in my case, it doesn't work. I have a ViewModel that talks to a @Model in Composable, and changes a loading: Bool according to a MutableLiveData<Boolean> but it doesn't recompose. class LoaderViewModel : ViewModel() [...] read more
From IDA decompilation of a subroutine into C pseudocode, I encountered this line of code: LOWORD(v9) = *(BYTE *)v6); Where v9, v6 are 32-bit integers. LOWORD is a macro defined in windef.h as follows: #define LOWORD(l) ((WORD)(((DWORD_PTR)(l)) & 0xffff)) Obviously it's a macro, so I can't assign things to it. [...] read more
Two C files are compiled as shown: gcc -g -c -Wall -I../include blink.c -o blink.o gcc -g -c -Wall -I../include led/led.c -o led/led.o These operations appear to be successful (the correct files are produced). When attempting to link the two .o files with the command: ld -Map -T make.ld [...] read more
I am trying to build an OS from scratch. Beginning from the first instruction in 0xFFFFFFF0 and so on. To do so, I am using assembly code (NASM) and C code (gcc). But I'm doing something wrong. I've writen a C function to copy the kernel code from the NVRAM [...] read more
I need to write quite simple program which makes LED diode flashes using processor ARM AT91SAM9263. I need to run this code using QEMU emulator, which is installed on my Ubuntu machine. I am trying to write a program with 4 functions, which are initializing LED ports and Buttons ports, [...] read more
I’ve seen some posts with things similar to this question, but they’re not what I’m looking for. I want to create a button with a custom shape in Flutter. For that I use a CustomPaint widget inside a GestureDetector widget. The problem is that I don’t want invisible areas to [...] read more
I want to display a raw BGRA data (so I have an unsigned int *, with width and height) on a window so that the alpha component is taken into account to have per-pixel transparency. The final purpose is to integrate this in a graphic toolkit. after reading Kenny Kerr's [...] read more
Where should the red oval be Hello, my question is how can I get the red oval in the picture above to the position marked below? Does anyone know? I thank you in advance. This is my code: > return Scaffold( > backgroundColor: const Color(0xffffffff), > body: Stack( > children: [...] read more
I tried to create an animated progressbar where the progress is filling up animatedly and also it changes it's color depending on the final value of the progress. The first part is working properly, but I can't figure out what is wrong with the color animation. What am I missing? [...] read more
So I currently have the following for my bottom navigation bottomNavigationBar: BottomAppBar( shape: CircularNotchedRectangle(), child: Container( decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: new Color(0xFFFF0000)), height: 75, child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: <Widget>[ IconButton( iconSize: 30.0, padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 28.0), icon: Icon(Icons.home), onPressed: () { setState(() { onTabTapped(0); }); }, ), IconButton( iconSize: [...] read more
I am attempting to derive a pseudo-random 32bit value from a 32bit input. For this, I am using this murmur hash: uint32_t murmur(uint32_t key, uint32_t seed) { uint32_t k = ( key ^ seed ) * 0x5bd1e995; k = k ^ (k>>24); return k; } To my surprise, there is [...] read more
I have a LHT65 Sensor which sends an encoded payload and I found this code in javascript: // Source: function Decoder(bytes, port) { // Decode an uplink message from a buffer // (array) of bytes to an object of fields. var value = (bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1]) [...] read more
Basically what I am trying do is load an array of either uint8_t or uint16_t that is smaller than an __m256i register into an __m256i register and fill all the bits in the destination __m256i that are not filled by the array with 1s. An example of what I want [...] read more
I am trying to implement a custom physical allocation for which I need to modify the allocPhysPages() function in the System class. There is this section of code in that function AddrRange m5opRange(0xffff0000, 0x100000000); if (m5opRange.contains(next_return_addr)) { warn("Reached m5ops MMIO region\n"); return_addr = 0xffffffff; pagePtr_arr[chiplet_id] = 0xffffffff >> PageShift; } [...] read more
Good day. I need paste svg image between custom icons. Custom BottomNavigationBarItem in flutter. I can't paste image between custom icons. How to do it, enter image description here My code class NavBarCustomer extends StatefulWidget { @override _NavBarCustomerState createState() => _NavBarCustomerState(); } class _NavBarCustomerState extends State<NavBarCustomer> { int _itemIndex = [...] read more
