I am trying to import the data from Excel file into SQL Server database. I am unable to do so because I am getting following errors in the log file. Please help. The log erros are as as follows:- > [OLE DB Destination [42]] Error: An OLE DB error has [...] read more
I'm attempting to make a DTS package to transfer data between two databases on the same server and I'm getting the following errors. Iv read that the Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated error can occur when you are transferring between different database types and there is loss of precision, but [...] read more
This should be painfully simple, but I cannot come up with a working connection string for a local copy of SQL Server 2008 using Windows Authentication. I've tried using the Data Link Properties tool to create a connection string and it has no problems connecting, but when I copy paste [...] read more
I am new to SSIS and having trouble passing parameters to OLE DB Source. I want to query data for a given date range. I have two variables, variable1 of data type Date Time and the value of the variable is set by expression DATEADD("day", -1, GETDATE()). variable2 of data [...] read more
My source is a TXT Flat File Source, the Destination is of type OLE DB. (see image) enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZZvFD.png] I found a very basic tutorial on Code Project to create a package. I finished the steps but when debugging I get a strange error(bellow): Can someone give [...] read more
I'm developing a pretty straightforward SSIS package: run a stored procedure to export data from a variable table directly into a flat file destination. Originally, each column in the variable table was defined as varchar(max), worked fine so far. For improve the performance, I decided to apply constraint to the [...] read more
i am using ADO, and one of the "native" drivers (e.g. SQLNCLI, SQLNCLI10, SQLNCLI11) to connect to SQL Server (rather than the legacy SQLOLEDB driver). ADO does not understand the XML SQL Server data type that the native drivers expose: field: ADOField; field := recordset.Fields.Items["SomeXmlColumn"]; Attempting to access field.Value throws [...] read more
I'm getting an error while trying to copy 4 tables from a MySQL source to SQL Server 2008. Here's a photo of the Data Flow, as you can see, 2 of them are OK (the smaller ones) enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/qL8DK.png] With an OnError event handler I'm able to [...] read more
I am investigating moving a small and simple SQL Server database to SQL Server CE and am currently using a small prototype to investigate basic operations with SQL Server CE with the following operations in mind: (1) programmatically create a table, (2) insert new records, (3) read existing records, and [...] read more
I am working on Integration services and came across a weird bug. My data flow consist of: -> DESTINATION SOURCE -> SCRIPT_COMPONENT -> MULTICAST / \-> DESTINATION This error always occurs but differs the columns that is being addressed: Error: 0xC0202009 at *STAFF_MIGRATION*, *STAFF_BASE* [627]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An [...] read more
I want build a package that imports excel rows to an SQL server table, the problem is that sometimes there is an error that fails the package process. > [Excel Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error > has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. [Excel Source [1]] [...] read more
I have the following code which is connecting to my database and retrieving some data from a table: string connectionString = "Data Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=myserver;Initial Catalog=Db;Integrated Security=FALSE;user=zh;pwd=zh12;"; using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.Connection = connection; command.CommandText = "SELECT [Location], [URL], [TAGS] FROM [Db].[dbo].[BOOKINGTABLE]"; [...] read more
I am working with SQL Server 2014. I have applied the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable to my server. I have tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit drivers. With the 32-bit driver, I can export to Excel 97-2003 without a problem. If I try to export to Excel 2007, [...] read more
Thank you for looking into this. I am fairly new to SSIS and got stuck. I have googled a lot of resources but dont see anybody else having the same issue. I have created an SSIS package which downloads a 'abc.zip' file from a website. I am unzipping the file [...] read more
Oracle 11g SQL Server 2008 R2 I am receiving the following errors when trying to move data from an OLE DB Source (Oracle DB) to an OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). There are 8922 out of 65000 records that are added to the SQL server before the error appears. The [...] read more
