This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
In C/C++ a switch statement can be lowered by the compiler to a jump table. I noticed a difference of placement of the jump table between ARM and x86. X86 For x86 (And x86_64) the jump table is often placed outside of the function (e.g. .rodata) 4005e0: 48 8b 45 [...] read more
I compiled very very simple assembly code with nasm and ld under Linux (CentOS6 32bit). nasm -f elf -o basic1.o basic1.asm ld -o basic1 basic1.o cat basic1.asm ;--------------------------------------- section .data msg db 'hello world', 10, 00 section .bss tests resd 100 segment .text global _start _start: And, I execute the [...] read more
A trivial class: public class TestClass : System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityCredentialsManager { } When compiled using csc against the MS CompactFramework v3.5 will result in a dll that fails to pass peverify, resulting in a "Type load failure". It appears to be an issue with inheriting from the SecurityCredentialsManager class which is part [...] read more
I'm creating an app with a tab layout consisting of three fragments. In one of these 3 Fragments I would like to have a ListView. And I would like to add ToSave objects to the ListView. I tried to add objects to the ListView from another Fragment using interface and [...] read more
Ok, first please don't ask why this application is the way it is. This is a classic ASP application which in several areas uses .Net and COM and some of that .Net also reaches into COM! It's all to do with code reuse really, at some point .Net was introduced [...] read more
I have a code in Delphi I using the it to get picture from my 2D Reader, I am using 'camlib.dll' to set parameter of the Image in the device the code: unit Test_Cam; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TByteArr = array [...] read more
I'm having a problem to add a bitmap image to a static control box, i got an unhandled exception when i run my program. Here's my code. FROM RC FILE : ID_ICON1 BITMAP "icon1.bmp" CPP FILE : HANDLE bIcon1; HWND hIcon; hIcon = CreateWindowEx(0, "Static", NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE|SS_BITMAP, 250, [...] read more
I am getting following error: "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'mat' was corrupted" after giving result in console. However, What I observed that, CreateMatrix function throws Access violation.. for larger matrix dimensions. For e.g. worked for 5x7 and did NOT work for 50 x 70. How [...] read more