Diagnosing boot performance on Win7


I am trying to diagnose the problems I've been having with boot-up on my machine. The system drive is an SSD, so it should be fairly quick. However there is one moment, right after the "Welcome" wheel where I get the mouse and a black screen for a very long time.

Now you can find the boot logs here: (BootCKCL.etl file, opens with windows performance toolkit)

I did several boot-ups and the results are always the same. In this particular one at about the 0:36 sec mark you'll notice this wide gap where nothing happens for about a minute.

It also doesn't seem to be related to any of the processes prior to the gap(tried to disable those). I have no idea what the bottleneck is and don't even know where to start.

P.S. I also tried the suggestion from one of the other threads here. There was a suggestion to run

xperf -start perf!GeneralProfiles.InBuffer && timeout -1 && xperf -stop perf!GeneralProfiles.InBuffer myTrace.etl

But that gave me an error message:

xperf: error: Failed to start profile: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. (0x800700b7).

Which I couldn't figure out how to fix.

asked on Super User May 12, 2013 by martixy

1 Answer


Your boot is slow because of a long WinLogonInit phase:

enter image description here

When looking into the Generic Events of the WinLogonInit phase I saw that reconnecting the network drives takes most time:

enter image description here

So disable the network drives and reconnect them via

net use <driveletter>: \\Server\Share /persistent:no

on demand when you really need the network drives.

answered on Super User May 14, 2013 by magicandre1981

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