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How to fix UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME (0x000000ED) on my Windows XP DELL laptop?
How do I fix “Unmountable Boot Volume”?
I have my computer partitioned into 2 separate partitions. One for Vista and the other for Windows 7. This has never been a problem before. I have only used Windows 7 for a long time now and because I run various things on this desktop I have it running 24/7 and I give it a break every few days or so.
It was running fine when I turned it off for an hour or so then when I turned it back on I got a bunch of errors and nothing would respond on my desktop after logging on. I had to hard reboot it. After I restarted my computer would get stuck at the loading screen. I tried safe mode, it froze, I tried Repair Computer, it froze.
I tried the vista partition and I got blue screened with the following error. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME
Nothing works. Can someone please tell me what happened and possible solutions?
You can make or download system repair discs which will let you do basic repairs from a windows 7 system.
In this sort of situation, i'd start by booting up a linux livecd (i use some ubuntu varient, usually xubuntu) and
By this point you should
Do not assume that a HDD is bad, just because you see a blue screen.
Without making any assumptions, let's diagnose whether the possible causes exist:
Check if the disk is still properly working, check SMART table and do an error scan. Back-up if not...
Try to run chkdsk /r
on the partition(s) and check if the I/O cables are connected properly.
Do a memory test, ensure that there are no errors or else replace it.
As a last resort, back-up your data then do a format and reinstall...
Try an installation medium and hit SHIFT+F10, an alternative could be Hiren's Boot CD with which you can do all of the above steps as they are all provided by Hiren's Boot CD...
If you boot from another disc, while having this drive in the system - it might be accessible, it might not. What I would recommend doing is getting a bootable linux system - check out debian live. You can install it on an USB pendrive and boot from it. Once inside, you would need a pair of tools like smartmontools (smartctl) and ntfs-3g. The first one will give you an overview of the drives SMART data, that is a good indicator of its health, while the second one will enable you to mount your NTFS partition. As suggested by Tom - you will need a chkdsk /F /R run over the drive/filesystem before mounting. All of this assumes some basic Linux literacy.
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