How do you update curl on Windows 10?


I have an issue where I cannot develop on my Windows device because the curl that comes bundled with it produces

next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326)

How do I know Windows curl is to blame?

Because I tried the request in git bash using the curl that comes with it and it worked with no issues. Then I tried the same request in cmd and in Postman and it failed. This issue has effectively shut down my ability to test an android app that's being developed.

So ... How do you update curl for Windows?

Does it show up under apps? No.

This is on Windows 10, mind you, so there's a curl.exe in C:\Windows\System32.

Let's see ... can I put the curl.exe that comes with Git into the PATH variable?

Yes, I can, but it just gets ignored

Can I manually copy the curl.exe from Git to C:\Windows\System32?

Of course not. Administrators don't have the right to copy or rename or do anything with files therein, it seems, even after it's asked for permission.

Or alternatively, can I somehow make Android-Studio / its emulator use the "correct" curl.exe?

asked on Super User Mar 1, 2020 by User1291 • edited Aug 15, 2020 by Giacomo1968

1 Answer


Don't do that. Install curl in another folder and add it to the path before c:\windows\system32.

That way you will use the updated version without having to mess with the SO security.

answered on Super User Jul 29, 2020 by Bigous • edited Aug 15, 2020 by J. Scott Elblein

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