System error after debugging multithreaded applications


After debugging a multithreaded application, I have error of the system library 'ntdll.dll'. Error code is 0x4000001f (STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT). Error occurs on a case by case, and only when debugging via the Delphi IDE. I use Delphi 2010 on Win7 x64. In what may be problem? Thanks.

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 28, 2011 by RzCoDer • edited Feb 28, 2011 by David Heffernan

1 Answer


I have witnessed this occur on only one computer, though we never did discover EXACTLY what caused it. The error occured with ANY multithreaded application attached to the debugger (no matter what the threads were doing). In the end we reformatted and reinstalled the machine, the problem disappeared. I'm not suggesting you SHOULD format and reinstall, but... if all else fails!

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 11, 2011 by LaKraven

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