How to import data from excel to textbox in WPF?


I am working on a project , and i basically have to display data ( cell wise) from an excel file to a textbox. I used the following code

Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO

Partial Public Class Window2
    Dim objexcel As New Excel._ExcelApplication
    Dim objwork As Excel._ExcelSheet
    Dim objworksheet As Excel.Worksheet

    Private Sub Window1_Loaded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Window1.Loaded
        objwork ="D:\jkj.xlsx")
        objworksheet = CType(objwork.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1"), Excel.Worksheet)
        TextBox1.Text = objwork.cells(1, 1).text
        Textbox2.Text = objwork.cells(2, 1).text
    End Sub
End Class

But it is showing the following error

Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND))

Can someone suggest whats wrong with the code? I have searched and read high and low over the net.

Thank you!

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 17, 2013 by stellaluna • edited Oct 17, 2013 by Sheridan

1 Answer


You made a few mistakes:

  1. objwork.cells(1, 1) -> Should be objworksheet.cells(1, 1)
  2. objexcel.Workbooks.Quit() -> Should be objexcel.Quit()
  3. objworksheet.cells(1, 1).text -> You should split getting the Range object and getting it's text property. It's a general rule of thumb: "Never use 2 dots with COM objects." Not obeying it leads to leaving Excel's thread running even after user closes client app.

You should also consider securing your code with the try-catch block - from my experience there are many unexpected possibilities of getting an exception while working with Office via COM.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 17, 2013 by Rav

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