I know this is a quite standard issue... but can't figure it out.. So here's what i want to do: I want to connect to my local sql server .\SQLEXPRESS by windows authentication. I can login by using the SQL Server Management Studio. My connection string is like this: string [...] read more
Screenshot Hi, I'm executing multiple DMLs in OLEDB Command transformation using flat files source. Having connected the flat file connection manager and OLE DB connection managers and use derived column tranformation to help in getting all the columns from flat files aligned correctly with OLE DB columns, changing the data [...] read more
When debugging it sais in the Output: > SSIS package "C:\Users\UserA\Documents\Visual Studio > 2015\Projects\eSSIS\eSSIS\Package1.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at > Data Flow Task 1, SSIS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. Information: > 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task 1, SSIS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning. > Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task 1, SSIS.Pipeline: [...] read more
SQL Server 2008 R2 (management tool, not coding as I'm a bit of a noob) to Excel. I need to export info from my db table COMPANY (some feilds varchar(50) some nchar(10)) to an Excel spreadsheet which i just created as normal - Excel > New > Blank. Everything seems [...] read more
We are trying to import data into our SQL 2005 database from flat files using SSIS packages. Our database has a CLR User-Defined Type that we use to hold some related information, lets call it dbo.CustomType. To create an object of dbo.CustomType in SQL, I can do the following: DECLARE [...] read more
I have a native C++ app within which I am trying to connect to a localdb instance using ADO. Having manually started my instance I can run sqllocaldb info v11.0 and see the database instance is running. My code is as follows. ADO::_ConnectionPtr spConnection (__uuidof (ADO::Connection)); spConnection->Open (L"Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=(localdb)\\v11.0;Integrated Security=true", L"", [...] read more
I have ATL code to open sql connection with connection resource pooling enabled. CDBPropSet dbinit; dbinit[0].SetGUID(DBPROPSET_DBINIT); dbinit[0].AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_OLEDBSERVICES, (long)DBPROPVAL_OS_ENABLEALL); CDataSource::OpenWithServiceComponents ("SQLNCLI11", dbinit, 1); EDIT I'm in the process of migrating from SQLNCLI to MSOLEDBSQL, inorder to enable MULTISUBNETFAILOVER option. But I get error when CDataSource::OpenWithServiceComponents is invoked with MSOLEDBSQL as the [...] read more
I adding data from a nested XML tag to the same destination source. The data is loading but there is an error on the package. I running my SSIS package locally. I'm really just learning by myself. I used Data Conversion to match the destination table but the package "failed". [...] read more
I developing an SSIS process that extracts data from Excel files and loads them into SQL Server DB. I have separate data flows for each worksheet in the source file. The Excel file contains data in different formats (but can contain invalid data as well), so I'm using explicit type [...] read more
I am trying to export the data to excel by using SSIS packages. I have created the data flow task and then selected excel destination as savnig the data. Then try to work on the excel connection manager and I have got the issues to export the data into Sheet [...] read more
I am trying to load excel into SSMS Tables dynamically. I am facing the below issues. i kept REASON field length as max for the data type of nvarchar(max). I tried with nvarchar(4000), still receiving the same errors. > [Excel Source [12]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB [...] read more
I've got MS SQL Server. There is a linked ORACLE server on it named HOST4KS. At Oracle DB I have two functions - one parameterless and one with parameter. I need to get their result in my tsql query. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) function without parameter RetVal:=KSOL.routines.Tst; It always returnes int = [...] read more
Everything runs fine, just error in the OLE DB destination, Error said its conversion failed and i also try to convert the ProjectedROI but convert failed. so i check the source sqlcommand the output is correct (Source sqlCommand and output) [https://i.stack.imgur.com/tQQWP.png] then i try to see check the output or [...] read more
I have an SSIS package the moves data from SQL Server to DB2 (iSeries). My OLE DB Destination has a data access mode of SQL command with the following SQL: SELECT IUWHDP -- TBDepartment ,IUBATID -- TBBatchId ,IUADDTS -- TBTimestamp ,IUADDUC -- TBUCTimestamp ,IUSTATUS -- TBStatus ,IUSTSTS -- TBStatusTimestamp ,IUSTSUC [...] read more
