Can't access one directory via HTTPS + public FQDN


I have the strangest IIS error that I've ever seen in my life.

I have an application/directory on an IIS server, that throws an error 500 when accessing ANY of the content in it, including HTML documents, when accessed via HTTPS AND the machines FQDN. When I access it with "localhost" it works fine. When I added a bogus entry for the NIC's IP in the hosts file, it worked fine. When I access it with the machines name and HTTP it works fine.

Here's a chart (the machine's name is ""):

http - works https - broken https - localhost: works https - (put into hosts file): works

I set up tracing, and I got some useless information:

"The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. (0x800703e3)"

This would make sense, except this happens when pulling up static content. While the directory may be an "application", the content is all static in it.

Any/all suggestions, no matter how strange, are VERY appreciated.



asked on Server Fault Nov 21, 2010 by Justin James

2 Answers


Can you check Ping from local PC? Have you checked with Other PCs in your network? There can be issue with DNS.

answered on Server Fault Nov 26, 2010 by maniargaurav

Are you running IIS7/ASP.NET? I read an article that outlined a similar issue:

This issue occurs because of an error in the IHttpConnection::IsConnected method. If the IHttpConnection::IsConnected method is called immediately after a Web client connection is dropped, the method incorrectly returns a true value instead of a false value. Therefore, the COMException exception occurs.

This bug is addressed here: If not, do you see anything useful in your IIS or HTTPErr logs?

answered on Server Fault May 5, 2011 by Gary

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