Recovery disk Windows 8 HP Pavilion g6


I recently purchased a HP Pavilion g6 laptop running Windows 8. I want to either obtain the Windows 8 ISO or make some kind of recovery disk that would allow me to restore the system if things go wrong.

The HP Pavilion comes with the 'HP Recovery Manager' which I thought may do the job, but on running it and putting in a DVD-R as requested it seems to just hang for a number of hours without doing a thing (the disk sounds like it's spinning for a few minutes but then goes silent).

I then tried 'recdisc.exe' but I get the error

System Repair could not be created
The device reported unexpected or invalid data for a command. (0xC0AA02FF)

Next I obtained my Windows 8 product key using the software ProduKey thinking this would allow me to go to the Microsoft website and download the Windows 8 ISO, but as far as I can tell all that is available is the upgrade which can be used if one is running something like Windows 7.

Can anyone advise?

EDIT: after a reboot recdisc.exe did work; I think the problem was due to some Windows updates needing a reboot, but never the less I would like a full Windows 8 ISO if possible.

asked on Super User Jan 12, 2013 by fpghost • edited Jan 12, 2013 by fpghost

2 Answers


I faced the same problem. In my case the reason was that Windows 8 does not have built in CD/DVD burning software. Well, some operations can be performed but some functions are missing. For example, there is no 'erase disc' option for DVD drive in the context menu of Windows 8 file explorer. This option presented however in Windows 7. So, I simply installed free CD/DVD burning software InfraRecorder and the problem was solved. I mean that after this procedure Windows 8 created recovery disk without any error messages. I also suspect that any other CD/DVD burning software would solve the problem, but I didn't check it. Good luck!

answered on Super User Apr 21, 2013 by vesy • edited Apr 21, 2013 by Simon

Call Up Hp support and tell them the Problem and ask them to send you windows 8 OEM DVD

I Have a Dell laptop and the Same thing was happening with me when i called them up and told about the problem they shipped me a OEM DVD.

answered on Super User May 23, 2013 by user201148

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