Windows 8 64bit on Virtualbox installation freezes, throws error


Possible Duplicate:
Which virtual machine software is preferable for running Windows 8 Developer Preview?

I am having troubles with installing Windows 8 on Virtualbox - I installed it once, but had to remove it and now I am trying again. However this time it freezes on

Expanding Windows Files 99%

I have tried all options, but to no avail. I have installed other VM's, like Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise, etc.

After a lot of waiting the installation finishes with an error


I saw this error the second time I installed Windows 2008; however i just tried one more time and everything completed successfully. With Windows 8 I tried 5 or 6 times and it is always the same.

I restarted my computer, repaired and reinstalled Virtualbox, tried playing with the options of the VM (not just randomly, I followed a tutorial), I burnt a new disk and tried directly with the iso - always the same problem and I am still not able to install it.

asked on Super User May 22, 2012 by Unknown • edited Mar 20, 2017 by Community

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