I'm stuck with a SSIS package that I created for importing xlsx files to a database. Since some files have data with more tan 255 characters, I setted that column to DT_NTEXT. If I just leave a xlsx file that I know that has this long data, the package works [...] read more
I'm trying to export a SQL server table to an Excel .xlsx file, but when bigger 255 character row, I get an error: > Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE > DB error has occurred. > > Error code: 0x00040EDA. > An OLE DB [...] read more
I have successfully connected Informix connection in my SSIS connection manager so there should be no problem in Informix Service Provider Configuration in my 32-bit Windows machine. After creating connection, I opened OLE DB Source with Informix Service Provider, and in Data access mode, I selected SQL Command and used [...] read more
I can setup a connection manager that uses the Directory Services OLE provider and points to one of our domain controllers. Then, in the Data Flow area, I create an OLE DB Source and set the Data Access Mode to "SQL Command". I then use this query to pull data [...] read more
I have a huge Table with so many fields. I am trying to dump its data into Excel from OLE DB Source to Excel Destination. When run, it issues this Error: [Excel Destination [2]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x00040EDA. An OLE [...] read more
I have tried everything I could on Netezza! Here is what I've tried: 1. SELECT 45/CAST(7 AS DOUBLE) ---> 6.4285714285714 2. But I want results to be 6.43 so I tried SELECT ROUND(45/CAST(7 AS DOUBLE), 2) but get an error: 'NZOLEDB' failed with no error message available, result code: DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED(0x80040E21). [...] read more
I'm trying to query Active Directory from a stored procedure using OPENQUERY and add the values to a temporary table. I've got everything working, except when I add the 'proxyAddresses' field to my query, it throws this error: "OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'ADSDSOOBject' IRowset::GetData returned 0x80040e21: Data status [...] read more
I am trying to import a database from Oracle(12) to Microsoft SQL Server(2016) using SQL Server Import and Export Wizards .Net Framework Data Provider for Oracle. After many issues and errors I now have an error I cannot solve. It creates 5 tables out of 78 and throws a conversion [...] read more
I have a package and in the Data Flow the Source Task selects data and one of the columns is ProcessingTime and is of type datetime2(7). After some checks and derived columns there is a Slowly Changing Dimension task. Which branch into 'Insert Destination' and 'Update Destination' SlowlyChangingDimension [https://i.stack.imgur.com/TCMxm.png] Now [...] read more
I built Foreach Loop Container in SSIS that extracts data from multiple excel (*.xlsm) files in a directory, and then writes the results in another location. [Final BCS Description] is causing me problems. I tried using data conversion DT_WSTR. enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/E1CjN.png] I am getting error: > Truncation [...] read more
I have a SQL Server table column with length as nvarchar(2000). Wanted to transfer the data to Excel file 2007 using SSIS. What i did enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/wUsu7.png] Source column Data type is Nvarchar(2000) which is DT_NTEXT on SSIS. on Excel the column Datatype is Nvarchar(255) Below blue [...] read more
I am uploading the data in an Excel sheet to an Oracle database of 167 columns using Excel macros. I am getting this error in the execute statement. I am facing difficulties in debugging this error. > Run Time error: -2147217887(80040e21) The system cannot find a message text > for [...] read more
How do I load null vaules in integer datat type file? I want load csv file data into sql server table using ssis package. Source csv file emp data is id | Name | deptno 1 |ab |NULL 2 | |NULL 3 |dhd |NULL Target sql server table emp: id [...] read more
I am uploading the data in an Excel sheet to an Oracle database using Excel macros. I am getting this error in the execute statement. I am facing difficulties in debugging this error. Run Time error: -2147217887(80040e21) The system cannot find a message text for the message number 0x80040e21 in [...] read more
I'm confusing with the SQL query via VBA ADODB connection. Please help to figure out what I miss in the query... I have two tables, TABLE_A and TABLE_B, and both of them have ID and CODE columns contains data as following: A_ID contains data like, 'abcdefgh'; B_ID contains data like, [...] read more
I want to insert a PNG image into an OracleDatabase using OleDb and a C# application. The table looks like this: CREATE TABLE Plant ( Id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY, Name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, Image BLOB null, CONSTRAINT plant_pk PRIMARY KEY (Id) ); Below is the [...] read more