I'm focus to create CVPixelBuffer with bytes data (YUV422), this format is my goal but it doesn't work var yuv422Array = [UInt16](repeating: 0x0000, count: rows*cols) yuv422Array[0] = 0x0000 let bytesPerRow = cols * 2 CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, cols, rows, kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr16, &baseAddr, bytesPerRow, nil, nil, nil, &pixelBuffer) //... print(pixelBuffer == nil) // false [...] read more
I am building the column in flutter as below code which has a nested ListView.Builder, but it is giving display error of RenderFlex, how should I resolve it? > A RenderFlex overflowed by 116 pixels on the bottom. Column( children: [ SizedBox(height: 25,), Column( mainAxisAlignment:,, children: <Widget>[ Row( [...] read more
I'm trying to make a subjective sort based on shell sort. I'm referring to the original (Donald Shell's) algorithm. I already made all the logic, where it is exactly the same as the shell sort, but instead of the computer calculate what is greater, the user determines subjectively what is [...] read more
I want to apply a bitmask to get only the upper half of bits. So for an uint32 it would be this: uint32_t version_part = oldID & 0xFFFF0000; This is all fine when the data type is hardcoded but if this was a templated function and I wanted to provide [...] read more
I'm trying to create a URL image from a imgur png with codenameone, using this code: Form hi = new Form(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); EncodedImage placeholder = EncodedImage.createFromImage(Image.createImage(hi.getWidth(), hi.getWidth() / 5, 0xffff0000), true); URLImage background = URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "test2.png","", URLImage.RESIZE_SCALE_TO_FILL); background.fetch(); hi.add(background);; But it just gives me this error: Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - [...] read more
I'm trying to write my own Color struct for a task I have. My goal is that my buffer will always contain a RGBA value, even if it is initialized with ARGB values. I have 2 constructors: 1. Takes R,G,B,A values of type uint8_t separately - Works like a charm. [...] read more
I'm trying to connect to OMAP5912 device using XDS560v2 TRAVELER JTAG emulator using Code Composer Studio 7. When connecting to C55x device using Connect Target it successfully stops at an arbitrary RAM point. When using Connect Target on the ARM9 core, it always stops at 0xFFFF0000. Now, when I look [...] read more
When I use layout asm command I see the following: │0x4000f2 <_start+18> mov $0xffff0000,%eax When I use disas /r command I see the following: 0x00000000004000f2 <+18>: b8 00 00 ff ff mov $0xffff0000,%eax That is, in the latter case, I can also see the opcode b8 and the operand. How [...] read more
Whenever I try to enable interrupts using the sti command, the emulator instantly reboots. I am executing the following code in protected mode on bootup: void* idt = (void*) 0x00000; struct { uint16_t length; void* base; } __attribute__((packed)) IDTR = {128, idt}; asm ("lidt %0" : : "m"(IDTR)); asm ("sti"); [...] read more
Maybe someone has same problem I have installed Openstack Victoria on two virtualmachines (1 controller node, 1 compute node) running ubuntu 20.04. Each node has two network interfaces, mgmt network and provider network. I have created private network and I have attached it to router. With this configuration I am [...] read more
I am wondering why a client IP ( is used as a Gateway for the OpenVPN subnet ( ? This IP is attributed to the first client connected. Note that I did not encounter any issue with the clients and their connections. Please find below some information to contextualize: * [...] read more
I am connecting a MacOS Mojave to two different VPNs. One is over IKEv2, and the other over L2TP/IPSEC. After connecting the VPN, a new interface is created named ppp0. I can see come basic information about this VPN connection with command ifconfig -v ppp0 The output is below: ifconfig [...] read more
I would like to redirect the postgres' port to another address which is running postgres. The postgres' instance is hosted on a virtualbox machine with host-only networking configuration. Unfortunately the following rule does not seem to make the job echo "rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to port [...] read more
