Repair error 0xc0000225 without a Windows 8.1 recovery disk


When I start my laptop I have a blue screen with the error code 0xc0000225 with the message:

A required device isn't working or can't be accessed 

Then if I press F8 to get to Startup Settings the error message changes to:

The application or operating system couldn't be loaded because a required file is missing or contains errors:
File: Windows\system32\winload.efi. 

I would like to repair this but the help I found on the Internet implied the use of Windows 8 recovery disk, something I don't have.

Is there a way to repair this?

What could cause this problem knowing that the hard drive is still working (or at least working well enough for me to boot on Linux and recover some data)?

Here is the exact problem I got : except I don't have a recovery disk (shame on me for not having done that but what's to be done?)

asked on Super User Apr 9, 2015 by Oswaldo • edited Apr 10, 2017 by karel

1 Answer


Microsoft offers free recovery/installation ISOs.

Here's a brief tutorial in getting and creating a bootable recovery disc:

If you have access to another Windows 8 Machine, you can do this:

Create a Recovery Disc:

  • Press and hold Windows Key + R
  • Type recdisc
  • Follow prompts to burn a recovery disc to CD

Alternatively to recdisc you can type recoverydrive to duplicate or transfer an existing recovery partition to external storage. Which all Windows 8 systems have by default (except various tablets) This method can require anywhere from 8GB-64GB+ depending on your system.

If/When you get your system bootable again, the recoverydrive will help you in avoiding something like this in the future.

Once you finally boot to the recovery disc I recommend trying the following startup repairs.

answered on Super User Apr 9, 2015 by BiTinerary • edited Dec 30, 2016 by Exikle

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