This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
I am trying to upload some CLR code to an SQL Server 2016 (Developer edition) instance. Overall, the structure is like this: * One CLR UDF depends on assembly A * Another CLR UDF depends on assembly B * Both A and B depend on assembly C The target framework [...] read more
I have been trying all day to fix a segmentation fault that only occurs on one device. But from the beginning... #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "pthread.h" void* start_rtn(void* param); int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Hallo World\n"); pthread_t tid; int err = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, start_rtn, NULL); pthread_join(tid, [...] read more
I'm attempting to reverse engineer some software to gain a better understanding the lower-level workings of the OS. I want to replace the raw address dumps from objdump -d with the corresponding values from objdump -t, something that even the -Dslx option seems to miss. the output from objdump -t [...] read more
I need the bytes of a BIN file converted to a unsigned int, in this format (JavaScript): p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000000), 0x00000be9); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000004), 0x90909000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000008), 0x90909090); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000000c), 0x90909090); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000010), 0x0082b955); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000014), 0x8948c000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000018), 0x415741e5); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000001c), 0x41554156); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000020), 0x83485354); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000024), 0x320f18ec); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000028), 0x89d58949); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000002c), 0x64b948c0); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000030), 0x77737069); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000034), 0x49000000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000038), 0x4120e5c1); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000003c), 0x000200bc); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000040), [...] read more
Hy everyone, I received a StackTraceData from Microsoft where I have a system.argumentexception: Frame Image Function Offset 0 system_windows_ni MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodEx 0x000000de 1 system_windows_ni MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodPack 0x00000218 2 system_windows_ni MS.Internal.XcpImports.UIElement_TransformToVisual 0x0000004c 3 microsoft_phone_ni Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Panorama.ReleaseMouseCaptureAtGestureOrigin 0x00000064 4 microsoft_phone_ni Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Panorama.OnManipulationCompleted 0x00000118 5 system_windows_ni MS.Internal.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler 0x000003ae 6 system_windows_ni MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent 0x00000334 In my app I have [...] read more
Being new to Python I've been attempting to come up with the code to build a multidimensional dict/array. The input data consists of csv fields with the first line denoted by the '<' character. I need to key on "target" and "product" fields: 0: rev, 1: target name, 2: product [...] read more
I have a weird situation. My game is definitely being built with debugging information, and I can merrily hit breakpoints and step through code, and look at data. No settings are unusual. I have ruled out multithreading as a problem. When I have an actual bug, and a legitimate crash, [...] read more
I'm trying to learn Y86, so I made a very simple program. It has an array of three long integers, and each block is filled by asking the user for an input through rdint. The compiled(?) program asks for three inputs, but is not able to print them out. Code: [...] read more
I developed one application, recently I launched it in the apple store. When I download the application from the itunes and launch it, it crashes at the point it retrieving the data from the web service. It works absolutely fine if I install it from the sdk. Please let me [...] read more
I am trying to learn C programming, but I got stuck when I was trying to pass an uninitialized pointer of structure to the function. This is my structure: typedef struct { char name[30]; char surname[30]; char gender; char DOB[10]; int waist; int hip; }healthcare_table; my main int main() { [...] read more