i am using elmah -> Elmah.axd in my project for finding errors. there is an error like this : System.Web.HttpException: The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800703E3. Generated: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 13:06:13 GMT System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.Web.HttpException (0x800703E3): The [...] read more
I have written a custom http handler. I have done this by writing a class which implements the IHttphandler. Inside that class I have code like this, context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.ClearHeaders(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + attachmentFileName); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", new FileInfo(downloadFile).Length.ToString()); context.Response.ContentType = GetMimeType(attachmentFileName); context.Response.TransmitFile(downloadFile); context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.Close(); Occasionally I receive an error like this, Exception [...] read more
Just recently I started to investigate a tricky problem with WCF streaming in which a CommunicationException is produced if the client waits for any longer than 130 seconds in between sends to the server. Here is the full exception: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException was unhandled by user code HResult=-2146233087 Message=The socket connection was [...] read more
I am experiencing a strange issue. I have an ASP.Net web application that uses Forms Authentication. If I open the log-in page and there is a couple of minutes of inactivity, the log-in attempt times out or IE / FireFox display "Cannot display this page". If there is no pause [...] read more
We are trying to understand what is happening with this error, is this just users disconnecting from the site? System.Web.HttpException An error occurred while communicating with the remote host. The error code is 0x800703E3. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application [...] read more
I'm getting the following error in logs for WebAPI > System.Web.HttpException (0x800703E3): The client disconnected. at > System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at > System.Web.HttpBufferlessInputStream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at > System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory 1.FromAsyncTrimPromise 1.Complete(TInstance > thisRef, Func 3 endMethod, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Boolean > requiresSynchronization) --- End of stack trace from previous location where > exception was [...] read more
I am trying to stop this warning in IIS and I am reading that I should check this object IsClientConnected before I call TransmitFile(filename) . Is this correct or is Another way to correct this ? IIS exception > Exception information: Exception type: HttpException Exception message: The > remote host [...] read more
I'm managing a web site which is running fine for last couple of months over IIS 7.5 built with MVC 3.0 ASP.net. Every now and then we are facing a problem when our AJAX POST request (fired through jQuery) fails as the JSON being posted is getting truncated. What we've [...] read more
I have a Web.Api project, and I deployed it to Azure Web Sites. Some times I see many HTTP SERVER ERRORS in dashboard. > Detailed Error Information: Module ManagedPipelineHandler Notification > ExecuteRequestHandler Handler System.Web.Http.WebHost.HttpControllerHandler > Error Code 0x800703e3 Requested URL > http://test-server:80/api/Statistics/ShowStories Physical Path > D:\home\site\wwwroot\api\Statistics\ShowStories Logon Method Anonymous Logon [...] read more
I have and active API with actions that can save images. It works well. However, sometimes there are errors. Below is the server code: var appData = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data"); string dirname = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var folder = Path.Combine(appData, dirname); Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(folder); var result = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider); var type [...] read more
I have been trying to chase down the root cause of a condition where ASP .NET session state remains locked after a web request has been terminated due to an unexpected error. We use the SQL Server session state provider for session because we have several servers in a web [...] read more
I have several computers that can render a large report with no issues, however, several other computers cannot render the report and crash reporting services. We have SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 and we have observed that the reporting services application's memory usage increases from 300MB to 1,2GB when this [...] read more
I am creating a web app using ASP.Net that is utilizing SignalR for client communication. Whenever my client side code attempts to Close a HubConnection instance, using either the .Stop() method or wrapping the HubConnection in a using block, the server starts throwing System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketsExceptions. My server is being hosted by [...] read more
We recently tried incorporating Response.IsClientConnected into our asp.net site, but it causes seemingly random exceptions that only show up when we check this property. If we comment out that code, we stop getting the exceptions. We get a ton of items in our log file indicating that we have disconnected [...] read more
