I'm trying to install IE9, visit http://beautyoftheweb.com, download it and then says it's downloading prereqs.
After a minute, the installer says there's a problem and directs me to Prerequisites for installing Internet Explorer 9 Beta
I click on the x86 installers one by one... most say "already installed"..
But http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2120976/ says "The update is not applicable to your computer". Lame.
So I try the IE9 install and the go through the whole process again with the same result.
I discovered there's an IE9 install log at C:\Windows\IE9_main.log which logs the install process and reports an Error for 2120976
00:06.630: ERROR: Error installing
prerequisite file
0x80240017 (2149842967) 00:06.677:
INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread:
Successfully resumed Automatic
Updates. 00:12.090: INFO: Link
clicked, opening URL in new
00:12.106: INFO: Setup exit code:
0x00009C47 (40007) - Required updates
are missing from the system.are
missing from the system.
Any idea why KB2120976 is inapplicable to my LEGAL Windows 7 Ultimate system?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I never figured this out... And ended up building a new more modern machine with a modern graphics card. This new machine kix butt and doesn't have any issues running IE9 -- W00t!
Go here, this is the correct package
Since you are already installing beta software you can try installing beta of sp1 then ie9, thats what I did no issues.
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