COM Exception in Application


I'm trying to upgrade an internal application, the infrastructure will be moving from 2008 to windows server 2012. The application builds presentations from model templates.

I keep getting the attached COM Exception which looks to be associated with Interops, has anyone come across something similar.

PowerPages (Office 14.0)

Document: Model.ppt

Command: {SET PrevPeriodEnd user.PreviousPeriodEnd(PGFromDate)}


~~ Call Stack Pages 6.9.1 (Build 021)~~

Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND))

Stack Trace:

at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass.Run(String MacroName, Object& varg1, Object& varg2, Object& varg3, Object& varg4, Object& varg5, Object& varg6, Object& varg7, Object& varg8, Object& varg9, Object& varg10, Object& varg11, Object& varg12, Object& varg13, Object& varg14, Object& varg15, Object& varg16, Object& varg17, Object& varg18, Object& varg19, Object& varg20, Object& varg21, Object& varg22, Object& varg23, Object& varg24, Object& varg25, Object& varg26, Object& varg27, Object& varg28, Object& varg29, Object& varg30)

at Pages.PowerPages.Evaluate.DoEvaluate(Collection cExpression)

at Pages.PowerPages.Evaluate.Eval(String sExpression)

at Pages.PowerPages.Commands.HandleSet(String& sStr, Shape& oShape, TextRange& oRange)

at Pages.PowerPages.ProcessFile.ProcessShape(Presentation& oPresentation, Shape& shp, String& sOpenStr, String& sCloseStr, Boolean& bExit, Int32& nSlideID, Int32& nSlidesToReset, Boolean& bAgenda)

at Pages.PowerPages.ProcessFile.ProcessPresentation(Presentation& oPresentation, String& sOpenStr, String& sCloseStr, Boolean& BMaster, Boolean& bAgenda)

at Pages.PowerPages.modAmain.GenerateModel(String[]& aSelectedComponent, Boolean& bNormal)

at Pages.PowerPages.modAmain.Generate2(Boolean bJobRun)

at Pages.PowerPages.ComPowerPoint.Generate(String sThreadID, Int32 nJobID, String sPortcode, String sManager, String sBusinessUnit, Int32 nJobAccountStatusID, Object oBatch, String sOutputFolder, Application oPowerPointApp)

~~~~ Additional Information ~~~~

Exception type: COMException


Computer Data:

Operating System Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

Version: 6.2.9200.0

Platform: Win32NT

Physical Memory - Total: 4294430720, Available: 2845433856

Virtual Memory - Total: 2147352576, Available: 1652203520

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 9, 2015 by user3008705

2 Answers


Two (obvious) possibilities:

Is word installed? Looks like whatever is calling powerpoint is also calling word.

Is your app running as a 32 bit app? 2008 can be run as a 32 bit OS but 2012R2 is 64 bit and you may need to mark everything as 32 bit. (I think you can use CorFlag.exe to force this)

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 9, 2015 by PeterI

Thanks, I think I've resolved, the macro called template was in an out of date version of office (.dot and required .dotm.)

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 11, 2015 by user3008705

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