Installing .NET 4 on an updated Windows XP machine (sometimes?) results in breaking Windows Update. When .NET 4 is installed, Windows Update consistently fails with error code 0x8024402F. Removal of the .NET 4 installation returns Windows update to work.
Is it possible to have Windows Update working with .NET 4 installed on Windows XP?
UPDATE:It started working, and I have no idea why. Something on this page might be the solution but I can't be sure because I tried to reboot and update after every proposed solution and it want's working. If you have the same problem and find what fixes it please share.
Googleing this error results in a connectivity issue found here. Not sure if this is what you're looking for but there is a fix it button downloaded provided by Microsoft worth checking out.
This is not something I've ever ran into honestly so it may be just a glitch or a bug from an improper install or corrupt file that is necessary to validate the install.
Try this:
Install the update and reboot
go to services and disable windows update
delete C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution
turn "windows update" back on
Run windows update
I had success solving this issue on an XP machine by ensuring that the regional and time settings where correct
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