I'm on a Dell XPS laptop (Windows 10 version 1909)
How can I get past this?
I think any service, like an third party antivirus or other software are interfering with the windows update process. You need to do a clean boot. Open Task manager > Startup tab, click Hide all Microsoft services and uncheck the startup services which you suspect. Now reboot and run update.
If it does not help, then reboot and open Command prompt as Administrator and tun sfc /scannow
and dism /online /cleanup-image /restoreHealth
. Then run for %%a in (wuaserv cryptSvc bits msiserver) do (net stop %%a) & takeown /f "%windir%\SoftwareDistribution" & icacls "%windir%\SoftwareDistribution" /grant Administrators:F & ren "%windir%\SoftwareDistribution" SoftwareDistribution.old & takeown /f "%windir%\catroot2" & icacls "%windir%\catroot2" /grant Administrators:F & ren "%windir%\catroot2" catroot2.old & for %%a in (wuaserv cryptSvc bits msiserver) do (net start %%a)
. Now restart and run the updates.
Hope that helps
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