not sure what i am missing here..
every website suggests creating this reg key:
as DWORD and setting its value to 0xFFFFFFFF
i've done this, but when i reboot, my NIC adapter still shows IPV6 enabled.
since i have 64bit version, i also tried setting this value as QWORD. what am i missing here?
Just because it's turned off in registry doesn't mean your check box on NIC will dissapear. It just means it's disabled. Just to be sure I usually do it in both places (in registry and NIC properties). For Windows 7 however doing it on NIC properties should be enough, but for Exchange 2010 (as a side note) it brings Windows Server to knees.
Couple of ways to disable IPv6 completely (just for answer completeness):
reg add hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip6\parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 255
and then reboot.Some helpful links:
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