I have to create a Copy of a Database on SQL Server. On this way I got a connection to the new DB
ADODB.Connection connection = new ADODB.Connection();
OleDbConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder();
builder["Provider"] = provider;
builder["Server"] = @"Themis\DEV";
builder["Database"] = file_name;
builder["Integrated Security"] = "SSPI";
string connection_string = builder.ConnectionString;
connection.Open(connection_string, null, null, 0);
return connection;
I create the tables with ADOX
ADOX.Catalog cat, Dictionary<string, ADOX.DataTypeEnum> columntype)
List<string> primaryKeysList = GetPrimaryKey(tabelle);
Key priKey = new Key();
Catalog catIn = new Catalog();
catIn.ActiveConnection = dbInfo.ConIn;
Dictionary<string, List<string>> indexinfo = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
GetSecondaryIndex(tabelle, indexinfo);
if (columntype.Count != 0) columntype.Clear();
if (size.Count != 0) size.Clear();
foreach (DataRow myField in schemaTable.Rows)
String columnNameValue = myField[columnName].ToString(); //SpaltenName
bool ich_darf_dbnull_sein = (bool)myField["AllowDBNull"];
ADOX.Column columne = new ADOX.Column();
columne.ParentCatalog = cat;
columne.Name = columnNameValue;
if (!columntype.ContainsKey(columnNameValue))
columntype.Add(columnNameValue, (ADOX.DataTypeEnum)myField["ProviderType"]);
columne.Type = (ADOX.DataTypeEnum)myField["ProviderType"];
columne.DefinedSize = (int)myField["ColumnSize"];
dbInfo.ColumnName = columnNameValue;
dbInfo.TableName = tabelle;
dbInfo.Column_size = (int)myField["ColumnSize"];
dbInfo.Column_Type = (ADOX.DataTypeEnum)myField["ProviderType"];
if (primaryKeysList.Contains(columnNameValue))
dbInfo.IsPrimary = true;
else dbInfo.IsPrimary = false;
object index = catIn.Tables[tabelle].Columns[columnNameValue].Attributes;
if (index.Equals(ColumnAttributesEnum.adColFixed) || (int)index == 3)
dbInfo.Fixed_length = true;
dbInfo.Fixed_length = false;
Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", myField[columnName].ToString(), catIn.Tables[tabelle].Columns[columnNameValue].Attributes);
TargetDBMS.SetColumnProperties(columne, dbInfo);
switch (columne.Type)
case ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adChar:
case ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adWChar:
case ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarChar:
case ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar:
columne.DefinedSize = (int)myField["ColumnSize"];
if (primaryKeysList.Contains(columnNameValue))
priKey.Name = "PK_" + tabelle + "_" + columnNameValue;
priKey.Columns.Append(myField[columnName], (ADOX.DataTypeEnum)myField["ProviderType"], (int)myField["ColumnSize"]);
table.Keys.Append((object)priKey, KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary);
But when I set the Properties for the columns I got an Exception
internal override void SetColumnProperties(ADOX.Column columne, DbInfo dbInfo)
columne.Properties["Autoincrement"].Value = dbInfo.Field_prop["Autoincrement"];
columne.Properties["Default"].Value = dbInfo.Field_prop["Default"];
columne.Properties["Nullable"].Value = dbInfo.Field_prop["Nullable"];
My Program works well for Access DB, but I cannot set it for the DB on SQL Server
Exception (0x80040E21) Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
If I try this way
string query = "SELECT * FROM Forms";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using (SqlConnection sqlConn = Connection())
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlConn))
foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
col.AllowDBNull = true;
col.AutoIncrement = false;
it does not change the properties in the DB
The Problem is partially solved
columne.Properties["Autoincrement"].Value = (bool)dbInfo.Autoincrement;
because the dbInfo.Autoincrement was an object I have to write (bool) dbInfo.Autoincrement
Not solved is this
columne.Properties["Default"].Value = (string)dbInfo.Default_Value;
because the type of a value Default_Value can be 0, empty ("") or "-"...I don’t know what i can do in this case
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