Installing OpenSSH Beta (Failed)


I am trying to enable openSSH client optional feature on windows 10. However, the installation fails with error code 0x800F0954, I also tried to enable windows developer mode but even that failed in my case.

There was a similar question here; however there is no definitive answer. So, I am posting again to see if anyone has similar experience and any potential solution for this.

enter image description here

asked on Super User Apr 19, 2019 by Moe

1 Answer


For people with similar issues, I amanged to update my windows to build 1809, however, the installation of OpenSSH faced same long time of process followed by a failure (Error code might have changed from 0x800F0954). I tried all the following ways to enable OpenSSH:

  • Add/Remove Feature of Windows Settings,
  • Running command OptionalFeatures.exe,
  • Using PowerSheel as outlined in microsoft document Installing OpenSSH for Windows 10 as shown below.

The methods above all suffered from same issue of taking long time and eventually failing.

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*'

# This should return the following output:
# Name  : OpenSSH.Client~~~~
# State : NotPresent
# Name  : OpenSSH.Server~~~~
# State : NotPresent

# Install the OpenSSH Client
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~

Finally, I stumbled on a tweak that resolves the issue for me and many other people, From microsoft github issues:

Run gpedit.msc (Group Policy) >> Computer Configuration >> Admin. Templates >> Windows Components >> Windows Update >> Specify intranet Microsoft update service location >> Disabled

Hope this helps people out there with similar experiences.

answered on Super User Apr 29, 2019 by Moe

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