This code was defined by a third party software company,
and may mean different things for different software.
Contact the software author for more information about this error.
I am trying to create a WiX installer that should install USB drivers as well. It installs the application but not drivers. In the log file I have: > DIFXAPP: INFO: Installing INF file 'driver.inf' (Plug and Play). > > DIFXAPP: INFO: Looking for Model Section ... DIFXAPP: INFO: No [...] read more
Operation System: Windows Server 2016 R2 I have a RAMDisk driver can be installed with "Add Legacy Hardware Wizard" (hdwwiz.exe) successfully. From the output of devcon hwids *, the device can be seen as below. ROOT\UNKNOWN\0000 Name: RAMDrive [ QSoft ] Enterprise (x64) Hardware IDs: ramdriv However, I need complete [...] read more
My goal is to install VirtualBox Guest Additions onto Windows 10 Pro. After running the installer, I came into the following error Error Message: Stopped logging into separate file Output folder: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox Guest Additions Version: 6.0.14 (Rev 133895) No previous version of Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions detected Detected [...] read more
I have the following code: using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using DisableDevice; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.ComponentModel; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using System.Security; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Management; namespace DisableDevice { [Flags()] internal enum SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags { Default = 1, Present = 2, AllClasses = 4, Profile = 8, DeviceInterface = (int)0x10 } internal [...] read more
i try to script Gemalto Smartcard driver for silent installation on a virtual machine. So the smartcard is redirect from local pc to vm via RDP. ; ; Gemalto Minidriver for IDPrime Smartcard installation x86 and x64 package. ; [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=SmartCard ClassGuid={990A2BD7-E738-46c7-B26F-1CF8FB9F1391} Provider=%ProviderName% DriverVer=01/23/2013, [Manufacturer] %ProviderName%=Minidriver,NTamd64,NTamd64.6.1,NTx86,NTx86.6.1 [Minidriver.NTamd64] [...] read more