HTTP Error 500 with Dokuwiki LDAP on signin


My company is using the OpenLDAP plugin for Dokuwiki to secure our admin page. We originally had some setbacks when converting the wiki from an Arch Linux environment to a Windows environment because of configuration issues that I thought were solved. Then, we started getting issues with the LDAP's auth.php, specifically a missing argument error on our TLS error checking code. I fixed that, but now I am stuck with an HTTP Error 500 upon login. What else needs to be done to fix it? My local.php code is below:

`$conf['plugin']['authldap']['debug'] = 1;
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['modPass'] = 1;
//rest of LDAP stuff here
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['server'] = 'myserver'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['port'] = 389;
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['binddn'] = '%{user}@%{server}'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['usertree'] = 'dc=mydomain, dc=edu'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['grouptree'] = 'dc=mydomain, dc=edu'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userfilter'] = '(userPrincipalName=%{user}@%{server})'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['groupfilter'] = '(&(cn=*)(Member=%{dn})(objectClass=group))'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['version'] = 3; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['referrals'] = -1; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['starttls'] = 1; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['mapping']['name'] = 'displayname'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['mapping']['grps'] = array('memberof' => '/CN=(.+?),/i'); //Alyses edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userscope'] = 'sub'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['groupscope'] = 'sub'; //Alyse's edits
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userkey']    = 'uid';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['groupkey']   = 'cn';
$conf['plugin']['authsplit']['debug'] = 1;`

The auth.php code is below as well. It is all under the protected function _openLDAP():

`if($this->getConf('version')) {
                    $this->con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
                    ) {
                    msg('Setting LDAP Protocol version '.$this->getConf('version').' failed', -1);
                $this->_debug('LDAP version set: '.htmlspecialchars(ldap_error($this->con)), 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
            } else {
                    //use TLS (needs version 3)
                if($this->getConf('starttls')) {
                    if(!@ldap_start_tls($this->con)) {
                        msg('Starting TLS failed', -1);
                        $this->_debug('LDAP TLS set: '.htmlspecialchars(ldap_error($this->con)), 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
                    // needs version 3
                if($this->getConf('referrals') > -1) {
                        $this->con, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS,
                        ) {
                        msg('Setting LDAP referrals failed', -1);
                    $this->_debug('LDAP referal set: '.htmlspecialchars(ldap_error($this->con)), 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);

UPDATE: I am more specifically getting a 0x80070102 error on my php handler. It says that C:\php\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configuring activity timeout.

asked on Stack Overflow Jul 5, 2017 by Alyse L • edited Jul 6, 2017 by Alyse L

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