The following was done in VS Enterprise 2017 15.8.2. I had converted a .NET Framework project (C#) into netstandard and then had to convert it back due to a build issue. The conversion was done by restoring a previous commit from git. However, now VS does not recognize the project [...] read more
enter image description hereTrying to use SSRS in Visual Studio 2019 Community. I am able to create a new "Report Server Project" Project in VS. However, when I try to "Add New Item" in the Project, I get the Error message: Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND)) I [...] read more
There are issue with using WebBrowser late bind calls related to object/property names generation. For example: WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument.Forms.Myform.mycontrol.Value = "test" will fail with more than one instance of the WebBrowser control what actually happen is that mycontrol object become Mycontrol and compiled application will fail with error > Member not [...] read more
I have an excel which contains textboxes/shapes which I am going to fill in with specific data. I used the following code in identifying each shape: //using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet foreach(Excel.Shape shp in xlworksheet.Shapes) { //code to add text to shape goes here.... } I also tried using: [...] read more
I've been messing around with Outlook objects for Powershell. I wanted to create Outlook Rules and I got it to work. Layed the project aside for a while. When I picked it back up I was unable to create Outlook rules. Note that I did NOT change anything in the [...] read more
I would like to fill textbox in a website via my c# program My problem is that the Id tag for the textbox i want to fill is the same as the Id tag as another textbox and the one I want to fill is not the first I can [...] read more
In the below code, if I specify the property value like doc.styleSheets[0].rules[0].style.fontweight, it works but if I pass a variable, it throws the error. Why is it? html = (Ltrim <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> div { font-weight: bold; } </style> </head> </html> ) doc := ComObjCreate("HTMLfile") doc.write(html) ChangeCSSRules(doc, "fontweight", "normal") [...] read more
I've seen a similar issue when using mshtml.dll referenced in our .NET projects, but nothing related to this specific situation. I'm suspecting the issue may have some relation to what was said in this thread (.net document write with mshtml) about the coclass missing in my case all related properties/attributes. [...] read more
I have a problem with calling get_PrimaryKeys() function from msi.dll in c#. I want to fund out what are the primary keys in a given MSI table. I use the following code: Type installerType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WindowsInstaller.Installer"); installer = (Installer)Activator.CreateInstance(installerType); database = installer.OpenDatabase(MSIPath, MsiOpenDatabaseMode.msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact); WindowsInstaller.Record data = null; data = database.PrimaryKeys[tableName]; [...] read more
Hi I have the follow VBS that runs without any problem if I put it in a .vbs file and run it. Dim objshell Set objshell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") objshell.NameSpace("C:\Temp").CopyHere(objshell.NameSpace("C:\Temp\").Items()) Set objshell = Nothing But if I cut and paste it into a script task in SSBI 2008, it runs with [...] read more
I'm try to write a plugin for a 3rd party product. This takes the form of a native C++ DLL, which implements a specified interface from a supplied type library. My plugin is getting loaded successfully, and the methods described by the interface are being called at the expected points, [...] read more
Windows 10 has been force rebooting on me for the last two days -- resulting in loss of work and disruption of work. Needless to say, arbitrary force reboot is exacerbating and harmful. What settings can I adjust in order to ensure that Windows 10 will not ever force reboot? [...] read more
In the continuity of that idea : C# WebBrowser control: window.external access sub object i try to pass a list object from C# to a WebBrowser. And would like, in JavaScript, to access to the methods that belongs to those objects that are stored in an array. The problem is [...] read more
I am trying to automate one of my context menus and I took a dive into active accessibility. The documentation and code samples are very poor... after a lot of trial and error I managed to activate menu commands appearing in the "main" context menu: (after a WM_CONTEXTMENU) // rough [...] read more
In my application I get the element from wpf's webbrowser html through HTMLDocument and set the click listener according to elements type this code works fine in windows 7 but in win 8/10 when i try to check type of element through DispHTMLInputElement,it gets this error: > Member not found. [...] read more
