Reboot loop after Windows XP Service Pack 3 update


Recently I upgraded to Service Pack 3, and now it seems that something has gone terribly wrong with the update.

After logging in, my computer will blue screen after about 5 minutes and then go into a reboot loop (I don't have the exact error message handy).

I have a Sager NP2092 notebook, running an Intel chipset.

I'd rather avoid having to reformat my XP, especially with my copy of Windows 7 arriving right around the corner.

After doing some Googling, I came across this article: Does your AMD-based computer boot after installing XP SP3?

However, it deals with the AMD chips, and specifically states not to use its fix on Intel based systems.

EDIT After killing the reboot, this is the error that pops up:

STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x8A187118, 0x8A18728C, 0x80604438)

EDIT2 I have run Memtest86, and it reported 0 errors.

asked on Super User Oct 19, 2009 by the_e • edited Apr 11, 2010 by quack quixote

4 Answers


See this article about Stop: 0x000000F4, where the Stop parameters seem to be similar to yours.

Since restoring to a previous restore-point didn't fix the problem, I would go out on a limb and guess that a hardware problem just happened by coincidence just after the SP3 installation. This might of course be a bit far-fetched, but is worth checking.

See the above thread for the solutions found. For some people this was as simple as replacing the CMOS battery.

answered on Super User Oct 20, 2009 by harrymc

Well, as much as I hated to do this...I ran out of options and needed my computer back. I installed Windows 7 RC and will have to migrate to the released version when it comes out soon.

Thanks for all your answers, but unfortunately none were able to rectify my specific situation.

answered on Super User Oct 20, 2009 by the_e

There is an issue between xp sp3 and some amd processors that will cause a cyclic reboot. This is caused by an uneeded intel driver that must be remvoed from teh registry. Search google if your stil linterested in resolutions.

answered on Super User Feb 26, 2010 by (unknown user)

if asked personally i have heard rumors that the sp 3 has many bugs so its no good to upgrade from sp2

About the problem i request u to never upgrade any windows from patches as even i have faced the same with Vista & Xp Proffessional If u need to upgrade your desktop it is advisible to get an os of that version rather than just that upgrade patch.

I dont know about mac but what i have seen is that lpptops come with a customised O.S. so it is advisible not to do any thing with the laptops...........

answered on Super User Oct 19, 2009 by WARICK

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