I have been having a bad experience with Windows recently. I am not sure what is the cause.
My Motherboard and Processor is brand new, while I have already switched HDDs to no avail. I have reformated and reinstalled Win 8 numerous times already, but I always have these sort of problems:
Thing is, I am able to run Linux smoothly.
What could be the cause?
Speccy: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/HPNKFWpkFOggITTtcTiFusj
EDIT - I cant give any more details about the BSOD because it doesnt boot anymore. However, these are the previous logs
Few things to attempt that I can think of.
Make sure there are no external devices attached (even USB keyboards etc) if it boots then plug them in and make sure all drivers are up to date.
Go to your bios screen and ensure all your drives are set up as SATA
Drivers drivers drivers (boot in safe mode if that works), since it runs Linux fine software is the likely culprit...pull everything down and work from the BIOS out. Bios, processor, Mobo, GPU.
Hope one of these works.
I suggest checking out the following tool
It will give you additional info regarding the cause of your bsod.
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