I'm fairly new to SSIS, so please have some patience :) I'm trying to export a table or stored procedure (in this case a table since it's easier) to excel but I'm getting error when executing the package, the server is a SQL Server and I'm connecting using the OLE [...] read more
I am automating some things at work so I decided to encompass it in a SSIS package. I have been working on this for months and one of the problems I faced at the beginning resurfaced. I receive a report through email, which is downloaded renamed and placed into L:\MACROS\SSIS\Input [...] read more
I tried importing data from one excel sheet into 4 different tables in Microsoft studio using SSIS. I used execute sql task to drop and recreate the tables, EXCEL Source, data-conversion to convert the data and OLEDB destination. but I get the following errors: > [OLE DB Destination [168]] Error: [...] read more
I've been working with an SSIS package which has exhibited some strange behavior. Currently, we run this package through the Task Scheduler which calls a .bat file that refers to the package. This package fails quite frequently, but will always run successfully (result 0x0) if it is re-run enough times. [...] read more
I am new to SSIS and just started experimenting. I am trying to figure out how to pass parameters from the ssis project to sql statement in the project. I have an sql script defined in an OLE DB data source with the access mode to the data source being [...] read more
I am getting this error in SSIS ****Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202040 Error at <Task name> [OLE DB Destination [81]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check [...] read more
I am getting the below mentioned error in one of the task in SSIS package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202040 Error at Populate data combined data [OLE DB Destination [81]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: [...] read more
Azure Database connection string from .net Console application. Throwing error > (No error message available, result code: DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED(0x80040E21).) Installed the ODBC Client and Native CLient also. read more
I have the following problem. I want make a SSIS flow that inserts values from a table in a MS SQL server database to a table in a AS/400 library. This works for all the values but the datetime2 value. I tried to insert a datetime2 value and a varchar [...] read more
I have made a simple DataFlow task in SSIS to move data rfom SQL Server to DB2 on AS400. The connection is OK. I'm able to view and map the columns. The package compiled find. However, I'm getting below run time message.That is just after the "[SSIS.Pipeline] Information: Execute phase [...] read more
I am trying to make a button that writes something in a SQL database with a piece of javascript code. But i am constantly getting this error: 0x80040e21 Runtime-error JavaScript with an ole db action that contains multiple steps errors were occurred. Here is my code: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" [...] read more
I am trying to do a ROLLBACK and COMMIT transaction in SSIS package.The commit transaction is working fine.For the rollback transaction i inserted null value to a column which's data type is money.Here iam getting an error in DFT and Commit SQLtask.Please give me a solution, I changed the CONTROLLFLOW [...] read more
Goal is to export Data from a Microsoft Analysis Server Cube into a flatfile in a lean way. I use the SQL Server-Import/Export-Assistant. Using the option "Copy data from one or more tables or views" the download runs smoothly. -> No problems When I use an MDX expression ("Write a [...] read more
[SSIS.Pipeline] Warning: Warning: Could not open global shared memory to communicate with performance DLL; data flow performance counters are not available. To resolve, run this package as an administrator, or on the system's console. [OLE DB Destination [450]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error [...] read more
I have to create a Copy of a Database on SQL Server. On this way I got a connection to the new DB ADODB.Connection connection = new ADODB.Connection(); OleDbConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(); builder["Provider"] = provider; builder["Server"] = @"Themis\DEV"; builder["Database"] = file_name; builder["Integrated Security"] = "SSPI"; string connection_string = builder.ConnectionString; [...] read more
I am getting this error when trying to transfer data. I am new at SSIS but if you can help would be great. [OLE DB Destination 1 [2]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft [...] read more
