I want to get into PAPI. I have Version on Debian GNU/Linux. papi_avail just tells me that no hardware events are available: $ papi_avail Available events and hardware information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPI Version : Vendor string and code : GenuineIntel (1) Model string and code : Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-5010U [...] read more
We have a pretty basic pub/sub application, where clients register to sessions and get updates that concern them (depending on user's group or status for example) from other participants. Notifications about updates are sent using SignalR, which runs on Azure Mobile Services standard instance. Each user is in two SignalR [...] read more
I bought the pre-order version of Forza Motorsport 7 in September. During installation of the pre-order, an error occurred which left the installation mostly installed. Forza Motorsport is delivered via the Windows Store, and is distributed via the Appx App Packager. Now that Forza Motorsport 7 has "gone gold", I'd [...] read more
I got two Windows UWP Apps. One of them (the "server") is running on a Raspberry Pi 2 on Windows IoT (10586.0). The other (the "client") is running on any Windows 10 device within the same network. What I want is to get the apps to "talk" to each other. [...] read more
I'm pairing with a BLE device and querying all it's services & characteristics in a small test console program Every now and then I get this error during the query process: Scanning for BLE Devices with service 00008000-0000-1000-8000-0012345678 Finding nearest device Connecting to MAC CC12345678CF Pairing... Waiting for DevicePairingResult result... [...] read more
My situation: I'm logging into my app. After the login, chats will be loaded (it's a chat app). I'm trying to use DataWriter.StoreAsync, but it will always throw this exception: > A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: > 0x8000000E) I've read a lot about async [...] read more
I am running a simple ootb new Windows Phone 8.0 application in the emulator for Visual Studio 2013. I am using a Surface Pro, 1st generation, core i5, 4 GB RAM. Hyper V is installed, with no other virtualizing systems (like VirtualBox). Connecting via wireless. When I run the emulator [...] read more
The CaptureElement XAML control is a cool and easy technique to preview the camera on a device in your application's canvas without having to invoke the CameraCaptureUI dialog. enter image description here [https://i.stack.imgur.com/GyX84.jpg] But... adding more than one doesn't seem to work. Trying this: var _MediaCapture = new MediaCapture(); await [...] read more
I need to parse an array of 32 bit ints (little endian), from an array of u8s, however the next int only exists if the 31st bit of the current int is set. If the rest don't exist then the rest of the array should be set to zeroes. I'm [...] read more
I'm writing a USB device API for Windows Store Apps that uses Windows.Devices.USB API from Windows 8.1 to connect and communicate with the custom USB device. I'm using the Visual Studio 2013 dev preview IDE. The following function in the library is used to connect to the USB device. (Simplified [...] read more
I want to create a file in the local folder, so I have written the following code: IAsyncOperation<StorageFile^>^ fileTask = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder->CreateFileAsync("example.dat"); But how should I handle the fileTask? I have tried to call the GetResults-method, but then I get following exception: Ausnahme ausgelöst bei 0x00007FFD211C7788 (KernelBase.dll) in Test.exe: 0x40080201: WinRT [...] read more
For my application (SpMV) I have more data cache misses (PAPI_L1_DCM) than total cache misses (PAPI_L1_TCM) in level 1 cache. How can that be? For Level 2 the values are ok. That is, what the PAPI counters offer: [PAPI_L1_ICM ][PAPI_L1_DCM ][PAPI_L1_TCM ][PAPI_L2_ICM ][PAPI_L2_DCM ][PAPI_L2_TCM ] 1256 3388225 1442386 1007 2389903 [...] read more
Trying to do unit testing using MSTest in VS2015 with the Microsoft Band nuGet package and running into the following error "Microsoft.Band.BandIOException: An error occurred while attempting to acquire the Bluetooth device service. This error can occur if the paired device is unreachable or has become unpaired from the current [...] read more
I'm developing a Windows phone 8 OS application which should connect to the Bluetooth device (by id/ name). I tried to use by PeerFinder.FindAllPeersAsync() to find all the active devices and I got the following error: A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000E). How can [...] read more
Im creating a method in C# in windows 8 application where I am reading data from XML file and storing it in an object and binding the object value into UI elements. I am using some asynchronous file read and write methods, Since I am calling this method inside main [...] read more
How do I connect to a Bluetooth LE device from a DLL I am using VS2015 to build a dll in a .net Framework project on a Windows 10 machine I will eventually call the dll from LabVIEW I can discover BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices by creating a deviceWatcher [...] read more
I'm developing an UWP app that calls a web service. For that I use a HttpClient object from Windows.Web.Http namespace and I pass a IHttpFilter object to its constructor. This filter is responsible for the authentication process. I based my solution following this link and the authentication logic is based [...] read more
I want to create method for get list of files in PictureFolder. I create this method: public Task<List<string>> GetImages() { var task = new Task<List<string>>(() => { var files = new List<string>(5); StorageFolder picturesFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary; IReadOnlyList<IStorageItem> itemsList = picturesFolder.GetItemsAsync().GetResults(); foreach(var item in itemsList) { if(item is StorageFile) { files.Add(item.Name); [...] read more
I'm using GetBasicPropertiesAsync() to calculate the available space on the phone (Windows Phone 8.1 RT application). The method works fine, but sometimes it throws an InvalidOperationException causing the application to crash. I get the following stacktrace: Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000E), [...] read more