I work at a small company, we have set up our LAN using an ASUS RT-N18U. We are in a small office as part of a business park, our network comes in over wire, as part of a package supplied by the business park. We had a power cut yesterday, [...] read more
I am following Bootlin's embedded Linux training which aims to put an embedded Linux system on an Atmel SAMA5D4 Xplained board (theory slides, practical lab instructions) and I am stuck a putting the whole system on the NAND flash. They ask me to put the DTB, the kernel, the root [...] read more
I would like to be able to SSH into my raspi; which I can do so over the wlan0 interface if it simplifies things. All other connections Id like to be routed through an openvpn connection at interface tun0. What Im hoping for is the openvpn configurations or the iptables [...] read more
I'm working with Raspberry Pi Zeros on a subnet. I bought external Ethernet adapters for each one to connect them to one another. Unfortunately, these ethernet adapters all came with the exact same MAC addresses, making communication between the Pis near impossible. Because of that I've tried forcing a change [...] read more
I have two Routers, the 2nd a tp-link with dd-wrt. I configure it with the same SSID and other options to have one big wifi network. It worked well. But from one moment to another I was not getting internet. At first I though I was being hacked. Then I [...] read more
We have an iOS App on App Store. To submit a new version after Jun 1st, 2016, we have to support an “IPv6-only network” according to this link. We referred to Apple's documentation, upgraded a Mac Mini to El Capitan and set it to a NAT64 hotspot. This Mac Mini [...] read more
I am experiencing a strange issue with an RFID Pad and a BSOD. Dell Optiplex 7010, Win7, 64bit, Intel Corie 7 The issue is that I receive a BSOD just before the login screen appears. However if I unplug the RFID pad from it's USB port at start up, the [...] read more
I've built a minimal Linux for my BeagleBoard xM (Rev C) using the Yocto project build appliance, and installed it on a uSD card following their instructions. It works (Yay!), has a small footprint and boots really fast which is what I want. I used a pretty minimal build recipe [...] read more
Web browsing was becoming very slow, after trying in two different places (home,starbucks). I was looking at ifconfig output and everything I found reasons for, lo0 gif0 stf0, except for one of the enX interfaces: en2: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 ether 0b:0b:0b:0b:0b:0b inet6 fe80::223:32ff:fec7:d2dc%en2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5 inet netmask [...] read more
Closed my computer last night, went home. Opened it and it had restarted. Now when I open a couple programs such as Adobe Fireworks or Appcelerator Titanium they throw up a nasty error like below. Other programs (Chrome, Firefox, Textmate, Versions) work fine. Any thoughts on this? I haven't owned [...] read more
Some plugin on my Firefox 4.0.1 'quits unexpectedly' /almost/ everytime I close my Firefox on my Macbook. Any idea which plugin may be causing this? 'Process: plugin-container [666] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: org.mozilla.plugincontainer Version: ??? (1.0) Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: firefox-bin [653] Date/Time: 2011-05-18 14:23:20.759 -0400 OS Version: Mac [...] read more
I'm trying to program the FPGA and boot over an SD card in xc7z020-clg400-1 zynq chip inside parallella, I can't figure out where is the problem, I have did vivado design , generate bitstream, create the FSBL project, and for the u-boot, I just download this one, (maybe I [...] read more
I have colors stored as IntArrays this is a simple function to convert to the argb color value used by Android. fun IntArray.toColor(): UInt { var color: Long = 0xFF000000 val maxIndex = size - 1 this.withIndex().forEach { (index, value) -> color = color or (value.toLong() shl (8 * (maxIndex [...] read more
I have a function which inflates a layout and is supposed to manipulate the views contained within the layout. The layout's base element is a ConstraintLayout. The fragment: public class HomeFragment extends Fragment { ... public void myFunction() { View v = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, null); TextView t = (TextView) v.findViewById(; t.setText("Some [...] read more
I am trying to get an error border around an input which is wrapped with a Container. The Container is esentially only here to provide a place to put the shadows, for some reason I can't seem to replicate the given design. How it's supposed to look... [] return DecoratedBox( [...] read more