Well, I don't how to explain this problem, I have two OLE DB Connections that i need to merge and send to an oledb Destination, the source oledb columns are: tbl clientes totales: RUT_CLIE numeric(18,0), DV(string(1)), CLI_NOM(string(40)), CLI_CAT_SUB(string(3)), CLI_STA(string(5)), CLI_SUB_STA(string(5)), **COD_CTR (numeric(18,0)) <- JOIN KEY**, nom_ejec(string(50)), nom_suc(string(100)), nom_suc_gpo(string(100)), zonal(string(50)), id_cargo(string(50)), [...] read more
in an aspx.vb file Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider= SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=true; data source=myserver; ") Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandText = "Insert into demo.dbo.masters1 values ('" & TextBox1.Text & " ," & TextBox4.Text & " , " & [...] read more
I have developed one SSIS Package in SSDT 2012 to create Reporting Database from SQL Datasource and 1 SharePoint List. On Development Environment : (Windows Authentication) Here everything is running fine. On Test Environment Client Side : (Windows Authentication) Deployed successfully. Validating successfully. While executing the package: getting below error. [...] read more
Hi i am using the vb6 code Logic in my application where i need to manage the error handling. In vb6 ADODB.Errors are used for capturing the exception. I want to know the exception equivalent in vb.net for the Vb6 ADODB.Error codes 1. 2147217885 (0x80040e23) A given HROW referred to [...] read more
My SQL query works fine when i execute it in SQL management studio but throw the error below when execute in SSIS package. Any advise? **When click on Build Query of the syntax - it shows > The PIVOT SQL construct or statement is not supported. > Case 1: SELECT [...] read more
I have to extract data from around 5 databases to excel 2010. Each data base having around 300 tables. I want each tables to be 1 tables. So I will have around 300 sheets in one excel file. I will have 8 excel files. I tried the query but ended [...] read more
When developing SSIS package using VS 2005, I set up the connection manager for oledb teradata provider and added a oledb source and destination. For oledb source, I used the data access mode as sql command and added sql command text. But when I tried to do column mapping, I'm [...] read more
I have this error message when I launch an SSIS from an SQL job : > "Message Executed as user: LMPI\sqlagent. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute > Package Utility Version 10.50.1600.1 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft > Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. Started: 14:00:32 Error: 2015-01-08 > 14:00:38.04 Code: 0xC0047038 [...] read more
I use firebird database. and C# connection use Oledb. My service running my localhost but change connection string localhost to Ip adress dont connection an error. Error description is DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED(0x80040E21) Web.Config Code <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings/> <system.web> <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5"/> <authentication mode="Windows"/> <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID"/> </system.web> <connectionStrings> <add name="baglantiCumlesi" connectionString="Provider=LCPI.IBProvider.3;Data [...] read more
I'm using SSIS to perform data migration. I'm using an Excel destination file to output everything that's going wrong. In this Excel file, I want to output the two Errors column (Error number and Error column) and also all columns from my input component. This is nearly working except when [...] read more
I am trying to connect to DB2 version 10.5 compatibility mode using ssis. I am successful in establishing the connection to DB2 and read from the table using Microsoft ole db provider for DB2. But the trouble that I am having is inserting into DB2 table. This ssis package worked [...] read more
We have the plain Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on one of our servers Here are the about the versions of other Components on our server: * Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.0.5512.0 * Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 10.0.5500.0 * Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 3.85.1132 * Microsoft MSXML 2.6 [...] read more
I have been trying to create an Access 2010 database for a few days now and I get all sorts of errors each attempt I make. I have the drivers installed already and I have made references to ADOX and ADODB. The most recent error I have encountered is 0x80040E21 [...] read more
Full disclaimer: I'm a total C# <-> DB noob. I'm not bad at C#, and I'm not bad at Access, but integrating the two is new to me. In my project, I'm using OleDB / ADO.Net (I guess -- honestly, I'm just taking the internet's word for it) and Visual [...] read more
