I have a function I built that will grab a .csv file and upload information stated then, creating an account for each user in the .csv file. My issue is I need to be able to do this with thousands of entries in a .csv file but my problem is [...] read more
The windows push notification fails while trying to establish connection at the following code. var channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync(); It basically times out with 0x80070102 exception. We have disabled firewall and uninstalled the antivirus but it still fails. Any suggestions? read more
My PHP script executes some program on my server IIS 7.5 Takes time about 10 mins to execute but above error in browser. How to resolve this. Error: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error C:\php\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout Module FastCgiModule Notification ExecuteRequestHandler Handler FastCGI [...] read more
I have been using Desktop Bridge for some time and recently I have started experiencing a problem. It stopped building the packages. I have tried to install it on different Virtual Machines but I have been getting the same error. PowerShell Error Record: DesktopAppConverter : error 'E_STARTING_ISOLATED_ENV_FAILED': Failed to start [...] read more
I run PHP on IIS6. I have some PHP that successfully sends a 1KB image as an attachment on an email. When I try and attach a 500KB PDF however (having changed the Content-Type), it hangs and after a few minutes I get "FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout" (Error [...] read more
My company is using the OpenLDAP plugin for Dokuwiki to secure our admin page. We originally had some setbacks when converting the wiki from an Arch Linux environment to a Windows environment because of configuration issues that I thought were solved. Then, we started getting issues with the LDAP's auth.php, [...] read more
SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEM: Beforehand I've installed SecurityMod through the WebPI platform, but I haven't seen any options pop-up in the IIS manager. I couldn't uninstall it afterwards, because WebPI indicated as if it never installed. So, I assumed it didn't successfully install and just forgot about it. Then I [...] read more
I am getting this exception when calling PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync(); method. It is working fine on Device, but fails on Local Machine. This is my code : private async void CreateChannel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var vProfile = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("InterNetConnectivity==>>" + vProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel().ToString()); UserResponseTBL.Text = vProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel().ToString(); if (vProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel() == NetworkConnectivityLevel.InternetAccess) { var vChannel [...] read more
i am using IIS to run my php website and i configure IIS to work with php as its explained the following tutorial http://www.wikihow.com/Install-PHP-5-for-IIS-6 but when i run any php page is give me the following error You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from [...] read more
I have configured PHP to run under FastCgi on IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 under Forms Authentication/IIS Integrated Pipeline. PHP and even Drupal is working brilliantly for authenticated users. For anonymous requests however, all PHP Posts hang until the PHP Timeout and then return a 500.0 Error. No error appears [...] read more
I have a Joomla site, integrated with virtuemart in it. have almost 9,000 products. it is not loading the site when i select a manufacturer from a module, which must list all products. Same problem is in the case of categories(have 2 categories). error is FastCGI Error Number: 258 (0x80070102) [...] read more
I have a console app written in C# that uses MS Fax (FAXCOMEXLib) to send faxes. If I run the application manually or from a command prompt it works as expected. If I schedule the application with Task Scheduler or try to run from a service with a timer, it [...] read more
i have a fax sending application in vb.net and i was sending the fax through the fax console the fax console shows me that documents in it's queue are being sent when the service is started .but it send just one document when started.and doesn't sends the next document but [...] read more
I ran into a state that ssis package freezes and can not take any action,This happens when an error occur inside a forEach loop container that i use variable named 'User::vRequestId' and i have a error event handler that uses the same variable, When ssis want to execute event handler [...] read more
I was using Godaddy asp.net shared hosting hosting the domain (mycampusnotes.com), everything was fine, until yesterday (15 April, 2015) at 4pm, I started to get these messages on my forum section of the website (http://mycampusnotes.com/forum and blog.mycampusnotes.com) [The forum loading time was fast since 10 months (around 2-3s), never had [...] read more
I've tried almost every possible MySQL Server running on my computer or on the web server, And every connection causes the PHP Runtime to freeze. Any workout/solutions for that? $mydbsql = mysql_pconnect("localhost:3301", "local", "local") or die("It doesn't even die"); or... $mydbsql = mysql_pconnect("localhost:3306", "local", "local") or die("It doesn't even die"); [...] read more
I am trying to run a PowerShell command from inside a php file on my webserver. Here is my php code: <?php $query = shell_exec('C:\\Windows\\syswow64\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -command Get-Host'); echo $query; ?> The result I get is HTTP Error 500 - C:\PHP\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout - Error [...] read more
I wrote a simple PHP code to execute a console program: <?php $cmd = escapeshellcmd('progName.exe arg1 arg2 arg3'); exec($cmd); ?> If I run the command on the console directly on the server, it works. However, when I run the PHP on the browser, it doesn't work. The process progName.exe is [...] read more