Mac OS File Sharing and Windows Client (Robocopy, File Attributes)


I've a MAC mini which I use as file server (shared folder over SMB) and I've a Windows 10 client. From the Windows 10 client I want to use the robocopy command to create a backup of all my files.

The following command hangs (retries for several files, e.g.: a hidden file):

robocopy D:\Data \\MacServer\Backup /mir

This above command gives the following error for a hidden file:

ERROR 1359 (0x0000054F)

If I do not copy the file attributes it works:

robocopy D:\Data \\MacServer\Backup /mir / copy:DT /dcopy:DT

Why I'm not able to copy file attributes to the destination (the MAC mini share)?

asked on Super User Jan 16, 2019 by Wollmich • edited Jan 17, 2019 by Wollmich

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