I'm trying to use RAPI to monitor the performance of my Xeon Phi code. I just compiled and installed a native version of RAPI follwoing the documentation. And the following list is what I get when I execute "rapi_avail" on my Xeon Phi which shall display all available events. Surprisingly, [...] read more
I made a Background task for playing audio in my windows phone 8.1 app. But I want to access some local storage files, but there is some problem. I made following attempts Attempt 1: StorageFile contentFile = await localFolder.GetFileAsync(guid + "_rec_c.txt"); text = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(contentFile); Error: App execution stops and [...] read more
I have a Windows Store app that was running fine for the last 6 months with no exceptions and a 50 minutes average app usage for day (dashboard statistics). Bad ratings will ruin my 4.5 average rating and I need to solve this fast so I will give a bounty [...] read more
I am working on WinRT(Windows8 Release Preview). I have a web application(in fact, a simpler XMPP Client). I mainly use StreamSocket class to connect the Jabber Server. It gives me a good start.But I met a problem when i try to upgrade the already connected socket to use SSL. I [...] read more
I am running my UWP application like - powershell.exe -noprofile -Command iotstartup run MyApplication Sometimes I am getting error like ERROR: failed to activate(MyApplication!App): 0x8000000E What is the meaning of 0x8000000E error code? read more
So I have an ASUS FX503VD with a 1TB HDD + 128GB SSD. I have Ubuntu 18.04.3LTS dual-booted on it. But whenever I try to turn Ubuntu on, it would go to the Ubuntu screen(where the dots appear under Ubuntu), and then my laptop would switch off. Sometimes it would [...] read more
Getting below error, > System.InvalidOperationException: 'A method was called at an unexpected time. > (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000E)' for below code, ... for (int retry = 0; retry <= retryCount; retry++) { if (await RequestPairDeviceAsync(_targetDeviceInformation.Pairing)) // excetion happend here { break; } } ... private static async Task<bool> RequestPairDeviceAsync(DeviceInformationPairing pairing) [...] read more
Im trying to create a second window on UWP, but nothing works out for me. Unfortunately, I`m not well in UWP and there are few guides for C++/CX. My IFrameworkViewSource: IFrameworkView^ ApplicationSource::CreateView() { return ref new test(); } maximally simple implementation of IFrameworkView: test::test() { } void test::Initialize(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView) { [...] read more
I'm starting out with the newer UWP based application development. While writing an http request client, I noticed that most of my requests needed the Authorization header present. Hence, I implemented/copied the sample plugin filter provided in the MSDN docs. Now, I have 2 methods in my base http client [...] read more
I got an issue as part of remote websocket server accessing ('ws://') from UWP app. DataWriter StoreAsync() throws exception . A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000E) please refer the below sample code (client): private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Connect("ws://").Wait(); } public [...] read more
I am trying to use DES encryption/decryption on Google chrome. In my folder I have three files. 1. tripledes.js 2. mode-ecb.js 3. CryptoJS-DES.html The scripts in my html file is defined as follows :- <script type="text/javascript" src="tripledes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="mode-ecb.js"></script> and another script file which is :- function encryptByDES(message, key) [...] read more
I tried to modify the code from Windows universal samples for BLE Advertisement and got the System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: private async void OnAdvertisementReceived(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs eventArgs) { if (!connected) { StorageFolder storageFolder = KnownFolders.DocumentsLibrary; commandFile = await storageFolder.CreateFileAsync("command_to.txt", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); resultFile = await storageFolder.CreateFileAsync("result_from.txt", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); BasicProperties fileProperties = await commandFile.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); //Here I get [...] read more
First I want to say that I'm sorry if this is a bad question. I had a question about this issue earlier this morning and could fix some issues, but I'm still getting a deadlock and I'm struggling with this the whole morning. I'm trying to request chats from a [...] read more
Hey, I have a Problem with the Windows 10 UWP API. I'm developing a Windows 10 UWP App and need to connect to a Chromecast. I'm using SharpCaster for this. But when I open a connection to a Chromecast and close it again later on, it is not possible to [...] read more
It is scarcely exaggerating to say that I see more of these when my app runs: Exception:Thrown: "A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000E)" (System.InvalidOperationException) A System.InvalidOperationException was thrown: "A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000000E)" Time: 10/17/2014 9:18:21 PM [...] read more
In my metro application, I am creating some parallel background downloads using BackgroundDownloader^ downloader = ref new BackgroundDownloader(); Very often, I get an exception at this point which says: > First-chance exception at 0x75424B32 in WWAHost.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: > Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x03C5E470. HRESULT:0x8000000E A > method [...] read more
My Windows 8 app allows sharing on 1 page (the high scores page) which worked fine but since the sharing code was only on the high scores page the app said "This app can't share." when the user tried to share on a page other than the high scores page. [...] read more
In my windows 8 application, after switching to "snapped state", whenever I invoke Camera capture event it shows following error: > A method was called at an unexpected time. (Exception from HRESULT: > 0x8000000E). Does it mean the camera does not work in snapped state, or I am missing something? [...] read more
I want to program a search contract in my windows 8 app. basically everythings just works as it should, except the suggestion list. Always when i enter the function, where i should add my suggestions i get the runtime error 0x8000000e I just copy pasted the code from the examples, [...] read more