I have a DE1-SoC (Cyclone V) board where I am trying to get timer interrupts to work on the HPS. I found an example in the Intel FPGA University Program called "interrupt_example", and when I run it on the Intel FPGA Universioty Program, it runs perfectly. Now I want to [...] read more
I have looked and tried a lot of different things but no matter what I end up doing the screen is always blank and I'm sure it's something really dumb I'm doing and I'm hoping someone will catch it. I'm trying to alternate background colors but before I even get [...] read more
I am trying to recreate the mod in the YouTuber TommyInnit's video "Minecraft’s Laser Eye Mod Is Hilarious" as me and my friends wish to use it but we couldn't find it on the internet, and I have taken code from here for raycasting and also set up a keybind, [...] read more
I'm trying to understand the translation table from a Cortex-A53. Currently without success. Cannot enable the MMU. I would like to know how to correctly setup the MMU. Have tried this tutorial from ARM. Relevant code (enabling): __el2_cache: mrs x0, SCTLR_EL2 bic x0, x0, #(1 << 0) /* Disable MMU [...] read more
Below is a minimal example program that compiles under both MacOS/X and Linux. Its purpose is to send a single node-scoped UDP/IPv6 multicast packet over the machine's loopback-device. I believe it is correct, and it does work as expected under MacOS/X, but under Linux it fails with this output: Attempting [...] read more
My code wouldn't work after attempting this. Can somebody show me how it's done? Instructions - Turn off branch and load delays for this program, if you wish. It will make it considerably simpler. Be sure to turn on memory-mapped I/O. Make sure you fully understand what the memory mapped [...] read more
I am building a small network stack based on libpcap for receiving and sending. The goal is to respond to pings (ICMP packets). Thus the stack implements Ethernet, ARP, IP, and ICMP. The stack is running on my computer, from which I also invoke the ping command. When I ping [...] read more
I have this toolbar : < android:id="@+id/appbar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:theme="@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar"> < android:id="@+id/collapsingtoolbarly" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:fitsSystemWindows="true" app:contentScrim="?attr/colorPrimary" app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|snap"> < android:id="@+id/my_toolbar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="?attr/actionBarSize" android:background="?attr/colorPrimary" android:elevation="4dp" android:theme="@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.ActionBar" app:layout_collapseMode="pin" app:popupTheme="@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light" /> </> </> I have this in Java : Toolbar myToolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; myToolbar.setTitleTextColor(0xffffffff); myToolbar.setBackgroundColor(0xffff0000); setSupportActionBar(myToolbar); getSupportActionBar().setTitle("My app"); When I run the app, [...] read more
I am working on a project that can send and receive Strings to and from an Arduino to control and monitor various sensors and lights. I am running into an issue where once I leave the activity that connects to Bluetooth and then return to that same activity after visiting [...] read more
So In Swift I do this: struct Sdata: Codable { var data: [Station] } struct Station: Codable , Identifiable { var id,name,imageurl,listenlive:String private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case id = "_id", name , imageurl , listenlive } } But I am wondering in flutter how is this structured? [...] read more
I'm booting linux with my own init executable which is written in C. As a part of my init process, I want to mount a custom filesystem image which was preloaded to the physical memory (let's say at address 0xFFFF0000). The type of the filesystem image can be changed to [...] read more
I use Android color picker by duanhong169. Color is given in this format: 0xFFFF0000 and i want to convert it to rgba format in decimal like 255, 255, 0, 0 I try to convert this to String then split it but the conversion output is decimal from all the hex [...] read more
I'm interested in what the suggested way is to pack a value and retrieve that packed value again. I think to do this from a memory address -- if I'm understanding correctly -- is trivial, as you can retrieve the value based on the memory offset. Is that correct, or [...] read more
