I am getting following error:
"Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'mat' was corrupted" after giving result in console.
However, What I observed that, CreateMatrix function throws Access violation.. for larger matrix dimensions. For e.g. worked for 5x7 and did NOT work for 50 x 70. How ?
Program is just to create Matrix (initialize) and Set + print Matrix element.
Also, the caveat in problem is that I've been asked NOT to use anything like "Matrix* mat.." inside main(). Otherwise, solution is straight-forward.
I hope, you get my problem.
More detailed code:
struct Matrix
int width;
int height;
int* data;
typedef struct Matrix Matrix;
int main()
Matrix mat, *matP;
//1. Things that Works...
matP = CreateMatrix(&mat,700,500);
int val=GetValue(matP,500,600);
//2. Things that does NOT work... !!!
CreateMatrix(&mat,700,500); // this is C-style "Call-By-Reference" CreateMatrix2()
SetValue(&mat,500,600,-295); // ERROR in this function, while setting matrix element
void SetValue(Matrix* mat,int row,int col,int value)
*(mat[(mat->width*(row-1)) + (col-1)].data) = value;// <------ ERROR here
// Unhandled exception at... Access violation writing location 0x000001f4
Matrix * CreateMatrix(Matrix *mat,int width,int height)
// mat = (Matrix*)malloc(width*height*(sizeof(Matrix))); // As told by Salgar
mat->height = height;
mat->width = width;
for(int i=0; i < height; i++ )
for(int j=0; j < width; j++ )
mat[width*i + j].width = width;
mat[width*i + j].height = height;
mat[width*i + j].data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
When you assign to mat
on this line:
mat = (Matrix*)malloc(width*height*(sizeof(Matrix)));
It is changing the Locally scoped copy of mat
And hence nothing is happening to the mat you have declared on the stack in the calling function.
You need to pass a pointer to a pointer and not declare one on the stack, as you can't overwrite that with something you're declaring on the heap.
Matrix* mat;
Matrix * CreateMatrix(Matrix **mat,int width,int height)
*mat = malloc(etc)
You need to reference it correctly,
Instead of:
(mat[(mat->width(row-1)) + (col-1)].data) = value;// <------ ERROR here
mat->data[(mat->width*(row-1)) + (col-1)] = value;// <------ NO ERROR here
Also, your CreateMatrix function is totally messed up
Matrix * CreateMatrix(Matrix *mat,int width,int height) { // mat = (Matrix*)malloc(width*height*(sizeof(Matrix))); // As told by Salgar mat->height = height; mat->width = width; for(int i=0; i < height; i++ ) { for(int j=0; j < width; j++ ) { mat[width*i + j].width = width; mat[width*i + j].height = height; mat[width*i + j].data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); } } }
Use something like this instead:
Matrix * CreateMatrix(Matrix *mat,int width,int height)
mat->height = height;
mat->width = width;
mat->data = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * height * width);
struct Matrix
int width;
int height;
int* data;
typedef struct Matrix Matrix;
int main()
Matrix mat, *matP;
//2. Things that does NOT work... !!!
CreateMatrix(&mat,700,500); // this is C-style "Call-By-Reference" CreateMatrix2()
SetValue(&mat,500,600,-295); // ERROR in this function, while setting matrix element
void SetValue(Matrix* mat,int row,int col,int value)
*(mat[(mat->width*(row-1)) + (col-1)].data) = value;// <------ ERROR here
// Unhandled exception at... Access violation writing location 0x000001f4
void CreateMatrix(Matrix *mat,int width,int height)
mat->height = height;
mat->width = width;
mat->data = (int*)malloc(width*height*sizeof(int));
If I understand the restriction you have is, not to use pointers in main function, So we declare a local variable and then pass its pointer, which gets the data pointer and width and height assigned to it.
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