I have RSI, and when it flares up, I use Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 Home to save me a lot of typing. Generally I find it very accurate and my RSI subsides when I'm not typing so much. However, I'm now using it on Windows 10, developing WinForms applications in [...] read more
I am using jquery.validate.js for validation along with jquery-1.9.1.js and it is working fine in all browsers but not in Ie7 Below is my code <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.validate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/rwQueryString-1.0.jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(function () { var ruleSet_default = { required: true }; var ruleSet1 = { minlength: [...] read more
OK, this is a shot in the dark as I'm at my wits end. I have two third-party DLLs that work great in VB6, but not so much in VB.NET or C#. In VB6, the below works just fine: Dim oApplication As Object Dim oSession As Object Dim vRetCode As [...] read more
The following script works as intended. use warnings; use strict; use Win32::Ole; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft.Excel'; $Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; my $excel = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'Excel.Application' or die; $excel->{'Visible'} = 1; my $workbook = $excel -> workbooks -> add(1); my $sheet = $workbook -> sheets(1); my $shape = $sheet -> shapes -> [...] read more
I am having trouble implementing an event sink for DShellWindowsEvents from SHDocVw.dll in Microsoft Visual C++. The problem arises inside my implementation of IDispatch::Invoke. I implemented it by delegating its call to ITypeInfo::Invoke (as suggested by Microsoft on remarks section), but it always fails with error code 0x80020003 (Member not [...] read more
I have an application (for which I don't have control of the source), and it exposes a COM interface that works fine from VBA, for example: Sub test() Set myApp = CreateObject("MyApp.Application") val1 = myApp.SubPart.Size MsgBox CStr(val1) myApp.SubPart.IncreaseSize End Sub This works perfectly. When I do the equivalent in AutoHotkey-L: [...] read more
in one of my projects I am currently using ActiveReports 6 and m planning to move to ComponentOne's ActiveReports 7. Basically I have downloaded trial version of ActiveReports 7 as of now... In the "Tool" menu, when I click on the "Convert to ActiveReports 7" I get a popup notifying... [...] read more
I've some classes defined in a dll file. These are in the form of com api. I'm trying to create an object of one of the class dynamically and than setting some property of that object. When I set the property manually, it works, but when I try to invoke [...] read more
I am creating an add in for outlook 2007, that embeds smileys to the body of an email. And the method i am using is as follows: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail.HTMLBody) && mail.HTMLBody.ToLower().Contains("</body>")) { int mailBodyLength; if (mail.Body == null) { mailBodyLength = 0; } else { mailBodyLength = mail.Body.Length; } //Get [...] read more
I have an ExcelDNA project with a custom taskpane that contains a WebView2 control. (cf. demo project here: Then, I am trying to control the Excel application using JavaScript. So, in the C# side, I expose its reference using AddHostObjectToScript() wv.CoreWebView2.AddHostObjectToScript( "excel", ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelDnaUtil.Application ); Problems arise when I try [...] read more
I am using Visual Studio 2019 for learning the SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS). During the practice session I got an issue. > member not found (exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND” > Visual Studio2019 Community Report--->Add--->New item The Option that I Chose [] Issue Issue in Adding new item in the [...] read more
Trying to use SSIS in Visual Studio 2019 Community. I am able to create a new "integration project" Project in VS. However, when I try to "Add New Item" in the Project, I get the error message: > Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND)) Please help me to [...] read more
I am able to create a new "Report Server Project" Project in VS. However, when I try to "Add New Item" in the Project, I get the Error message: Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND)) Can any one help me solve this issue I can take a copy [...] read more
Repro * I created new solution with project targeted net 4.6.1 and its test project. * Project was copied from solution created in VS 2017 * I have changed <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.6.1</TargetFrameworkVersion> to <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework> for both unit test and library project (<OutputType>Library</OutputType>). Now I cannot build solution. When I open project properties [...] read more