I am facing an issue with the exec command in php. I am trying to run a package ( ffmpeg.exe ) through exec command in php, but my php script runs successfully on alternate runs i.e. first run is fine, second run gives internal server error 500, then third run [...] read more
I'm having an issue where IIS 7.5 (on Windows 7 64-bit) is failing when I call it from an out-of-browser Silverlight 4 app using SSL and a client certificate, with the message "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. (0x800703e3)". The [...] read more
I have an ASP.NET web API application hosted in a Windows Azure Web Role. The purpose of this application is to proxy Http Requests to other web enabled endpoints - such as a Service Bus Relay and return their response. On occasion our application throws an exception when sending a [...] read more
I want to save trace information into .svclog files but only for failed requests. Is this possible? If so, how precisely? I have a WCF service that's called hundreds of times per minute. On rare occasions clients will get an error 500 that occurs outside of the boundaries of my [...] read more
I ahve a code that was working just fine on iis7 windows 2008 32 bit but on iis7.5 i get below error every now and than. It looks like it is due to client disconnect but never had this error on old setup and there were client disconnect errors. It [...] read more
I use this code snippet that verifies if the file specified in the URL exists and keep trying it every few seconds for every user. Sometimes (mostly when there are large number of users using the site) the code doesn't work. [WebMethod()] public static string GetStatus(string URL) { bool completed [...] read more
I am making a .Net Web API application in which the following code is making call to my different c# application to download file and then save it on the disk. Sometimes everything works fine and I get the file but sometimes the below code is not able to read [...] read more
(Cross posting from Server Fault where I wasn't getting any traction): I have been trying to chase down the root cause of a condition where ASP .NET session state remains locked after a web request has been terminated due to an unexpected error. We use the SQL Server session state [...] read more
Is there a list of .NET Exception error codes around? I get these error codes with a couple of HttpExceptions, 0x80070040 0x800703E3 And require to know the difference between the two errors. read more
I am trying to transfer over a large file using remote desktop. I end up getting this error from the image below. Source computer is a windows 7 laptop and destination is a windows 2012R2 server. Note: I was able to send small files over but when it comes to [...] read more
I am experiencing a strange issue. I have an ASP.Net web application that users Form Authentication. If I open the log-in page and there is a couple of minutes of inactivity, the log-in attempt times out or IE / FireFox display "Cannot display this page". If there is no pause [...] read more
I am invoking Ws-Management calls to interact with iDRAC on Dell Server R620. Since, I am using windows machine, I am invoking windows WinRM commands for this purpose. Command: winrm e http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/root/dcim/DCIM_PhysicalDiskView -u:[username] -p:[password] -r:https:// [drac IP]/wsman -SkipCNCheck -SkipCACheck -encoding:utf-8 -a:basic So I intermittently receive following errorred response as: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...] read more
how are you? I created a form in Angular2, which makes a POST request with the form data and upload a file, to a webapi controller. However I'm having a little problem. Some users of my system (who access the system outside my company's network) in 20% attempts they submit [...] read more
I have written a streaming video url app(.NET Framework 4.0) that gets files to a remote server(S3 Signed URL) using generic Handler(.ashx), and then play the handler response in a html5 video tag. Here is the main streaming s3 url code: <div><video width="500px" height="500px" src="http://localhost:62489/Handler.ashx" autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls"></video> Generic Handler(.ashx) public [...] read more
My SSRS report does not load when I am accessing it from a corporate office. I can access it from anywhere else (that I've tried so far) except for said office. The office environment is using XP with .Net 2.0 installed and accessing the report from IE8. The SSRS version [...] read more
I am currently trying to generate a CSV using nhibernate. This error does not occur on my development enviroment but it does on the live site that it's being used on. I have tried fiddling with time out's but this does not seem to have any effect as it's timing [...] read more
I've got IIS 8.5 running on a couple of servers with BITS uploads enabled on a virtual directory. Looking through the logs, I see several different sorts of errors where it says (bits_error:{GUID},500,0x80070070) or some other error code. I'm able to match these to Error Descriptions on the client side [...] read more
