Crystal Reports 2008 HTML reports do not work with Internet Explorer 10 (IE10)


We have confirmed a bug in Crystal Reports 2008 (SP4) with Internet Explorer 10 clients. It works with IE9 clients, but if you upgrade from IE9 to IE10 the failure occurs.

Specifically, you can view a report rendered as HTML, but when you close the report the request sent to the server hangs the thread on the server. The code in IIS on the server is running

CrystalDecisions.Web.dll!CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalImageCleaner.Run() + 0x4b bytes That method is, by design, an infinite loop.

I enabled Failed Request Tracing in IIS and the logs are here showing the error IIS server generates.

error (2147943395) - The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. (0x800703e3)

This occurs if the IIS Server is Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and also Windows 7 Server. The problem does not occur for the IE9 browser, nor for Chrome or Firefox.

I suspect that something is causing Crystal to execute that Run() method and that should not be happening.

We tried using EmulateIE7 and EmulateIE9 in the document, and also in the browser client, and also both at the same time (not that it would make a difference), but browser emulation did not solve the problem.

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 13, 2013 by Rob Kraft • edited Nov 13, 2013 by Paolo Casciello

2 Answers


First of all, CR 2008 is up to service pack 5 now. Second of all, CR 2008 only supports up to IE 9. See the release notes here.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 13, 2013 by campagnolo_1

We upgraded some workstations to Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). The problem did not occur once, but is consistently occurring again in IE11.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 14, 2013 by Rob Kraft • edited Nov 14, 2013 by Rob Kraft

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