I am trying to export a SQL table result into Excel using blue prism. Currently it is done by exporting SQL results to collection and then collection to Excel. This is taking a longer time (10 mins) to export ~20K records. This is because the VBO uses for each loop. [...] read more
This System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comes from acquiring an instance of a (COM wrapper) UIAutomationClient.IAccessible and then calling accLocation on the object: Interop.AccessibleObjectFromEvent( hWnd, idObject, idChild, out var accessible, out var accessibleChild ); int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; accessible?.accLocation( out x, out y, out w, [...] read more
I have a simple jscript program using Adobe Acrobat's Interapplication Communication API. var AcroApp = new ActiveXObject("AcroExch.App"); AcroApp.Exit; I receive the following error executing the second line: > Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND)) When AcroApp is instantiated, it shows as an ActiveXObject. However, I'm stumped, any ideas? read more
I'm trying to attach a file to an email that will be sent in Outlook, in C#. I've got the following that works great: using OutlookApp = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application; [...] public class Foo { private void SendMail() { OutlookApp outlookApp = new OutlookApp(); MailItem mailItem = outlookApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); [...] var rootDirectory = [...] read more
I am busy trying to write a basic application in to select a specific node in a 3D PDF using acrobats 3D API. I am viewing the 3D PDF in a form using this code: Dim avdoc As Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc Dim pddoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc Dim jso As Object Dim a3d [...] read more
I have a datagridview with several columns of text including a row with an image. Datagridview Image When trying to export it the text without an image on using the following code i have no errors; Private Sub Button2_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click 'Save to excel with [...] read more
The UK Office for National Statistics provide access to the data from the UK 2011 national census. One access method they provide is through a SOAP API and they give examples of how to consume their API on the page NeSS Data Exchange V2.0. I am having trouble getting one [...] read more
IE8 crashed when access any property or method of plugin, and plugin work fine in IE10 and 11. I have found the crash reason: In IE8, the m_settled of ComPromise is still false for some reason. When ComPromise Object destroy, the destroy method calls ComPromise::_onError and crash. --- a/src/ActiveXCore/ComPromise.h +++ [...] read more
I want to get file transfer progress info while files uploading to webdav server. I try to using WithEvents for set handler for Session object but it stops with error: C:\Miniconda3\python.exe E:/backup_1c/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/backup_1c/", line 16, in <module> File "<COMObject WinSCP.Session>", line 2, in [...] read more
I realise this means that this method is unsupported on the target machine, so that's fine, but how else can I get the same functionality? If I use Range.Borders.LineStyle and Range.Borders.Weight then it doesn't put a border around the range, it will put borders around every individual cell inside the [...] read more
I'm trying to use the attachments included in calendar items pulled progmatically. I have a list of chosen calendar subject lines from a previous dialog box, and while the subject is transferring properly, the body isn't working well (another question altogether) but the attachments aren't working whatsoever. Here's my foreach [...] read more
I am adding a contact thru Right Clicking a Outlook contact --> Forward Contact--> As a Business Card. . This will add a .vcf file as a attachment and a embedded image in the mail body. when user clicks my Addin i have to delete the .vcf attachment and provide [...] read more
I have to parse my solution to list all files that it is using. I have created this: Imports EnvDTE Imports EnvDTE80 Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.Collections Public Class C Implements VisualCommanderExt.ICommand Sub Run(DTE As EnvDTE80.DTE2, package As Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package) Implements VisualCommanderExt.ICommand.Run listing(DTE) End Sub Sub listing(DTE As EnvDTE80.DTE2) Dim prj As [...] read more
I am using WatiN for IE automation. I want to automate Yahoo Search (just for test). When I run WatiN.Core.Document.Eval("js code") right after launching IE, it works and I can run my javascript on the page. However when I do some search in Yahoo and then call WatiN.Core.Document.Eval("js code"), it [...] read more
I'm trying to upgrade an internal application, the infrastructure will be moving from 2008 to windows server 2012. The application builds presentations from model templates. I keep getting the attached COM Exception which looks to be associated with Interops, has anyone come across something similar. PowerPages (Office 14.0) Document: Model.ppt [...] read more