I don't even know where to begin with this, mostly because I can't even determine the root of the problem -- I can only find symptoms. I'm just going to describe what it occurring, details of diagnostics, and what I've already done to try to fix it in the hopes [...] read more
I am not able to get rid of this particular 500 0 64 error which I see in my IIS logs. I keep on getting errors as shown below > 2019-06-06 13:05:23 W3SVC10 POST /JsEvents/Events - 443 - HTTP/1.1 > Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko 500 0 64 > 0 933 655 I am [...] read more
I'm getting this error in my application. I see these errors quite often in my error logs but I'm not sure of the source. Here is the stack trace for the error. Exception (Stack): at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.RaiseCommunicationError(Int32 result, Boolean throwOnDisconnect) at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.ExplicitFlush() at System.Web.HttpResponse.Flush(Boolean finalFlush) at System.Web.Mvc.FileContentResult.WriteFile(HttpResponseBase response) at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<InvokeActionResultWithFilters>b__17() at [...] read more
Trying to implement a basic WebSockets channel with a JavScript client and an ASP.NET server. The client code goes: function Connect() { var ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + window.location.host + "/callback.aspx"); ws.onmessage = function (a) { alert("Message"); }; ws.onopen = function (a) { alert("Open"); }; ws.onerror = function (a) { [...] read more
I am having some difficulty setting the permissions for the AppPoolIdentity correctly. The error shown in the Failed Request Logs is: ModuleName="IIS Web Core", Notification="BEGIN_REQUEST", HttpStatus="500", HttpReason="Internal Server Error", HttpSubStatus="0", ErrorCode="The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. (0x800703e3)", ConfigExceptionInfo="" I believe [...] read more
Hi any one can help me for IIS 7 access. we are getting following failed message while accessing our url. 1. -MODULE_SET_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS ModuleName IIS Web Core Notification 1 HttpStatus 500 HttpReason Internal Server Error HttpSubStatus 0 ErrorCode 2147943395 ConfigExceptionInfo Notification BEGIN_REQUEST ErrorCode The I/O operation has been aborted because of [...] read more
We saw "The remote host closed the connection" in our error logs with: The error code is 0x80070040 The error code is 0x800703E3.(most of) We are using combres for Javascript-Css minification, compression and cache. Size of minified and compressed javascript file is 82.2 KB. So is there any bug in [...] read more
I have Active Directory scenario with bunch of Hyper-V Server 2012R2 and Hyper-V Server 2016 servers. I have configured Kerberos authentication on port 80, enabled on firewall. I Want to enable replication from Hyper-V Server 2012R2 to Hyper-V Server 2016 and Im immediately getting this error message connected with event. [...] read more
I have web server running on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. There is IIS 7.5 I deployed API on this server. It's working fine in all browsers, but when I try to call it from mobile application every time i recieve timeout error. For API calls I use https and [...] read more
We recently upgraded our infrastructure to Windows server 2008 R2 (64 bit), and are now getting intermittent 400 errors on post. I set up failed request tracing, and have caught a couple of them. Here are the error details: > ModuleName IsapiModule > > Notification 128 > > HttpStatus 400 [...] read more
I have the strangest IIS error that I've ever seen in my life. I have an application/directory on an IIS server, that throws an error 500 when accessing ANY of the content in it, including HTML documents, when accessed via HTTPS AND the machines FQDN. When I access it with [...] read more
We have a asp.net website developed in .net framework 4.6 deployed in iis. We are using Signalr 2.2 in order to notify clients in real time. We generally have 500 clients connected. Transport used is Websocket. Sometimes happen that we have a lot of connection aborted at the same time [...] read more
I have problems with streaming large file upload in ASP.NET 4.7. I'm using custom WebHostBufferPolicySelector to disable buffering of input stream (as described here: https://www.strathweb.com/2012/09/dealing-with-large-files-in-asp-net-web-api/) and I'm sending file in HTTP POST request with multipart/form-data. I read data in controller using HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["key"].InputStream. I'm using it with FileStream to write uploaded [...] read more
I have a PC with Windows 10 Pro without an embedded Bluetooth hardware. I have bought CSR8510 A10 dongle for that cause and currently the PC doesn't identify him (it used be before I formatted this PC). I tried to update it's driver and I have received " Windows found [...] read more
I want to send text from my xamarin android app to my uwp app on an raspberry pi 3. also i want to use the softkeboard from my android phone as remote keyboard for the scorebord system. The uwp app is a scorebord sytem that i made 2 years ago [...] read more
I faced a problem that i couldn't solve nowadays. If you share your opinions, i'll be appriciated. The problem about streaming file. For example, user comes from url with a queryString parameter that identify the file to stream. And then, read the file from database succesfully. After that, i use [...] read more
