Update 1709 to 1803.
Download success, preparations success, installation failure at ~73%
Error: SetupDiag reports down-level failure found.
Failure Data: Last Setup Phase = Downlevel
Last Setup Operation = Save boot entries for the old OS
Error = 0x80070005-0x5000FLogEntry: 2019-01-01 22:13:16, Error SP
CSetupPlatform::SuspendAndRelease: Error creating the Setup Platform key. Error: 0x80070005
These are relevant information:
antything else in setupact looks normal up to this entry.
It looks that my system split/migration from one SSD to a new SSD left an EFI partition on the source, now secondary disk (D). This disk contains all libraries like My Documents. Updates failed ever since I have added that drive. I have added an M.2 drive for all system files using a data migration tool by Samsung
I have already tried to
Need advice if remains of the EFI on the secondary disk indeed is the root-of-all-evil (as suggested in the resolution procedures for windows upgrade), and advice on follow up, i.e. how to check & "safely" remove this EFI partition from my secondary (D-)drive. My C-drive contains all windows system files. MS Technet, Dr Bing & Dr Google don't return anything useful. I need expert advice.
it's an access error after saving the boot entries.
I'd like to know where to look or to find out what this procedure is doing. Technet does not give me a conclusive answer
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