cygwin file command not detecting mpg?


I have noticed that the file command in linux, is detecting this mpg as data?

it detects flv ok but this mpg file it doesn't..

i'd like to be able to detect mpg files.

I found the part of the magic file for MPEG..

#                       MPEG file
# MPEG sequences
# FIXME: This section is from the old magic.mime file and needs integrating with the rest
0       belong             0x000001BA
>4      byte               &0x40
!:mime  video/mp2p
>4      byte               ^0x40
!:mime  video/mpeg
0       belong             0x000001BB
!:mime  video/mpeg
0       belong             0x000001B0
!:mime  video/mp4v-es
0       belong             0x000001B5
!:mime  video/mp4v-es
0       belong             0x000001B3
!:mime  video/mpv
0       belong&0xFF5FFF1F  0x47400010
!:mime  video/mp2t
0       belong             0x00000001
>4      byte&0x1F      0x07
!:mime  video/h264

and the file

$ xxd -p brakeup.mpg | head -n 1

$ od -x brakeup.mpg | head -n 2
0000000 0000 ba01 0021 0001 8001 3b0e 0000 bb01
0000020 0c00 0e80 073b ffe1 c0c0 e020 2ee0 0000
asked on Super User May 7, 2011 by barlop • edited May 8, 2011 by barlop

1 Answer


The file command uses a list of file definitions in a magic file (usually /usr/share/file/magic on linux systems, or /etc/magic on Unix).

Most of the entries in that file are just 'magic' numbers: the file command matches the first few bytes of a file against these entries to identify the file.

Try adding these definitions from this example magic file:

# animation:  file(1) magic for animation/movie formats
# animation formats
# MPEG, FLI, DL originally from (VaX#n8)
# FLC, SGI, Apple originally from Daniel Quinlan (

# MPEG animation format
0   belong      0x000001b3      MPEG video stream data
#>4 beshort&0xfff0  x           (%d x
#>5 beshort&0x0fff  x           %d)
0   belong      0x000001ba      MPEG system stream data

Your brakeup.mpg file begins with 00,00,01,ba so the file command should identify it as MPEG system data at least.

On Ubuntu-based linux distributions, the /usr/share/file/magic already has definitions that will identify that MPG file as:

brakeup.mpg: MPEG sequence, v1, system multiplex
answered on Super User May 8, 2011 by njd • edited May 8, 2011 by njd

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