We have an ASP.Net MVC application. It has been published in the Production environment and debug is set to true (not sure why) in WEb.config. compilation batch="true" debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" But still the application timeouts. I want to make debug="false" and add the below tag. httpRuntime executionTimeout="43200" maxRequestLength="104856" targetFramework="4.5" But if [...] read more
I am newbi in using Video streaming in ASP.Net MVC project. I have a video library webpplication, most of the videos are .mp4 format. Please see my code below. Code public HttpResponseMessage Get(string filename) { var filePath = new FileStreameHelpers().GetFilePath(filename); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); var response = Request.CreateResponse(); response.Headers.AcceptRanges.Add("bytes"); [...] read more
I downloaded Sample SignalR Progress Bar solution. It simulates a long running process on the server keeps updating the client using SignalR. It was working perfectly on IISExpress until I added a File.Copy(source, destination, true) to my method in the controller (see below). public JsonResult LongRunningProcess() { string directory = [...] read more
I'm working on a C# UWP APP and I need to communicate with many devices using an USB port as Serial Port. After that I will convert the communication to RS485 to communicate with the other devices. Until now, I have create a class that will make all comunications between [...] read more
Environment: Windows 2008 R2 Server IIS 7.5 ASP.Net 4.5.1 web.config <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> I have a function that is used to return an Integer ID from the querystring, form or cookies collection. 99% of the time it works just fine, below is the code being used: Function get_id() as Integer [...] read more
I have a website that allows users to download files via clicking href links that will call an HTTP GET request and return the file (will prompt user in IE and auto-download in chrome) public async Task<IActionResult> DownloadFile(DocumentFile file){ fileName = DocumentTask.RetrieveFiles(new string[1] { file.FileID }, file.Facility, UserData.Access).SingleOrDefault(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName)) [...] read more
We often see this kind of errors in SSRS log file. This seems like internal error happening inside SSRS engine. How can we debug this ? We are not getting any other relevant information when report fails. > library!ReportServer_0-1!2864!09/09/2016-00:28:15:: w WARN: > Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: An > unexpected error occurred in Report [...] read more
I am trying to stream video from server with accept-ranges to allow users to change position on client-side video player (in my case jwplayer) When accept-ranges code is included client (jwplayer or opened only in chrome directly from url) plays about 15s normally and after it is every chunk asked [...] read more
Hello everyone I have a problem that is driving me insane. Yesterday evening I was sending data from my arduino to my cloud service on azure (Nancy Restful webservice)and debugging it, I could hit the breakpoint, browsing the request, and see everything. However I was sending the data wrong and [...] read more
I'm running the following code in ASP.Net on IIS: try { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/zip"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=MyBigFile.zip"); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("~/Stuff/MyBigFile.zip")); Response.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("File download failed", ex); } The problem is that the user cannot navigate to any other page on my website until the download is completed (I [...] read more
I created a custom action result to send zipped archive of multiple files downloaded from another server. Sorry for a ton of code, but there it is. using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; /// <summary> /// Downloads the files using specified URLs and continuously streams zipped result to the client /// </summary> public class [...] read more
I use code below to send file from ASP.NET Rest Api to client. Sometimes I see error logs "The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800703E3." Is this correct method to send stream response? var outputFileName; context.Response.ContentType = WebHelper.GetMimeType(outputFileName); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("{0}; filename={1}", "attachment", outputFileName)); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", binaryData.Length.ToString()); context.Response.OutputStream.Write(binaryData, [...] read more
I have an HTTPHandler which sends a file to the client. I am seeing errors being logged only sometimes. The file being downloaded in all cases is pretty small, less than 1MB. Here is the error/stack trace: > The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800703E3. > [...] read more
We have confirmed a bug in Crystal Reports 2008 (SP4) with Internet Explorer 10 clients. It works with IE9 clients, but if you upgrade from IE9 to IE10 the failure occurs. Specifically, you can view a report rendered as HTML, but when you close the report the request sent to [...] read more