Microsoft office automation error


I am receiving an error when i try to create an excel workbook through a vb6 application. the error is a Microsoft Software Installer error 0x80004023. i have read over a similar question on a different site and tried the solution but it did not solve the problem. this is the other question here.

i am wondering if i need to delete ALL the matching CSLID keys with the same code as the excel application because there is more than one location where the key is for excel, or if i need to delete all the CSLID keys for all the applications. its just not explained well in the other question.

asked on Super User Jun 27, 2014 by NickHallick

1 Answer


What i did to fix this problem was to delete all the keys in the registry linked to excel applications (found in the link in the question). i then repaired office and restarted the computer which fixed the problem and allowed me to create a workbook through visual basic.

answered on Super User Jun 27, 2014 by NickHallick

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