BSOD error 0xc0000001 after setup of Windows 8


I recently set up Windows 8. The installation was successful but after restart I got a BSOD with error 0xc0000001.

A suggested solution is using the 'recovery options', but since I just set up Windows there's nothing to recover.

What can I do?

I don't have backup of my previous Windows 7.

asked on Super User Jul 2, 2013 by golondrino • edited Jul 2, 2013 by Scott

1 Answer


It sounds like there is a problem with a driver. You can reboot the computer and press 'SHIFT+F8' in order to enter the recovery mode. From there you can have Windows 8 attempt to solve the problem automagically bu going to: Troubleshoot\Advanced\Windows Startup Settings\

From there you can select the reboot option and Windows 8 will attempt to solve the problem. If all goes well you should boot into the system without the error.

answered on Super User Jul 4, 2013 by Atari911

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