I have a piece of code to process appointment changes in Outlook. If the appointment is a recurring one then the code retrieves the RecurrencePattern and go through the items in the Exceptions list (this "exception" refers to "appointment exception" meaning one of the appointment in a recurring series is [...] read more
I am developing Outlook 2013 Addin. My scenario: 1. Get email data of selected email from outlook mail window 2. Create new email item 3. Update new email item with the email data from selected email 4. send email If i am selecting email without attachments and do the operation [...] read more
I have an MFC-based Windows application with a GUI, it is written in C++ and has a lot of COM objects; let's call it "HelloWorld". A user sent me a bug report: sometimes, in response to a particular user action, a MessageBox shows up (in the following image I removed [...] read more
I have a visual studio project that read a Word file, does some processing and then saves it as a PDF file. The code worked perfectly on my machine which only had Office 2010 installed, but when I ran it on another PC which had both Office 2003 and Office [...] read more
I have just thought of working on Windows App Development with a Friend of mine, but before I could start I'm experiencing an issue with Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone while Creating a New Project. > Whenever I try making a Project, a window pops up saying “Member not [...] read more
I am working on a project , and i basically have to display data ( cell wise) from an excel file to a textbox. I used the following code Option Explicit On Imports System.IO Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO Partial Public Class Window2 Dim objexcel As New Excel._ExcelApplication Dim objwork As Excel._ExcelSheet Dim [...] read more
The following code written for Excel 2007 formats a range as a table without issue. SourceRange.Worksheet.ListObjects.Add(XlListObjectSourceType.xlSrcRange, SourceRange, System.Type.Missing, XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, System.Type.Missing).Name = TableName; SourceRange.Worksheet.ListObjects[TableName].TableStyle = TableStyleName; SourceRange.AutoFilter(1, Type.Missing, XlAutoFilterOperator.xlAnd, Type.Missing, true); if (IsGroupTable) { SourceRange.Rows.Group(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); } When I try to use the same code in Excel 2003, I [...] read more
I'm having some issues getting my project to run in Internet Explorer. Everything works perfectly in Chrome, but when I start it in IE I get the following error message. Unhandled exception at line 2525, column 4 in http://localhost:52288/Scripts/jquery-1.8.3.js 0x80020003 - JavaScript runtime error: Member not found. I obviously have [...] read more
I am running following simple script on perl64 to generate chart on excel but I am getting following errors without generating any chart. It opens excel sheet, write data into sheet but no chart. Win32::OLE(0.1709) error 0x80020003: "Member not found" in PROPERTYPUT "ChartType" at C:\path\ line 20. Here is my [...] read more
I want to know if a service startup mode is set on "automatic", and if yes, to set it to "Manual" I have this code: If objService("StartMode").ToString = "Automatic" Then objService.ChangeStartMode("Manual") End If But when i compile my project, Visual Studio reports that error: COMException was unhandled : Member not [...] read more
I'm working on a application that interacts with a (third party provided) web app to provide additional functionality (e.g. removing menu items, pulling information from the pages, etc.). The web app is completely driven by javascript but is hosted in and is only used with Internet Explorer. I'm [...] read more
I am trying to attach a binary data retrieved from SQL server to an email as attachment using in the office addin. I am able to add attachment if I specified the file path and file name, but not with binary data, below is my sample code: Dim ms [...] read more
When developing AddIns for Visual Studio 2010 the following line fails: CommandBarEvents handler = (EnvDTE.CommandBarEvents)m_VSStudio.DTE.Events.get_CommandBarEvents(popup); Update: Forgot to tell that m_VSStudio is of the type DTE2 Where popup is of the type CommandBarPopup (for the type CommandBarControl it works though) The line fails with this Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020003): Member not [...] read more
I'm using an Interop library as reference in Visual Studio 2019 which is able to execute the following code without any error: using someInterop; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var flexApp = new NSF.Application(); var proxyScan = flexApp.Scan; proxyScan.StartPrescan(); do { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } while (proxyScan.IsScanningPrescan()); } But, [...] read more