I am using an ItemTouchHelper for my RecyclerView. I've assigned icons for swiping both left and right. The icon for swiping right is being displayed correctly, but the icon for swiping left is not being displayed. Here's some of my code from the top of the ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback class: private RecyclerView.Adapter [...] read more
I am trying to implement the ShaderMask to only the background image in the container below with color Color(0xFFFF0000) and transparency 29% but I am not able to do so, the below code I have implemented it is masking all the elements of the container, but I want only the [...] read more
I'm playing with the original Quake2 game source code for Windows. There is the code which me some doubts an questions. Sys_Milliseconds function implementation (q_shwin.c): /* ================ Sys_Milliseconds ================ */ int curtime; int Sys_Milliseconds (void) { static int base; static qboolean initialized = false; if (!initialized) { // let base [...] read more
I'm trying to run the latest linux-omap kernel Linux-4.3.0-rc5-12674-g80923cf8e that I got from the official linux-omap GIT. I compiled it with the multi_v7_defconfig, disabling unneeded boards and adding some debug options like earlyprintk. I am now stuck with a kernel panic and I can't find what the problem is. The [...] read more
enter image description here [] Above picture is the way an arabic word with hareka should look but after applying ForegroundColorSpan on the second letter(zamma), like below: TextView textView = findViewById(; String text = "گُرگ"; SpannableString spann = new SpannableString(text); spann.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(0xFFFF0000), 1, 2, 0); textView.setText(spann, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE); the result I [...] read more
After adding mylines this code compiled with 0 errors. However, when I install then crashed shows it can't open. > If i remove mylines then it works well . What is the problem i can't figure > out? canvas.drawPath(myLines, greenPaint); package com.bennyplo.graphics2d; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; [...] read more
I have created one view, view code is, public class MyDraw extends View{ //List<Point> mArryLstpoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); Paint paint =new Paint(); Paint mPaintAlphabet = new Paint(); public MyDraw(Context context) { super(context); paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); paint.setAntiAlias(true); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public MyDraw(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { super(context, attributeSet); paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); paint.setAntiAlias(true); [...] read more
I have am335x related customized board and kernel(4.4.16) source code I configure the FTDI module driver. so after kernel start successfully I attach ftdi converter to usb port and then type lsmod command to check module list Module Size Used by Not tainted cp210x 15164 0 usbserial 34545 1 cp210x [...] read more
So I am trying to implement a Toy Backend using LLVM using the below codes as reference for the different steps I have a rough idea as to what frame lowering is (read emit prologue and emit epilogue) below are the codes for the same from the reference that I [...] read more
I have a set of CheckBoxes that work perfectly, but when making changes in another section within the same view they are cleaned and unmarked by themselves, why is this happening ?, I have not found anything on the web about that ... This is how I generate the CheckBox: [...] read more
I am working on a racing Simulater Software. I have already made the GUI for assigning custom buttons to the keystrokes of the hardware. I made a dialog window appear when one is pressing the button "red1". The first attempt at compiling after restart is normal. The second time and [...] read more
I'm referring to the original (Donald Shell's) algorithm. I'm trying to make a subjective sort based on shell sort. I already made all the logic, where it is exactly the same as the shell sort, but instead of the computer calculate what is greater, the user determines subjectively what is [...] read more
I'm trying to create a simple app that draws a simple figure and then after clicking the button does some affine transformation with the figure. Can you help me finishing onClick method rotate? Thank you a lot. The problem is that I don't know how to pass Canvas to that [...] read more
