I have a little confusing problem.
I have two samba server running. The first one is an little NAS direct on my router and the secound one on my pi3. if i try to connect from my win10 workstation over LAN or WLAN to my router it works fine, but if i try to connect to the pi3 i get the 0x80004005 error.
At next i tried to connect over my laptop also with win10 as the OS on it. i tried both the LAN and WLAN Segments to connect to the NAS and pi3 and it works fine. i tried to connect also over an virtual machine on my workstation, also with an win 10 OS to both NAS and pi3 and it works. But that confuse me, because i thought thats an network card problem, but it isnt. it looks like its an problem on my win10 system, but i cant figure out which options i have to change. The standard options like firewall off, changing network to privat, deactivation ipv6, activating sharefolder view options were did without positiv resolutions. an tip would be cool. thx
So after I searched the whole web for some answers I got one, that changed the Errorcode from (0x80004005) to (0x80070035)
1.) Services -> TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (Set it to automatic and start the service)
2.) Explorer -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Shareing Center -> Change adapter settings -> Properties -> Properties of TCP ipv4 -> Advanced -> WINS -> Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP -> OK
3.) Regedit -> Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSLicensing -> Delete all entries (hardwareID and Store in my case) in it
After that I tried to connect again to my share, but it still doesn't work. But the Errorcode changed to 0x80070035 and so on I searched again and found the right answer.
1) gpedit.msc -> Computerkonfiguration\Administrative Vorlagen\Netzwerk\LanMan-Arbeitsstation -> and set the unsecure gastaccount activation to activ
That's it.
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