This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
I'm developing a WPF application. When debugging, the logic reaches a certain point, then the application quits for no reason. VS debugger catches nothing and the only indication of a problem is the following in the output window: > The program '[6228] SomeApp.vshost.exe: Managed (v4.0.30319)' has exited with > code [...] read more
I have a large application that recently started exhibiting rather strange behavior when running in a debugger. First, the basics: OS: Windows 7 64-bit. Application: Multithreaded VCL app with many dlls, bpls, and other components. Compiler/IDE: Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010. The observed symptom is this: While the debugger is attached [...] read more
I have this simple code: private void buttonOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { textBox2.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName; } } When I run program form doesn't show and exit of debugging mode. > In output view writes:The program '[4244] openfiledialog.vshost.exe: Managed > (v4.0.30319)' has exited with code 1073741855 [...] read more
I am trying to use gdb to debug mingw-w64 compiled 32 bit binary. However, gdb gives many warning and does not show any stack trace. How can i debug this process normally ? Here are some relevant details : * This GDB was configured as "x86_64-pc-cygwin". * GNU gdb (GDB) [...] read more
I have a DLL that is written in C++ that includes exported function that has a function pointers to be used as callback function. // C++ DllExport unsigned int DllFunctionPointer( unsigned int i, unsigned int (*TimesThree)( unsigned int number ) ) { return TimesThree( i ) ; } I have [...] read more
Here is the tool stack: Installed on Windows 7 (x64) is Eclipse (Juno x64) with CDT and the SConsolidator plugin. Underneath is the TDM-GCC (x64) bundle installed with 64-bit support. If I build a 64-bit application and debug it using Eclipse (which uses gdb bundled with GCC), it builds without [...] read more
After debugging a multithreaded application, I have error of the system library 'ntdll.dll'. Error code is 0x4000001f (STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT). Error occurs on a case by case, and only when debugging via the Delphi IDE. I use Delphi 2010 on Win7 x64. In what may be problem? Thanks. read more
I downloaded LibVLC.NET and I have libvlc.dll v2.2.0.0. When I run the Tutorial.exe at my side LibVLCLibrary.Load() causes the app to crash. Looking into it, I found the crash is occurs in libVlcLibrary.cs in line string version = m_libvlc_get_version(); causes the crash. Did anyone face this issue? Note: I found [...] read more
I am trying to write a simple debugger on Windows to debug 32-bit applications, my machine is 64-bits. I am using C language. When I add breakpoint (0xCC) at the specified address, I expect to get EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT value in debugEvent.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode However I get STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT(0x4000001F) instead. MSDN website define it as [...] read more
I have a WPF C# application targeting version 4.5 of the .Net framework. My application is calling an un-managed DLL, all but one method is working fine. When I call the problem method my process exits without raising any exceptions, the exit code is: 1073741855 (0x4000001f) I've read about the [...] read more
I’m trying to access a non SL assembly in my SL application. I have wrap the non SL assembly in COM wrapper using “Register for COM introp”. Internally this assembly loaded another assembly using reflection and calls its method using Method.Invoke. Application is getting crash when I call this COM [...] read more
I'm calling unmanaged dll in my web applicatrion and its works fine but if I run the web application in IIS its crashes when calling dll function. I cant catch the exception there its only ie error message "page cannot be displayed" and in event viewer there is an error: [...] read more
I've built a 32-bit application on C using gcc (tdm-64-1) on my x64 machine. I need to have a debugger, which is gdb. But the problem is it doesn't work with x32. Is there any way to make it work? That's the gdb output when I try to debug it: [...] read more
I am having WPF app in which I am using Cefsharp.WPF - 73.1.130 package. In my app, I have one navigation panel on the right side which launched ng-app using the Chromium controller. After occurring one event at my WPF side, I am Expanding my panel, after expanding it launches [...] read more
I want to use the GDB debugger provided with the 64-bit version of MinGW-w64 (x86_64-w64-mingw32) to debug 32-bit targets created using the 32-bit version of MinGW-w64 (x86_64-w64-mingw32). According to Debug 32 bit application with gdb in 64 bit environment , this is entirely possible. I want to do this as [...] read more
I am trying to debug this code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int firstNumber, secondNumber, sumOfTwoNumbers; printf("Enter two integers: "); // Two integers entered by user is stored using scanf() function scanf("%d %d", &firstNumber, &secondNumber); // sum of two numbers in stored in variable sumOfTwoNumbers sumOfTwoNumbers = firstNumber + secondNumber; [...] read more
The application exits with: > The program '[12868] AppName.vshost.exe' has exited with code 1073741855 > (0x4000001f). Below Code: Call Export() twice after each other: crash with above logging Call the contents of Export() inside Export() twice (the inner scope), and it doesn't crash. This is reproducible, I have no idea [...] read more
Dears. I have simple Delphi DLL like this function GetConnection: PChar; stdcall; export; begin Result:= 'connection name is ....'; end; exports GetConnection; and I am trying from C# as the folowing> using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class Program { [DllImport("C:/Program Files (x86)/Borland/Delphi7/Projects/Project2.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static [...] read more
A parent form starts a child form that embeds the Chromium Embedded Framework through CEFSharp. The user has the ability to close the child form. The user can restart the child form. When that happens the application terminates. if (debugForm == null || debugForm.IsDisposed) { if (debugForm != null && [...] read more
The riddle I am going to present to you just blowing my mind. There is a project written on Qt 4.8.2, compiled by MSVC 2010 compiler, 32-bit application. It uses lapack linear algebra library and also some networking to download and present Google maps to the user. I'm not the [...] read more
I am trying to create an app using the SecuGen FDX SDK on Qt. I am hving issues capturing an image from the reader. I can access all the functions in the dll without problem, except form the ones involving capturing an image. When I debug the code under Qt [...] read more