My Data Flow task in SSIS BIS 2008 contains a DB query source with a NVARCHAR column returning a constant string of 688 characters, which I am trying to insert into an Excel destination column when filling in a precreated template. When all column types of the DB source and [...] read more
Following is the error message I get whenever I try to export data from my SQL Server 2008 database to Excel 2007 file (xlsx): Pre-execute (Error) Messages * Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. (SQL Server Import [...] read more
i want to change the connection manager connection in ssis at run time so that it usese the connectionstring to connect and give me the result. but it is giving me this error i have set the delay validation property to false on the dataflow task??????? Error: 0xC0202009 at Package, [...] read more
I have two columns in my source flat file, an integer column and a varchar. In the Data Flow Task, I selected the Source Object,and in the Configure Errors section, I set both the "Error" an "Truncation" columns to "Redirect" to an output file intended for rejected records. If I [...] read more
I need to copy data from a remote mySQL database into MSSQL Server 2008 database using SSIS 2008 package. I have some Timestamp fields in the mySQL database giving me problems. When l excluded the Timestamp fields l managed to copy the data nicely. On the OLE DB Destination Input [...] read more
I have a SQL Server 2008 database and I wanted to quickly copy all the data in the database into either separate Excel spreadsheets or into a single spreadsheet in separate tabs. Putting the data into separate CSV files is also ok. How do I do this without having to [...] read more
I'm using SSIS to import SalesForce data into SQL Server. In SF, I have ntext fileds that contain values like "Live/ Not Live" which can easily be interpreted with a bit filed in SQL Server. Is there a way to convert these ntext fields to Boolean values using SSIS. I [...] read more
I have a scenario where emp table has id,name,description. i need to copy only id and name columns to emptem. when a newrecord is added in emp the same should be inserted into emptem without any duplicates. i have done this using lookup by specifying emptem table in lookup and [...] read more
I am running Visual Studio 2008 on my Windows XP Professional SP3 box. The server is on Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 The server is on our network, and I am able to ping it via the DNS name used in my connection string, as well as by IP address. [...] read more
I have simple script: Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") fPath = "c:\temp" oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & fPath & "\;Extended Properties='text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited'" if oConn.Errors.Count>0 then Wscript.Echo "Error!!!" & oConn.Errors(0).Description & " code: " & Conn.Errors(0).Number End if try to run on Windows 7 x64 Professional or Ultimate by means of command: c:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe 1.vbs [...] read more
Imagine an SSIS package which does a lookup by Column A, which can be null, or columns B and C if A is null (columns B and C cannot be null). In terms of SSIS steps, this is done as follows: 1) A Conditional Split where Condition 1 is "ISNULL(ColumnA)". [...] read more
It seems that I have an issue with encoding. The field max width is 255 chars and the title is indeed 255 chars, however there are some characters in the title (quotes and angle brackets) that are encoded by SharePoint, pushing the title width over the 255 char limit. This [...] read more
I have a package which executes several tasks including a Bulk Insert Task. This is okay when run from Visual Studio. I have a console application which will run the same package but fails when doing the bulk insert with: > An error occurred with the following error message: "SSIS [...] read more
I'm trying to write a C# program that will migrate a large list of Ms Access Dbs to a Ms Sql server. I currently have no problem connecting to the Ms Sql server but Access has been a brick wall. I've tried with .Net Core using Odbc but I can't [...] read more
I have an SSIS project that seems to work properly when ran from local machine, but when I deploy it to the server, and run it I get the following errors: Package:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21." "Data Flow Task:Error: SSIS Error [...] read more
BEFORE you guys tell me that this is a duplicate, You should know that I have gone through almost every answer I could find. But still i have not been able to solve this issue. I have tried adding registry values in Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID for all OLEDBs like following:- Value Name: [...] read more