For example it starts SpeedFan without any problem, and with same settings, or even in the same Task, if I add for example other .exe software like FTP server software Gene6 FTP Server it simply doesn't start for any reason and nothing happens and it has to be started manually by mouse-clicking on .exe each time computer is booted up.
On Last Run Result column it says 0x800702E4. And it gives various 0x results for various programs that don't run.
The error 0x800702E4 means ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED.
C:\Users\André>err 0x800702E4
# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_WIN32 (0x7), Code 0x2e4
# for hex 0x2e4 / decimal 740
# The requested operation requires elevation.
# 1 matches found for "0x800702E4"
You must configure your task to be run with highest privileges.
In addition to running at highest privileges, I had to switch the "Configure For" option to be Windows Server 2016.
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