Error Code 0x0000005D while installing Windows 8


My friend was installing Windows 8 to our network lab's computers. During the installation, this error message appeared:

Your PC needs to restart
Please hold down the power button
Error Code 0x0000005D

What should he do to solve this problem?

Settings 1Settings 2Settings 3VB Stuck at thisError

asked on Super User Jan 16, 2013 by mohammad amin.MR • edited Apr 20, 2014 by Hunter

4 Answers


This message means the CPU doesn't support the required CPU features like SSE2, PAE and NX-Bit.

Check this for more details:

PAE/NX/SSE2 Support Requirement Guide for Windows 8

answered on Super User Jan 16, 2013 by magicandre1981

In those two machines, someone probably disabled NX. Go into the BIOS settings and see if you can enable it and retry the installation. It may be called something like "processor security", "execution prevention", "DEP" or similar. Windows 8 will not install on a machine without this enabled:

answered on Super User Jan 17, 2013 by K.A.Monica

The previous answers are helpful. However, there are some important details regarding Error Code 0x0000005D that seem to be not well-documented.

  • Most documentation indicates that this error is associated with installing Windows 8. However, this error seems to occur because of new requirements in Win8 PE. It could occur if you were installing Windows 7 from a build that was created using MDT 2012. I realize that you can hack the MDT 2012 script to use Win7 PE instead of Win8 PE but this isn't recommended. I have also read threads pertaining to this error and SCCM.
  • Some Pentium 4s and other really old hardware (about the time XP SP2 was released) predate this particular security feature and therefore no BIOS settings can be modified in order to make Win8 setup work. For this older hardware, you should continue install Windows 7 using a build created with MDT 2010.

The following document contains additional relevant details:

answered on Super User Sep 5, 2013 by user196783

For those using VirtualBox you need to manually run the following command:

"c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" setextradata "VM Name" VBoxInternal/CPUM/CMPXCHG16B 1


answered on Super User Oct 5, 2014 by jezzaman19

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