On Docker for Windows and working with windows containers, I cannot get my persistent volume to work on the main database directory of the windows container. This would be C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA How can I get the benefits of persistent volumes for databases without having to mess with backups [...] read more
I am getting the following error while trying to mount a volume in windows docker container. =============== C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: container 1234567ebcdh encountered an error during Start: failure in a Windows system call: The compute system exited unexpectedly. (0xc0370106) ================ I have mentioned almost all the possible [...] read more
i am trying to run a cpp application within docker.After i have built the executable and created the Dockerfile , i can not run it inside docker for some reason: main.cpp #include<iostream> #include<chrono> #include<thread> #include<string> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { std::cout<<"Started daemon..."<<std::endl; std::string hostString(argv[1]); std::cout<<"HostName:"<<hostString<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Port:"<<std::stoi(argv[2])<<std::endl; int i=0; [...] read more
We have a Dockerfile on microsoft/iis:10.0.14393.206 that runs IIS/PHP. If we add too many commands the build starts to crash with this error: > Container d6f3e9bd6f3e9bd6f3e9bd6f3e9b encountered an error during Start: > failure in a Windows system call: The compute system exited unexpectedly. > (0xC0370106) If I run the same [...] read more
I installed VS 2017 and Docker for Windows. I created .NET Core Web API project in VS 2017, then added Docker support for this project. And trying to launch app as Docker container in Debug mode but it's failed for me with this error: Cannot start service 'name': container 1b0c2da39774a91e508ae48476c1b918d7d6c863e2a1ad6ac105012998e0f22a [...] read more
I have a very basic C# .NET Core 2.0 application which uses a couple of very basic features of OpenCV as a proof of concept. I'm trying to run this in a nanoserver container, eventually to be deployed as an IoT Edge module, but I get an error saying that [...] read more
I have this simple default Dockerfile that i'm using: FROM microsoft/aspnet:4.7.1-windowsservercore-1709 ARG source WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} . And i'm trying to publish my in a subfolder in wwwroot, because my application is hardcoded to use a virtual folder, but it seems this is outside the scope of Docker's capabilities. [...] read more
I am using an Azure DSVM in a DevTest Lab running Windows Server 2019. I am trying to get Docker installed and working to allow me to run local experiments from Azure ML Service environments. I want to build a custom Linux container on Docker - which I believe is [...] read more
I'm running Docker for Windows and trying to build an image. It was working great, but then I added this to the end of my Dockerfile: # Install Python RUN choco install -y python3 --params "/InstallDir:C:\Python" ENV PYTHONPATH=C:\Python\python.exe When I did that, the image built but when I tried to [...] read more
AFTER CREATING A DOCKER IMAGE AS FOLLOW: PS> docker run -d -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -v sql1data:C:/sqldata -e sa_password=MyPass123 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer I STOPPED MY CONTAINER AND COPIED A BACKUP FILE INTO MY VOLUME: PS> docker cp .\DataBase.bak sql1:C:\data AFTER THAT I CAN NO LONGER START MY CONTAINER, THE ERROR [...] read more