I extracted zImage and initrd from the OpenSUSE image for sabrelite and use it to start qemu-system-arm generally successful. But i detect that the initrd execute 2 times, even with the parameter "noinitrd". But without the qemu-system-arm paramater "-initrd initrd" the mmc (sdcard) will not be recognized and it is [...] read more
I am trying to use the DE1-SoC board to run this program. It is supposed to allow the user to input a character, and return that letter in binary on red LEDs on the board. It uses two functions that take in user input and displays the execution to the [...] read more
I am using Altera Cyclone V FPGA with ARM 7 core, I am running a application with 7 thread with mutexes. The application randomly hangs after 1hr or 1 Day or 1 Month, no defined time. I ran strace when the application is running smoothly and it gives: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- [...] read more
My geofence is trigering actions once when i open map. Basically i want it to show a toast and make a button visible once i enter a circle and show a toast and make a button invisible once i leave the circle. I can't find a solution so maybe you [...] read more
In embedded platform built by petalinux, during boot(from u-boot), the last print I see is(sometimes) mmcblk0boot1 print. What are the good ways to debug/trace/fix the problem? As you can see at the end of the log is the start of another boot The attached log ======================================================================= > U-Boot 2015.07 (Jul [...] read more
The problem seems to be network-specific, the console log points to two possible errors causing the slowdown: > nw_resolver_create_dns_service_locked [C150094] > DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection failed: NoMemory(-65539) or > nw_socket_handle_socket_event Socket SO_ERROR [61: Connection refused] I tried two network configurations: 1. The development Mac and the iPhone on the same subnet (WiFi) of [...] read more
There are two types of messages on the CAN bus. Those are broadcast message and default message. Currently, I'm using fifo0 for both the message(which works perfectly fine). But I would like to use fifo1 specially for broadcast message. Below is my initializing code uint8 BspCan_RxFilterConfig(uint32 filterId, uint32 filterMask, uint8 [...] read more
I'm just trying to customize the kernel configuration for Raspberry Pi 4B, to achieve a compact system image and quick startup, but as we can see in the logs there's approximate ~4.0s to start executing my 4.2MB kernel. * Logs: 23:20:06.198 -> 23:20:06.198 -> PM_RSTS: 0x00001000 23:20:06.198 -> RPi: BOOTLOADER [...] read more
currently I'm trying to debug a problem but in order to do that I'm trying to print out some information so I figured I would go and implement Display for my BufferMemory. I keep getting std::option::Option<&memory::BufferMemory>` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display std::option::Option<&memory::BufferMemory>` cannot be formatted with the default formatter even though I'm [...] read more
How can I change color of star components in this layout? Can it be done it below code or do I have to work in xml? @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setTheme(; ViewGroup layout = getLayout(getIntent().getStringExtra("key1")); if (layout == null) return; layout.addView(new ProgressBar(this)); layout.addView(new RadioButton(this)); layout.addView(new RatingBar(this)); layout.addView(new [...] read more
I've set up SoftEther VPN on a brand-new Ubuntu 16.04 server and connected macOS, Windows and iOS client to it. I've created Ruby on Rails webserver on my macbook and binded it to my VPN address. Other clients can access it but not my macbook - I can't even ping [...] read more
So I would like to map the following JSON. {"data":[{"track":{"artist":"Other Ego","title":"Titanium (2Complex Remix)","imageurl":"","url":"","type":"S"}}]} However I only need to be able to read {"artist":"Other Ego","title":"Titanium (2Complex Remix)","imageurl":"","url":"","type":"S"}} Normally I would do this. factory Photo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Photo( data: List<Datum>.from(json["data"].map((x) => Datum.fromJson(x))), ); However I need to do this instead include [...] read more
What I am not understanding: How the code is able to generate all the Fibonacci series using just one variable? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main (void) { unsigned long i = 1; printf ("0\n"); while (((i & 0xffff0000) >> 16) + (i & 0xffff) <= 0xffff) { printf ("%d\n", [...] read more