An internal issue prevented the driver from carrying out the specified operation. The driver's state is probably suspect,
and the application should not continue.
I'm in the process of writing a hardware accelerated h264 decoder using Media Foundation's Source Reader, but have encountered a problem. I followed this tutorial and supported myself with Windows SDK Media Foundation samples. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My app seems to work fine when hardware acceleration is turned off, but it doesn't [...] read more
I'm trying to follow this in order to accelerate video decoding with an IMFSourceReader. When I don't use it, everything is OK. When I use it, it doesn't work. Here are the steps: Creation of a DirectX 11 device HRESULT CreateDirectXDevice(IDXGIAdapter1* g, ID3D11Device** device, ID3D11DeviceContext** context) { HRESULT hr = [...] read more
I have realtime graphics in WPF application with DirectX on SharpDX. I use Direct2D1, Direct Composition, SwapCain. Its perfectly works with 1 object on window, but if i add more one (9), then there are problems: in debug after 1-2 min or if I actively move window between monitors, I [...] read more